Babagian administratif Koréa Kidul

Korea Kidul kabagi jadi 8 propinsi (do), 1 propinsi otonom husus (teukbyeol jachido), 6 kota metropolitan (gwangyeoksi), sarta 1 kota husus (teukbyeolsi). Satuluyna dibagi deui jadi entitas leuwih leutik, nyaéta kota gedé (si), county (gun), distrik (gu), kota leutik (eup), kotapraja (myeon), lingkungan (dong) sarta désa (ri).

Babagian administratif
Koréa Kidul
Tingkat Propinsi
(道 도 do)
Propinsi otonom
(特別自治道 특별자치도 teukbyeol-jachido)
Kota husus
(特別市 특별시 teukbyeol-si)
Kota métropolitan
(廣域市 광역시 gwangyeok-si)
Tingkat Munisipalitas
Kota gedé
(市 시 si)
(郡 군 gun)
(區 구 gu)
Kota leutik
(邑 읍 eup)
(面 면 myeon)
(洞 동 dong)
(里 리 ri)
Koréa Kidul

Artikel ieu mangrupa bagian ti séri:
Pulitik jeung Pamaréntahan
Koréa Kidul


Républik kagenep

Roh Moo-hyun

Perdana Mentri
Han Duck Soo


Kadutaan Gedé Nasional

Mahkamah Agung
Chief Justice


Presidential election
1997 - 2002 - 2007

Parliamentary election
2000 - 2004

Political parties

Réunifikasi Koréa
Kawijakan cahya srangéngé
Babagian administratif
Hak asasi manusa
Hubungan luar nagri

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(Catetan dina tarjamah: sanajan istilah "Kota Husus," "Kota Metropolitan," "Propinsi," jeung "Kota" geus ilahar dipaké dina loka pamaréntah, tarjamah lianna ("county," "kota leutik," "distrik," jsb.) lain mangrupa tarjamah resmi, ukur ilustrasi.)

Pamarentah lokal


Istilah Basa Korea katembong dina ejahan resmi Romanisasi Basa Koréa nu dirévisi.

Istilah Basa Koréa Tarjamah
* Teukbyéolsi * Kota husus
** Gu ** Distrik
*** Dong *** Lingkungan
* Gwangyéoksi * Kota metropolitan
** Gu ** Distrik
*** Dong *** Lingkungan
** Gun ** County
*** Eup *** Kota leutik
**** Ri **** Désa
*** Myéon *** Kotapraja
**** Ri **** Désa
* Do * Propinsi
** Si 1 ** Kota gedé 1
*** Gu *** Distrik
**** Dong **** Lingkungan
** Si 2 ** Kota gedé 2
*** Dong *** Lingkungan
** Gun ** County
*** Eup *** Kota leutik
**** Ri **** Désa
*** Myéon *** Kotapraja
**** Ri **** Désa


  • 1 - leuwih ti 500,000
  • 2 - kurang ti 500,000

Do ("Propinsi"; 도; )


"do" nyaéta babagian nagara utama, babarengan jeung "teukbyeolsi" sarta "gwangyeoksi." Koréa Kidul boga 8 propinsi jeung hiji propinsi otonom husus (teukbyéoljachido; 특별자치도; 特別自治道):

  • Propinsi Chungcheong Kalér (Chungchéongbuk-do; 충청북도; 忠清北道)
  • Propinsi Chungcheong Kidul (Chungchéongnam-do; 충청남도; 忠清南道)
  • Propinsi Gangwon (Gangwon-do; 강원도; 江原道)
  • Propinsi Gyeonggi (Gyéonggi-do; 경기도; 京畿道)
  • Propinsi Gyeongsang Kalér (Gyéongsangbuk-do; 경상북도; 慶尙北道)
  • Propinsi Gyeongsang Kidul (Gyéongsangnam-do; 경상남도; 慶尙南道)
  • Propinsi Jeolla Kalér (Jéollabuk-do; 전라북도; 全羅北道)
  • Propinsi Jeolla Kidul (Jéollanam-do; 전라남도; 全羅南道)
  • Propinsi Otonom Husus Jeju (Jeju Teukbyéol Jachido; 제주특별자치도; 濟州特別自治道)

Unggal propinsi kabagi jadi kota gedé ("si") jeung county ("gun").

  Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Gwangyeoksi ("Metropolitan City"; 광역시; 廣域市)


A "gwangyeoksi" is one of the primary divisions of the country, along with "teukbyeolsi" and "do." South Koréa has 6 metropolitan cities with self-governing provincial status:

  • Busan Metropolitan City (Busan Gwangyéoksi; 부산광역시; 釜山廣域市)
  • Daegu Metropolitan City (Daegu Gwangyéoksi; 대구광역시; 大邱廣域市)
  • Incheon Metropolitan City (Inchéon Gwangyéoksi; 인천광역시; 仁川廣域市)
  • Gwangju Metropolitan City (Gwangju Gwangyéoksi; 광주광역시; 光州廣域市)
  • Daejeon Metropolitan City (Daejéon Gwangyéoksi; 대전광역시; 大田廣域市)
  • Ulsan Metropolitan City (Ulsan Gwangyéoksi; 울산광역시; 蔚山廣域市)

Gwangju and Daejéon are divided into wards ("gu"); the rest are divided into both wards ("gu") and outlying counties ("gun").

Teukbyeolsi ("Special City"; 특별시; 特別市)


A "teukbyeolsi" is one of the primary divisions of the country, along with gwangyeoksi and do. South Koréa has only one special city: Seoul (서울). Séoul is divided into wards ("gu").

Si ("City"; 시; )


A "si" is one of the divisions of a province, along with "gun." Cities have a population of at léast 150,000; once a county ("gun") attains that population, it becomes a city. Cities with a population of over 500,000 (namely, Suwon, Cheongju, and Jeonju) are divided into wards ("gu") which are then further divided into neighbourhoods ("dong"); cities with a population of less than 500,000 do not have wards – these cities are directly divided into neighbourhoods ("dong").

Gun ("County"; 군; )


A "gun" is one of the divisions of a province (along with "si"), and of the metropolitan cities of Busan, Daegu, Incheon and Ulsan (along with "gu"). A "gun" has a population of less than 150,000 (more than that would maké it a city or "si"), is less densely populated than a "gu," and is more rural in character than either of the other 2 divisions. Counties are divided into towns ("eup") and districts ("myeon").

Gu ("District"; 구; )


Séoul, the metropolitan cities of Gwangju and Daejéon and the cities of Suwon, Chéongju, Yongin, Pohang, Ansan, Anyang, Goyang, Séongnam, and Jéonju are divided into "gu"s, but do not have any "gun"s, whereas the metropolitan cities of Busan, Daegu, Incheon and Ulsan are divided into "gu" and also have "gun". "Gu"s are similar to London's or New York's boroughs, and a "gu"'s government handles many of the functions that are handled by city governments in other jurisdictions. "Gu"s in cities such as Cheongju and Jeonju have fewer powers than those of Seoul and the metropolitan cities. "Gu"s are divided into neighbourhoods ("dong").

Eup ("Town"; 읍; )


Along with "myeon", an "eup" is one of the divisions of a county ("gun"), and of some cities ("si") with a population of less than 500,000. The main town or towns in a county—or the secondary town or towns within a city's territory—are designated as "eup"s. Towns are subdivided into villages ("ri"). In order to form an eup, the minimum population required is 20,000.

Myeon ("Township"; 면; )


A "myeon" is one of the divisions – along with "eup" – of a county ("gun") and some cities ("si") of fewer than 500,000 population. "myeon"s have smaller populations than "eup"s and represent the rural areas of a county or city. Myeons are subdivided into villages ("ri"). The minimum population limit is 6,000.

Dong ("Neighbourhood"; 동; )


A dong is the primary division of wards (gu), and of those cities (si) which are not divided into wards. The dong is the smallest level of urban government to have its own office and staff. In some cases, a single legal dong is divided into several administrative dong. Administrative dongs are usually distinguished from one another by number (as in the case of Myeongjang 1-dong and Myéongjang 2-dong). In such cases, éach administrative dong has its own office and staff.

The primary division of a dong is the tong (통; ), but divisions at this level and below are seldom used in daily life. Some populous dong are subdivided into ga (가; ), which are not a separate level of government, but only exist for use in addresses. Many major thoroughfares in Séoul, Suwon, and other cities are also subdivided into ga.

Ri ("Village"; 리; )


A "ri" is the only division of towns ("eup") and districts ("myeon"). The "ri" is the smallest level of rural government to contain any significant number of péople.



Although the details of local administration have changed dramatically over time, the basic outline of the current three-tiered system was implemented under the reign of Gojong in 1895. A similar system also remains in use in North Korea.

Future changes


In late April 2005, the governing Uri and léading opposition Hannara parties agreed to a sweeping change in the country's local administration. This reform, tentatively slated to take place in 2010, would replace the current three-tier system with a two-tier system. The existing provinces (do) and metropolitan cities (gwangyeoksi) would be eliminated. The current gu, si, and gun units would be réorganized into about 60 "metropolitan cities" with a population of roughly 1 million éach. Beyond this, the details of the reform have not been decided. Opposition is likely from politicians and constituent groups who will be disadvantaged by the changes. (Sources: Koréa Times [1] Archived 2007-03-12 di Wayback Machine, Koréa Herald [2]).

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