Arsitéktur: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
[[Gambar:Parthenon.jpg|thumbnail|250px|Partenon na punclut Kota Akropolis, Aténa, Yunani]]
'''Arsitéktur''' ngarupakeun [[seni]] jeung [[élmu]] [[rarancang|ngarancang]] [[wangunan]]. Harti nu leuwih lega bisa ngawengku rarancang wangun lingkungan sagemblengna, tina tingkat makro [[town planning]], [[urban design]], jeung [[landscape architecture]] nepi ka tingkat mikro [[furniture]] jeung [[product design]]. Architecture, equally importantly, also refers to the product of such a design.
Dumasar kana tulisan munggaran nu aya kénéh ngeunaan ieu, ''De Architectura''-na [[Vitruvius]], wangunan nu hadé kudu mibanda Kaéndahan (Venustas), Weweg (Firmitas), tur Mangpaat (Utilitas); arsitéktur bisa disebutkeun salaku kasaimbangan jeung kasarasian tina tilu unsur ieu, bari teu silih éléhkeun. Harti modern nilik arsitéktur pikeun nyaluyukeun itung-itungan pungsi, kaéndahan (éstétik), jeung psikologis. Najan kitu, mun ditilik ti sisi séjén, pungsi sorangan geus dianggap ngawengku sakabéh patokan, kaasup kaéndahan jeung psikologis.
Baris ka-8:
[[Image:Colosseum-2003-07-09.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Colosseum, Roma, Itali]]
The importance of [[theory]] in informing [[practice]] cannot be overemphasised, though many architects shun theory. Vitruvius continues: "Practice and theory are its parents. Practice is the frequent and continued contemplation of the mode of executing any given work, or of the mere operation of the hands, for the conversion of the material in the best and readiest way. Theory is the result of that reasoning which demonstrates and explains that the material wrought has been so converted as to answer the end proposed. Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance. He who is theoretic as well as practical, is therefore doubly armed; able not only to prove the propriety of his design, but equally so to carry it into execution".
The difference between architecture and building is a subject matter that has engaged the attention of many. According to [[Nikolaus Pevsner]], [[Europe]]an historian of the early 20th century, "A bicycle shed is a building, [[Lincoln Cathedral]] is a piece of architecture". In current thinking, the division is not too clear. [[Bernard Rudofsky]]'s famous ''[[Architecture Without Architects]]'' consolidated a whole range of structures designed by ordinary people into the realm of architecture. The further back in history one goes, the greater is the consensus on what architecture is or is not, possibly because time is an efficient filter. If like Vitruvius we consider architecture as good building, then does it mean that bad architecture does not exist? To resolve this dilemma, especially with the increasing number of buildings in the world today, architecture can also be defined as what an architect does. This would then place the emphasis on the evolution of architecture and the architect.
Architecture first evolved out of the dynamics between needs (conducive environmental conditions, security, etc.) and means (available [[building material]]s and [[construction technology]]). Prehistoric and primitive architecture constitute this early stage. As humans progressed and knowledge began to be formalised through oral traditions and practices, architecture evolved into a [[craft]]. Here there is first a process of trial and error, and later improvisation or replication of a successful trial. The architect is not the sole important figure; he is merely part of a continuing tradition. What is termed as [[Vernacular architecture]] today falls under this mode and still continues to be produced in many parts of the world.
[[Image:Hampi1.JPG|thumb|Virupaksha Temple, Hampi, India]]
Baris ka-22:
With the consolidation of knowledge in scientific fields such as [[engineering]] and the rise of new materials and technology, the architect began to lose ground on the technical aspects of building. He therefore cornered for himself another playing field - that of [[aesthetics]]. There was the rise of the "gentleman architect" who usually dealt with wealthy clients and concentrated predominantly on visual qualities derived usually from historical prototypes. In the 19th century [[Ecole des Beaux Arts]] in [[France]], the training was toward producing quick sketch schemes involving beautiful drawings without much emphasis on context.
