Réliabilitas (statistika): Béda antarrépisi

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m r2.7.3) (Robot: Mengubah en:Reliability (statistics) menjadi en:Reliability (psychometrics); kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-3:
Dina elmu [[experiment|percobaan]], '''reliabilitas''' nyaeta ukuran tes nu masih keneh angger sanggeus tes dipigawe sababaraha kali kana subyek nu sarua dina kaayan nu ampir sarua oge. Hij percobaan bisa diandelkeun lamun hasilna angger dina unggal ukuran, sarta teu bisa diandelkeun lamun hasilna beda.
== Estimasi ==
Reliabilitas bisa diestimasi ku sababaraha cara nu bisa dikelompokkeun kana dua tipe nyaeta: administrasi-tunggal jeung administrasi-multiple. Metoda administrasi-multiple merlukeun dua peniley dina administrasina. Dina metoda ''test-retest'', reliabiliti dianggap salaku ''[[Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient]]'' antara dua ukuran administrasi nu sarua. Dina metoda ''alternate forms'', reliabiliti diitung make ''Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient'' tina dua bentuk nu beda, ilaharna di-administrasi-keun babarengan. Metoda administrasi-tunggal kaasup ''split-half'' sarta ''internal consistency''. Metoda ''split-half'' ngawengku ukuran dua ''halves'' salaku bentuk alternatipna. Ieu estimasi "halves reliability" saterusna dilajuning lakukeun ku cara make ''[[Spearman-Brown prediction formula]]''. Ukuran internal nu ilahar dipake nyaeta [[Cronbach's alpha]], nu ilaharna dianggap salaku [[mean]] keur sakabeh koefisien ''split-half''.
Each of these estimation methods is sensitive to different sources of error and so might not be expected to be equal. Also, reliability is a property of the ''scores of a measure'' rather than the measure itself and are thus said to be ''sample dependent''. Reliability estimates from one sample might differ from those of a second sample (beyond what might be expected due to sampling variations) if the second sample is drawn from a different population because the true reliability is different in this second population. (This is true of measures of all types--yardsticks might measure houses well yet have poor reliability when used to measure the lengths of insects.)
Baris ka-29:
It was well-known to classical test theorists that measurement precision is not uniform across the scale of measurement. Tests tend to distinguish better for test-takers with moderate trait levels and worse among high- and low-scoring test-takers. [[Item response theory]] extends the concept of reliability from a single index to a function called the ''information function''. The IRT information function is the inverse of the conditional observed score standard error at any given test score. Higher levels of IRT information indicate higher precision and thus greater reliability.-->
== Baca ogé ==
* [[Akurasi]]
* [[Homogénitas]]
Baris ka-40:
* [[Variasi]]
== Tumbu kaluar ==
* [http://www.ericdigests.org/2002-2/reliability.htm Reliability]
* [http://www.uncertainty-in-engineering.net Uncertainty models, uncertainty quantification, and uncertainty processing in engineering]
Baris ka-48:
[[CategoryKategori:Panalungtikan pamasaran]]
[[CategoryKategori:Psikologi atikan]]
[[ca:Fiabilitat (psicometria)]]
[[en:Reliability (statisticspsychometrics)]]
[[es:Fiabilidad (psicometría)]]
[[eu:Fidagarritasun (estatistika)]]