Basa program: Béda antarrépisi

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m bot Nambih: be-x-old:Мова праграмаваньня; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-8:
Sifat penting keur nangtukeun pilihan basa program nyaeta:
* ''Fungsi:'' Basa program nyaeta basa nu pake keur nulis [[computer program|program komputer]], kaasup tampilan [[komputer]] dina sababaraha [[computation|komputasi]]<ref>{{cite web|author=[[Association for Computing Machinery|ACM]] SIGPLAN|title=Bylaws of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages of the Association for Computing Machinery|url=|accessdate=2006-06-19|year=2003}}, ''The scope of SIGPLAN is the theory, design, implementation, description, and application of computer programming languages - languages that permit the specification of a variety of different computations, thereby providing the user with significant control (immediate or delayed) over the computer's operation.''</ref> atawa [[algoritma]] sarta bisa oge salaku alat kadali luar saperti [[Computer printer|printer]], robot<ref name="robots">{{cite web|url= |title=Programming Robots |accessdate=2006-09-23 |last=Dean |first=Tom |date= |year=2002 |work=Building Intelligent Robots |publisher=Brown University Department of Computer Science}}</ref>, jeung nu sejenna.
* ''Target:'' Basa program beda jeung [[natural language|basa alami]] yen dina basa alami ngan dipake keur antar manusa, sedengkeun dina basa program ngawenangkeun jalma keur nyieun parentah kana mesin. Sababaraha basa program dupake keur alat ngadalikeun nu sejenna. Contona program [[PostScript]] remen dijieun ku basa program sejenna keur ngadalikeun [[computer printer|printer]] atawa tampila.
* ''Konsep:'' Basa program mibanda sababaraha kompnen keur ngartikeun tur ngokolakeun [[data structure|struktur data]] atawa ngadalikeun [[control flow|kaputusan aliran]].
* ''Kakuatan ekspresi:'' [[theory of computation|Teori komputasi]] misahkeun basa ku itungan nu bisa ditembongkeun (tempo [[Chomsky hierarchy|hirarki Chomsky]]). Sakabeh basa [[Turing complete|Turing lengkep]] bisa dipake kana runtuyan [[algoritma]] nu sarua. [[SQL|ANSI/ISO SQL]] jeung [[Charity programming language|Charity]] conto basa Turing teu lengkep nu ilahar disebut basa program.<ref>{{cite web | author=Digital Equipment Corporation | title=Information Technology - Database Language SQL (Proposed revised text of DIS 9075) | url= | work=ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL | accessdate=June 29 | accessyear=2006}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=The Charity Development Group|title=The CHARITY Home Page | url= | month=December|year=1996|accessdate=2006-06-29}}, ''Charity is a categorical programming language...'', ''All Charity computations terminate.''</ref>
Basa non-komputasi, saperti [[markup language|basa markup]] siga [[HTML]] atawa [[formal grammar]] siga [[Backus–Naur form|BNF]], ilaharna teu disebut basa program. Ilaharna basa program ditambahkeun kana basa non-itungan ieu.
Baris ka-47:
expression ::= atom | list<br />
atom ::= number | symbol<br />
number ::= [+-]?['0'-'9']+<br />
symbol ::= ['A'-'Z'<nowiki>'</nowiki>a'-'z'].*<br />
list ::= '(' expression* ')'<br />
Baris ka-183:
The period from the 1960s to the late 1970s brought the development of the major language paradigms now in use, though many aspects were refinements of ideas in the very first [[Third-generation programming language]]s:
* [[APL (programming language)|APL]] introduced ''[[array programming]]'' and influenced [[functional programming]].<ref>Richard L. Wexelblat: ''History of Programming Languages'', Academic Press, 1981, chapter XIV.</ref>
* [[PL/I]] (NPL) was designed in the early 1960s to incorporate the best ideas from FORTRAN and COBOL.
* In the 1960s, [[Simula programming language|Simula]] was the first language designed to support ''[[object-oriented programming]]''; in the mid-1970s, [[Smalltalk programming language|Smalltalk]] followed with the first "purely" object-oriented language.
* [[C (programming language)|C]] was developed between 1969 and 1973 as a ''[[systems programming]]'' language, and remains popular.<ref>{{cite web | url= | author=François Labelle | title=Programming Language Usage Graph | work=[[Sourceforge]] | accessdate=June 21 | accessyear=2006}}. This comparison analyzes trends in number of projects hosted by a popular community programming repository. During most years of the comparison, C leads by a considerable margin; in 2006, Java overtakes C, but the combination of C/C++ still leads considerably.</ref>
* [[Prolog programming language|Prolog]], designed in 1972, was the first ''[[logic programming]]'' language.
* In 1978, [[ML programming language|ML]] built a polymorphic type system on top of Lisp, pioneering ''[[static typing|statically typed]] [[functional programming]]'' languages.
Each of these languages spawned an entire family of descendants, and most modern languages count at least one of them in their ancestry.
Baris ka-214:
Various methods of measuring language popularity, each subject to a different bias over what is measured, have been proposed:
* counting the number of job advertisements that mention the language<ref>[ Survey of Job advertisements mentioning a given language]</ref>
* the number of books sold that teach or describe the language<ref>[ Counting programming languages by book sales]</ref>
* estimates of the number of existing lines of code written in the language—which may underestimate languages not often found in public searches<ref>Bieman, J.M.; Murdock, V., Finding code on the World Wide Web: a preliminary investigation, Proceedings First IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, 2001</ref>
* counts of language references found using a web search engine.
== Taxonomies ==
Baris ka-233:
{{wikibooks|Computer programming}}
{{wiktionarypar|programming language}}
* [[List of programming languages]]
* [[Comparison of programming languages]]
* [[Literate programming]]
* [[Invariant based programming]]
* [[Programming language dialect]]
* [[Programming language theory]]
* [[Computer science]] and [[List of basic computer science topics]]
* [[Software engineering]] and [[List of software engineering topics]]
== References ==
Baris ka-246:
== Further reading ==
* Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, Christopher Thomas Haynes: ''Essentials of Programming Languages'', The MIT Press 2001.
* David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan: ''Programming Linguistics'', The MIT Press 1990.
* Shriram Krishnamurthi: ''Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation'', [ online publication].
* Bruce J. MacLennan: ''Principles of Programming Languages: Design, Evaluation, and Implementation'', Oxford University Press 1999.
* John C. Mitchell: ''Concepts in Programming Languages'', Cambridge University Press 2002.
* Benjamin C. Pierce: ''Types and Programming Languages'', The MIT Press 2002.
* Ravi Sethi: ''Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs'', 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley 1996.
* Michael L. Scott: ''Programming Language Pragmatics'', Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2005.
* Richard L. Wexelblat (ed.): ''History of Programming Languages'', Academic Press 1981.
== Tumbu luar ==
* [ 99 Bottles of Beer] A collection of implementations in many languages.
* [ Computer Languages History graphical chart]
* [ Dictionary of Programming Languages]
* [ History of Programming Languages (HOPL)]
* [ Open Directory - Computer Programming Languages]
* [ Syntax Patterns for Various Languages]
* [ The Evolution of Programming Languages] by Peter Grogono
{{Programming language}}
Baris ka-282:
[[bat-smg:Pruogramavėma kalba]]
[[be:Мова праграмавання]]
[[be-x-old:Мова праграмаваньня]]
[[bg:Език за програмиране]]
[[bn:প্রোগ্রামিং ভাষা]]