Golongan getih: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
'''Golongan getih''' (atawa '''golongan darah''', atawa '''tipe getih''') maksudna dadaran ciri-ciri [[sél getih beureum]] hiji jalma dumasar jenis zat ([[karbohidrat]] jeung [[protéin]]) dina [[mémbran sél]]na. Klasifikasi golongan getih [[manusa]] pangpentingna nyaéta '''ABO''' jeung '''faktor Rhesus''' (faktor Rh). Aya ogé 46 [[antigén]] lianna, tapi lolobana mah leuwih jarang batan ABO jeung Rh. [[Transfusi getih]] ti golongan nu teu cocog bisa ngabalukarkeun réaksi transfusi [[imunologi]]s mangrupa [[anémia hémolitik]], [[gagal ginjal]], ''[[shock]]'', malah bisa nepi ka [[paéh|maot]]. Golongan getih ABO ogé aya di [[simpanseu]].
== Dasar ==
Golongan getih ditangtukeun ku [[antigén]] ([[épitop]]) dina beungeut [[sél geih beureum]], di antarana aya nu mangrupa protéin, boh nu murni atawa nu meungkeut [[polisakarida]]. Euweuhna marka ieu bakal ngarangsang produksi [[antibodi]] pikeun ngalawan marka ieu. Mun getih nu asup golonganana salah/béda, getih nu diasupkeun bakal geuwat diruksak. Sésa-sésana ieu nu ngabalukarkeun kasakit.
Élmuwan Austria [[Karl Landsteiner]] boga jasa gedé tina papanggihanana ngeunaan sistim golongan getih (ABO) taun [[1901]]; anjeunna dileler [[Hadiah Nobel widang Fisiologi jeung Kadokteran]] taun [[1930]]. Sabenerna, taun [[1907]], ahli serologi Céko [[Jan Janský]] sacara mandiri geus mitambeyan klasifikasi getih manusa kana opat golongan, tapi n leuwih diaku mah papanggihan Landsteiner. Landsteiner ngadadarkeun A, B, jeung O; Decastrello jeung Sturli manggihan golongan kaopat, AB, taun 1907. Landsteiner jeung [[Alexander S. Wiener]] lajeng manggihan sét antigén pangpentingna kadua, sistim Rhesus, taun [[1937]] (publikasi taun [[1940]]).
== Sistim ABO ==
<!--Getih manusa digolongkeun kana sababaraha tipe dumasar [[antigén]] jeung [[antibodi]]na:
*Nu getihna golongan A boga sél getih beureum nu aya antigén A dina beungeutna sarta ngahasilkeun antibodi pikeun antigén B dina sérumna. Therefore an A-negative person can only receive blood from another A-negative person or from an O-negative person.
Baris ka-43:
== Sistim Rhesus (CDE) ==
<!--Another characteristic of blood is '''Rhesus factor''' or '''Rh factor'''. It is named after the [[Rhesus Macaque|Rhesus monkey]], in which the factor was first identified by [[Karl Landsteiner]] and [[Alexander S. Wiener]]. Someone either has or does not have the Rh factor on the surface of their red blood cells. This is indicated as + or -, and the two groups are described as '''Rh positive''' (Rh+) or '''Rh negative''' (Rh-), respectively. This is often combined with the ABO type. Type O+ blood is most common, though in some areas type A prevails, and there are other areas in which as many as 80 percent of the people are type B.
Baris ka-94:
== Frékuénsi ABO jeung Rhesus ==
<!--Blood types are not evenly distributed throughout the human population. O+ is the most common, AB- is the rarest. There are also variations in blood-type distribution within human subpopulations. The figures given here are for people of European descent.
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Baris ka-118:
== Golongan séjén ==
<!--There are 27 other blood type systems that exist to describe the presence or absence of other antigens. Many are named after the patients in whom they were initially encountered. They exist alongside the ABO antigens, and hence one can be A Rh positive but in addition have Kell or Lewis positivity or negativity.
Baris ka-131:
These blood types systems are generally not significant for blood donations, but have applications in [[forensic science]]. A blood type mis-match is powerful evidence for the defence. The blood type systems are more or less independent. This allows for a detailed classification of blood. The most common blood type, considering all the systems, is held by only about 1 in 40. Thus a match across multiple systems can also be useful evidence for the prosecution.
