Polistiréna: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-20:
Struktur kristal tina polystyrene isotactic ieu dilaporkeun ku [[Giulio Natta]].<ref>{{cite doi |10.1007/BF02731861}}</ref>
Dina taun [[1954]], Koppers Company di [[Pittsburgh]], [[Pennsylvania]], mekarkeun (EPS)/busa kalayan ngaran dagang Dylite.<ref>Page 207 of Rigid Plastics Foams 2nd edition by T.H. Ferrigno published in 1967.</ref>
Dina taun 1960, Dart Container, mangrupakeun pabrik cangkir tina bahan busa pangbadagna, order kahiji maranéhanana. <ref>{{cite web|title=Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in People and Products|url=http://www.dartcontainer.com/web/products.nsf/pages/celebrating50timeline.html|publisher=Dart Container Corporation|accessdate=23 December 2012}}</ref>
Taun 1988, AS mimiti ngabatesan ieu pamakean busa polystyrene keur dipake umum di Berkeley, California. <ref name="berkeley-1988">{{cite news|title=Berkeley Widens Ban on Foam Food Containers|url=http://articles.latimes.com/1988-06-16/news/mn-6881_1_foam-food-containers|accessdate=23 December 2012|newspaper=The Los Angeles Times|date=16 June 1988}}</ref>
Dina taun [[1960]], [[Dart Container]], mangrupakeunmangrupa pabrik cangkir tina bahan busa pangbadagna, order kahiji maranéhanana. <ref>{{cite web|title=Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence in People and Products|url=http://www.dartcontainer.com/web/products.nsf/pages/celebrating50timeline.html|publisher=Dart Container Corporation|accessdate=23 December 2012}}</ref>
Taun [[1988]], AS mimiti ngabatesan ieu pamakean busa polystyrene keur dipake umum di [[Berkeley]], [[California]]. <ref name="berkeley-1988">{{cite news|title=Berkeley Widens Ban on Foam Food Containers|url=http://articles.latimes.com/1988-06-16/news/mn-6881_1_foam-food-containers|accessdate=23 December 2012|newspaper=The Los Angeles Times|date=16 June 1988}}</ref>
==Golongan Polistirene==