Meanwhile, the [[Industrial Revolution]] laid open the door for mass consumption and aesthetics started becoming a criterion even for the middle class as ornamented products, once within the province of expensive craftmanship, became cheaper under machine production. Such products lacked the beauty and honesty associated with the expression of the process in the product.
[[Image:taj_mahal.jpg|thumbnail|left|Taj Mahal, Agra, India]]
The dissatisfaction with such a general situation at the turn of the twentieth century gave rise to many new lines of thought that in architecture served as precursors to [[Modern Architecture]]. Notable among these is the [[Deutscher Werkbund]], formed in 1907 to produce better quality machine made objects. The rise of the profession of [[industrial design]] is usually placed here. Following this lead, the [[Bauhaus]] school, founded in [[Germany]] in 1919, consciously rejected [[history]] and looked at architecture as a synthesis of art, craft, and technology.
When Modern architecture first began to be practiced, it was an [[avant garde]] movement with moral, philosophical, and aesthetic underpinnings. Truth was sought by rejecting history and turning to function as the generator of form. Architects became prominent figures and were termed masters. Later modern architecture moved into the realm of mass production due to its simplicity and economy.
Baris ka-36:
The architectural profession responded to this partly by attempting a more populist architecture at the visual level, even if at the expense of sacrificing depth for shallowness, a direction called [[Postmodernism]]. [[Robert Venturi]]'s contention that a "decorated shed" (an ordinary building which is functionally designed inside and embellished on the outside) was better than a "duck" (a building in which the whole form and its function are considered together) gives an idea of this approach.
Another part of the profession, and also some non-architects, responded by going to what they considered the root of the problem. They felt that architecture was not a personal philosophical or aesthetic pursuit by individualists; rather it had to consider everyday needs of people and use technology to give a livable environment. The [[Design Methodology Movement]] involving people such as [[Chris Jones(design)|Chris Jones]], [[Christopher Alexander]] started searching for a more inclusive process of design in order to lead to a better product. Extensive studies on areas such as behavioural, environmental, and social sciences were done and started informing the design process.
As many other concerns began to be recognised and complexity of buildings began to increase in terms of aspects such as services, architecture started becoming more multi-disciplinary than ever. Architecture now required a team of professionals in its making, an architect being one among the many, sometimes the leader, sometimes not. This is the state of the profession today. However, individuality is still cherished and sought for in the design of buildings seen as cultural symbols - the museum or fine arts centre has become a showcase for new experiments in style: today [[Deconstructivism]], tomorrow maybe something else.
Buildings are the most visible productions of man ever. However, most of them are still designed by people themselves or masons as in developing countries, or through standardised production as in developed countries. The architect remains at the fringes of building production. The skills of the architect are sought only in complex building types or those seen as cultural and political symbols. And this is what the public perceives as architecture. The role of the architect, though changing, has not been central and never autonomous. There is always a dialogue between society and the architect. And what results from this dialogue can be termed architecture - as a product and as a discipline.-->
== Wangunan Sunda ==
{{mainutama|Wangunan Sunda}}
Tipologi (rupa wangunan), utamana ditoong di rupa suhunanana. Ieu kabéh dina modél aslina, panggung.
[[Gambar:Imah_RusdiImah Rusdi.jpg|thumb|250px|Salah sahiji bentuk wangunan imah tradisional Sunda, di-''scan'' tina buku carita ''[[Rusdi jeung Misnem]]''.]]
* '''Suhunan jolopong''': suhunan nu lempeng. Mun basa indonesia mah, atap pelana. Siga pelana kuda. Kaci ogé disebut regol.
* '''Jogo anjing''': upami hoyong terang rupana siga kumaha, pilari heula anjing, terus sina jogo. mun teu daékeun, olo. Tah, mun geus jogo, siga modél imah nu ieu, atawa tibalik, modél imah kieu, siga anjing keur jogo diténjo ti gigir. Suhunan hareup (nu siga bangus anjing) ngiuhan émpér imah.
Baris ka-101:
* []
Related [[adjective]]s are '''architectural''' and '''architectonic'''