Éstrogén: Béda antarrépisi

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[[Image:Oestradiol-2D-skeletal.png|thumb|[[Éstradiol]]. Cirikeun hiji gugus [[hidroksil]] nu kabeungkeut ku cingcin D. Suku kecap 'di' nujul ka ieu hidroksil jeung nu na cingcin A (paling kénca).]]
[[Image:Estrone.svg|thumb|[[Éstron]]. Cirikeun gugus [[keton]] (=O) nu kabeungkeut kana cingcin D.]]
'''Éstrogén''' ('''estrogen''', '''oestrogen''' atawa '''œstrogen''') nyaéta hiji golongan sanyawaan [[stéroid]] nu penting dina [[daur éstrus]] salaku [[hormon]] [[baga-purusa|séks]] utama [[bikang|wanoja]].
Éstrogén dipaké salaku bagian dina sababaraha [[kombinasi pél kontrasépsi|kontrasépsi oral], terapi gaganti éstrogén pikeun istri [[ménopauseu|balangantrang]], sarta dina [[terapi gaganti hormon (trans)|terapi hormon]] pikeun istri cacad kelamin.
Sakumaha galibna [[hormon stéroid]], éstrogén bisa [[difusi|nembus]] [[mémbran sél]]; di jero sél, éstrogén bisa interaksi jeung [[reséptor éstrogén]].<ref>Nussey and Whitehead: ''[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowTOC&rid=endocrin.TOC&depth=10 Endocrinology, an integrated approach]'', Taylor and Francis 2001</ref><!--
==Tipeu éstrogén==
Éstrogén alami anu utama nyaéta [[éstradiol]], [[éstriol]], jeung [[éstron]], dijieun tina [[androgén]] migunakeun [[énzim]].
The three major naturally occurring estrogens in women are [[estradiol]], [[estriol]], and [[estrone]]. In the body these are all produced from [[androgen]]s through actions of [[enzyme]]s.
* Ti mimiti kareseban nepi ka ménopauseu, éstrogén nu utama nyaéta [[éstradiol|17-β-éstradiol]]. Pikeun istri balangantrang nu dominan téh éstron.
* Éstradiol dihasilkeun tina [[téstostéron]], sedengkeun éstron tina [[androsténédion]].
* Éstron leuwih lemah batan éstradiol.
ASababaraha rangezat ofsintétik syntheticjeung andalami naturalgeus substancesdilaporkeun havemibanda beenaktivitas identified that also possess estrogenic activityéstrogénik.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Fang H, Tong W, Shi L, Blair R, Perkins R, Branham W, Hass B, Xie Q, Dial S, Moland C, Sheehan D | title = Structure-activity relationships for a large diverse set of natural, synthetic, and environmental estrogens. | journal = Chem Res Toxicol | volume = 14 | issue = 3 | pages = 280-94 | year = 2001 | id = PMID 11258977}}</ref> SyntheticZat substancessintétik ofkawas thiskieu kind are known asdisebutna [[xenoestrogenxénoéstrogén]]s, whilesedengkeun naturalnu plantasalna productstina with[[tutuwuhan]] estrogenic activity are calleddisebut [[phytoestrogenfitoéstrogén]]s.<!--
* From [[menarche]] to menopause the primary estrogen is [[estradiol|17β-estradiol]]. In postmenopausal women more estrone is present than estradiol.
* Estradiol is produced from [[testosterone]] and estrone from [[androstenedione]].
* Estrone is weaker than estradiol.
A range of synthetic and natural substances have been identified that also possess estrogenic activity.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Fang H, Tong W, Shi L, Blair R, Perkins R, Branham W, Hass B, Xie Q, Dial S, Moland C, Sheehan D | title = Structure-activity relationships for a large diverse set of natural, synthetic, and environmental estrogens. | journal = Chem Res Toxicol | volume = 14 | issue = 3 | pages = 280-94 | year = 2001 | id = PMID 11258977}}</ref> Synthetic substances of this kind are known as [[xenoestrogen]]s, while natural plant products with estrogenic activity are called [[phytoestrogen]]s.
==Estrogen production==