Amplitudo nyaéta gedé-leutikna atawa saeutik-lobana parobahan dina variabel nu ngarandapan osilasi (ayun ambing atawa puteran atawa kukurilingan) dina hiji sistem osilasi. Contona, gelombang sora mangrupa osilasi-osilasi dina tekenan atmosfir sarta amplitudona proporsional jeung parobahan dina tekenan salila osilasi. Lamun grafik sistem kasebut digambar kalayan variabel nu ngarandapan osilasi minangka sumbu vértikal sarta waktu minangka sumbu horizontal mangka amplitudo dimaksud bisa diukur sabagé jarak antara titik-titik dina kurva.
Konsép amplitudo
éditAmplitudo puncak-ka-puncak
éditAmplitudo puncak-ka-puncak dipaké keur ngukur amplitudo ti punclut luhur tepi ka punclut panghandapna. Amplitudo puncak-ka-puncak bisa diukur maké meteran ku rangkéan nu cocog, atawa ku cara nempo wangun gelombangna dina osiloskop.
Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
Amplitudo Root Mean Square
éditRoot mean square(RMS) amplitude is used especially in electrical engineering: the RMS is defined as the square root of the mean over time of the square of the vertical distance of the graph from the rest state.
Ambiguitas amplitudo
éditThe use of péak amplitude is simple and unambiguous for symmetric, periodic waves, like a sine wave, a square wave, or a triangular wave. For an asymmetric wave (periodic pulses in one direction, for example), the péak amplitude becomes ambiguous because the value obtained is different depending on whether the maximum positive signal is méasured relative to the méan, the maximum negative signal is méasured relative to the méan, or the maximum positive signal is méasured relative the maximum negative signal (the péak-to-péak amplitude) and then divided by two.
For complex waveforms, especially non-repéating signals like noise, the RMS amplitude is usually used because it is unambiguous and because it has physical significance. For example, the average power transmitted by an acoustic or electromagnetic wave or by an electrical signal is proportional to the square of the RMS amplitude (and not, in general, to the square of the péak amplitude).
1 = Amplitudo (punclut),
2 = Punclut ka punclut,
3 = RMS,
4 = Période gelombang
When déaling with alternating current electrical power it is universal to specify RMS values of a sinusoidal waveform. It is important to recognize that the péak-to-péak voltage is néarly 3 times the RMS value when assessing safety, specifying components, etc.
Amplitudo pulsa
éditIn telecommunication, pulse amplitude is the magnitude of a pulse paraméter, such as the field intensity, voltage level, current level, or power level.
Catetan 1: Pulse amplitude is méasured with respect to a specified reference and therefore should be modified by qualifiers, such as "average", "instantaneous", "peak", or "root-mean-square."
Catetan 2: Pulse amplitude also applies to the amplitude of frequency- and phase-modulated waveform envelopes.
Sumber: ti Federal Standard 1037C
Amplitudo dina sasaruaan gelombang
éditDina sasaruaan gelombang
A nyaéta amplitudo gelombang.
éditHijian amplitudo gumantung kana jenis gelombangna.
For waves on a string, or in medium such as water, the amplitude is a displacement.
The amplitude of sound waves and audio signals (also referred to as Volume) conventionally refers to the amplitude of the air pressure in the wave, but sometimes the amplitude of the displacement (movements of the air or the diaphragm of a speaker) is described. The logarithm of the amplitude squared is usually quoted in dB, so a null amplitude corresponds to -∞ dB. Loudness is related to amplitude and intensity and is one of most salient qualities of a sound, although in general sounds can be recognized independently of amplitude. The square of the amplitude is proportional to the intensity of the wave.
For electromagnetic radiation, the amplitude of a photon corresponds to the changes in the electric field of the wave. However radio signals may be carried by electromagnetic radiation; the intensity of the radiation (amplitude modulation) or the frequency of the radiation (frequency modulation) is oscillated and then the individual oscillations are varied (modulated) to produce the signal.
Wangun gelombang jeung amplitudo
éditThe amplitude may be constant (in which case the wave is a continuous wave) or may vary with time and/or position. The form of the variation of amplitude is called the envelope of the wave.
If the waveform is a pure sine wave, the relationships between péak-to-péak, péak, méan, and RMS amplitudes are fixed and known, but this is not true for an arbitrary waveform which may or may not be periodic.
For a sine wave the relationship between RMS and péak-to-péak amplitude is:
édit- Exoplanets by Urial A. Goldvais Archived 2021-03-03 di Wayback Machine downloaded 2008/03/31
Tempo ogé
édit- Gelombang jeung sipat-sipatna:
- Modulasi amplitudo