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Baris ka-32:
'''Baktéri''' nyaéta golongan panglobana diantara [[organisme]]. Istilah baktéri ('''bacteria''') geus macem-macem dipaké keur sakabeh [[prokariot]] atawa kalolobaan golongannana, atawa disebut oge '''eubacteria''', gumantung kana pamikiran ngeunaan hubungannana. Di dieu, ''bacteria'' digunakeun hususna pikeun nunjuk kana ''eubacteria''. Golongan gedé baktéri sejenna nyaeta [[Archaea]]. Studi ngeunaan baktéri disebut ''[[wikt:baktériologi|baktériologi]]'', bagian tina [[mikrobiologi]].
Baktéri nyaéta mahluk anu kacida lobana diantara sakabeh organisme. Baktéri aya di mana-mana, dina [[taneuh]], [[cai]], jeung mangrupakeun pasangan [[simbiosis]] pikeun mahluk hirup sejenna. Loba [[patogén]] anu mangrupakeun baktéri. Kalolobaanna mibanda ukuran pangpanjangna ukur 0.5-5.0 [[1 E-6 m|μm]], sanajan baktéri gedé saperti ''[[Thiomargarita namibiensis]]'' jeung ''[[Epulopiscium fishelsoni]]'' bisa nambahan ukuran nepi ka 0.5  mm oge. Baktéri umumna miboga [[dinding sél]], saperti [[tutuwuhan]] jeung [[Sél(biologi)|sél]] [[fungi]], tapi ''dinding'' sél baktéri normalna dijieun tina [[peptidoglycan]] tur lain [[sélulose]] (saperti dina [[tutuwuhan]]) atawa [[sitin]] (saperti dina fungi), jeung henteu [[homologi (biologi)|homolog]] jeung ''dinding'' sél [[eukariot]]ik. Lolobana gerak migunakeun [[flagella]], anu béda strukturna dibandingkeun jeung flagella golongan séjén.
== Sajarah ==
Baris ka-39:
== Struktur Sél ==
[[Gambar:Prokaryote cell diagram.svg|thumb|320px|left|Struktur sél [[prokariot]]]]
{{Mainutama|Struktur Sél Baktéri}}
Minangka [[prokariot]] (organisme tanpa nukleus sél) sakabéh baktéri miboga struktur sél anu sederhana tanpa [[nukleus sél]] jeung [[organél]] saperti [[mitokondria]] jeung [[kloroplas]]. <!--Most bacteria are relatively small and possess distinctive cell and colony morphologies (shapes) as described below. The most important bacterial structural characteristic is the [[cell wall]]. Bacteria can be divided into two groups (Gram positive and Gram negative) based on differences in cell wall structure as revealed by [[Gram stain]]ing. Gram positive bacteria possess a cell wall containing a thick [[peptidoglycan]] (called Murein in older sources) layer and [[teichoic acid]]s while Gram negative bacteria have an outer, [[lipopolysaccharide]]-containing membrane and a thin [[peptidoglycan]] layer located in the periplasm (the region between the outer and cytoplasmic membranes). Many bacteria contain other extracellular structures such as [[flagella]] and [[fimbriae]] which are used for [[motility]] (movement), attachment, and [[conjugation]] respectively. Some bacteria also contain capsules or [[slime layer]]s that also facilitate bacterial attachment to surfaces and [[biofilm]] formation. Bacteria contain relatively few intracellular structures compared to [[eukaryote]]s but do contain a tightly supercoiled [[chromosome]], [[ribosome]]s, and several other species-specific structures such as intracellular membranes, nutrient storage structures, gas vesicles, and [[magnetosome]]s. Some bacteria are capable of forming [[endospore]]s which allows them to survive extreme environmental and chemical stresses. This property is restricted to specific Gram positive organisms such as ''[[Bacillus]]'' and ''[[Clostridium]]''.
Baris ka-73:
''Motile'' bacteria can move about, using [[flagellum|flagella]], [[bacterial gliding]], or changes of buoyancy. A unique group of bacteria, the [[spirochaete]]s, have structures similar to flagella, called [[axial filament]]s, between two membranes in the periplasmic space. They have a distinctive [[helix|helical]] body that twists about as it moves.
Baris 97 ⟶ 96:
In soil, microorganisms which reside in the [[rhizosphere]] (a zone that includes the root surface and the soil that adheres to the root after gentle shaking) help in the transformation of molecular dinitrogen gas as their source of nitrogen, converting it to nitrogenous compounds in a process known as [[nitrogen fixation]]. This serves to provide an easily absorbable form of nitrogen for many plants, which cannot fix nitrogen themselves. Many other bacteria are found as [[symbiont]]s [[Bacteria in the human body|in humans]] and other organisms. For example, the presence of the [[gut flora]] in the large intestine can help prevent the growth of potentially harmful microbes.
The ability of bacteria to degrade a variety of organic compounds is remarkable. Highly specialized groups of microorganisms play important roles in the [[mineralization]] of specific classes of organic compounds. For example, the decomposition of [[cellulose]], which is one of the most abundant constituents of plant tissues, is mainly brought about by aerobic bacteria that belong to the genus ''[[Cytophaga]]''. This ability has also been utilized by humans in industry, waste processing, and [[bioremediation]]. Bacteria capable of digesting the [[hydrocarbons]] in [[petroleum]] are often used to clean up [[oil spill]]s. Some beaches in [[Prince William Sound]] were fertilized in an attempt to facilitate the growth of such bacteria after the infamous 1989 [[Exxon Valdez oil spill]]. These efforts were effective on beaches that were not too thickly covered in oil.
Bacteria, often in combination with [[yeast]]s and [[mold]]s, are used in the preparation of [[fermentation|fermented]] foods such as [[cheese]], [[pickle]]s, [[soy sauce]], [[sauerkraut]], [[vinegar]], [[wine]], and [[yogurt]]. Using [[biotechnology]] techniques, bacteria can be [[bioengineer]]ed for the production of therapeutic drugs, such as [[insulin]], or for the [[bioremediation]] of [[toxic waste]]s.