== Fénotipe Bombay ==
<!--The rare individuals with Bombay [[phenotype]] (''hh'') do not express substance H on their red blood cells and therefore do not bind A or B antigens. Instead, they produce antibodies to H substance (which is present on all red cells except those of hh genotype) as well as to both A and B antigens and are therefore compatible ''only'' with other ''hh'' donors.
Baris ka-140:
Despite the designation ''O'', O<sub>h</sub> negative is not a sub-group of any other group, not even O negative or O positive. When this blood group was first encountered, it was found not to be of either group A or B and so was thought to be of group O. But on further testing, it did not match even for O negative or O positive because of the absence of antigen 'H'. The H antigen is a precursor to the A and B antigens. For instance, the B allele must be present to produce the B enzyme that modifies the H antigen to become the B antigen. It is the same for the A allele. However, if only recessive alleles for the H antigen are inherited (hh), as in the case above, the H antigen will not be produced. Subsequently, the A and B antigens also will not be produced. The result is an O phenotype by default since a lack of A and B antigens is the O type. The blood phenotype was first discovered in Bombay, now known as [[Mumbai]], in [[India]].
== Fénotipe McLeod ==
<!--McLeod phenotype (or McLeod syndrome) is an [[X-linked]] anomaly of the Kell blood group system; as a result, the red cells react poorly with Kell antisera. The McLeod gene encodes a protein that has the structural characteristics of a membrane transport protein with an unknown function. Affected cells lack the product of this gene, called KX or XK, that appears to be required for proper synthesis of the Kell antigens.
Males have variable [[acanthocytosis]], secondary to a defect in the inner leaflet bilayer, as well as mild [[hemolysis]]. Females have only occasional acanthocytes and very mild [[hemolysis]]; the lesser severity is thought to be due to X chromosome inactivation via the [[Lyon effect]]. Some McLeod patients develop a neuropathy or psychiatric symptoms, producing a syndrome that may mimic [[chorea (disease)|chorea]].
== Kompatibilitas ==
<!--In order to provide maximum benefit from each blood donation and to extend shelf-life, blood banks fractionate whole blood into several products that may have varying degrees of compatibility depending upon the recipient's blood type. The most common of these products are packed red blood cells (RBC's), plasma, platelets, and fresh frozen plasma (FFP), which is quick-frozen to retain labile clotting factors V and VII and usually administered to patients who have a potentially fatal clotting problem caused by a condition such as as advanced liver disease, overdose of anticoagulant, or [[disseminated intravascular coagulation]] (DIC). See [[cryoprecipitate]].
Baris ka-187:
The autosomal recessive disorder [[Sickle-cell disease|sickle-cell anemia]] (so named because it causes red blood cells to become flatter and [[sickle]]-shaped) is found primarily in people of African descent; while this condition causes significant health problems, the same gene also gives resistance to malaria. This resistance is a dominant trait, so somebody who inherits only one copy of the sickle-cell gene enjoys better resistance to malaria without the problems of anemia. This offers carriers an evolutionary advantage in malaria-prone areas, an example of [[heterozygote advantage]].
== Jihat sosial ==
<!--In [[Nazi]] [[Germany]] much research was done to associate blood type with personal characteristics. Especially, researchers tried to associate B-type blood with inferior characteristics. B-type blood was relatively common among German [[Jew]]ish populations. This research has since been discredited.
Baris ka-198:
The [[Japan blood type theory of personality]] is a popular belief that a person's [[Blood type#ABO|ABO blood type]] is predictive of their personality, character, and compatibility with others. This belief has carried over to certain extent in other parts of East Asia such as South Korea and Taiwan. In Japan, asking someone their blood type is considered as normal as asking their [[astrology|astrological]] sign.
== Baca ogé ==
*[[Donor getih]]
== Rujukan ==
*''[[:en:Blood type|Blood type]]'', Wikipédia édisi basa Inggris per 24 Pébruari 2006.
* Landsteiner, K. 1900. Zur Kenntnis der antifermentativen, lytischen und agglutinierenden Wirkungen des Blutserums und der Lymphe. ''Zentralblatt Bakteriologie'' 27:357-62.
Baris ka-207:
* [Benes93] Beneš, J. Člověk. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1993.
== Tumbu kaluar ==
*{{OMIM|110300}} (ABO) and {{OMIM|111680}} (Rh/D)
* [http://www.bloodbook.com/world-abo.html Racial & Ethnic Distribution of ABO Blood Types] - bloodbook.com
Baris ka-235:
[[en:Blood type]]
[[es:Grupo sanguíneo]]
[[eu:Odol talde]]
[[fr:Groupe sanguin]]