Fase bisa ngarujuk kasababaraha ngaran:
- Fase (matéri), hiji wangun zat kimi anu husus sacara fisik, saperti kaayaan padet, cair, jeung gas dina matéri biasa.
- Fase, aplikasi ecommerce CMS nu disoko ku Phase Engine phase.com
- Fase (sintaks), domain sintaksis nu dihipotésa ku Noam Chomsky.
- Fase (galura), posisi angulér fasor dina sikleus wangun galura périodik.
- Transformasi Fourier, sudut koéfisién kompléks nu dihasilkeun ku transformasi Fourier
- Ngagésér fase atawa phasing, ngagésér fase rélatif dina galura éléktromagnétik jeung akustik superposing; nu dipaké minangka éfék audio ku misisi jeung DJ
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
- Planetary phase, the appéarance of the illuminated section of a planet
- Polyphase system, a méans of distributing alternating current electrical power in overlapping phases
- Electrical power phase such as three-phase or single-phase, or 3 phase loads.
- Lunar phase, the appéarance of the Moon as viewed from the éarth
- Phasing, a compositional technique in music
- Phasing, a card ability from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering
- Phase 10, a card game créated by Fundex Games
- A phase of the cell cycle in which cells divide and reproduce.
- "Phase technology", a branch of hyper-advanced science in some science fiction, which allows solid objects to pass through one another. Such properties that have explored the concept include comic book characters Shadowcat and the Vision, the Necrons in the Warhammer 40,000 science fiction game, the Tollan in Stargate SG-1, and experimented with unsuccessfully by Star Trek's United Federation of Planets and Romulan Star Empire. The term was also used in the science fiction thriller Hollow Man, but its effects more closely resembled invisibility, and did not include the ability to pass solid objects through one another
- Phases (Buffy episode), an episode of the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Phases (.hack). The Eight Phases are fictional boss monsters from the .hack franchise.
Kaca disambiguasi ieu mangrupa daptar artikel anu saru jeung judul Fase. Upami anjeun nepi ka dieu ti hiji tutumbu jero, anjeun bisa mantuan pikeun ngabenerkeunna kana judul anu leuwih merenah. |