Advanced Technology Attachment: Béda antarrépisi

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m bot Ngarobih: ca:Parallel ATA; kosmetik perubahan
Baris ka-1:
[[ImageGambar:ATA cables.jpg|right|350px|ATA cables: 40 wire ribbon cable top, 80 wire ribbon cable bottom]]
'''[[AT bus|AT]] Attachment''' ('''ATA''') nyaéta standar [[konektor elektrik|interface]] keur ngahubungkeun parangkat [[panyimpenan komputer|panyimpen]] saperti [[hard disk]] jeung drive [[CD-ROM]] dina jero [[komputer pribadi]], nu dipiara ku komite X3/[[INCITS]] T13. Loba istilah jeung sinonim pikeun ATA, kaasup singkatan saperti '''IDE''', '''ATAPI''', jeung '''UDMA'''.
Ku ayana pangwanoh pasar kana [[Serial ATA]] taun 2003, ATA asli dingaranan '''Parallel ATA''' (PATA). Sajalan jeung ngaran aslina, artikel ieu ukur ngabahas ngeunaan Parallel ATA.
Standar Parallel ATA ukur ngidinan panjang kabel henteu leuwih ti 46 séntiméter (18 inci) sanajan kabel nepi ka 91 cm (36 inci) bisa dibeuli ogé. Ku sabab ayana watesan panjang ieu, téhnologi ieu normalna katempo minangka ''interface'' panyimpen komputer internal. ATA nyadiakeun antarbeungeut nu pangumumna kalayan harga nu teu pati mahal pikeun aplikasi ieu.
[[ImageGambar:ATA on mainboard.jpg|right|thumb|Image:ATA on mainboard.jpg|Konéksi sokét ATA dina motherboard PC nu diteundeun di handapeun sokét RAM]]
== Sajarah ==
Ngaran standar ieu aslina ''[[PC/AT]] Attachment'' alatan fitur utamana keur dihubungkeun langsung kana [[beus ISA]] 16-bit nu satuluyna katelah 'beus AT'; ngaran ieu dipondokkeun jadi "AT Attachment" keur nyegah kamungkinan isu merek dagang.
Baris ka-12:
An early version of the specification, conceived by [[Western Digital]] in late [[1980s]], was commonly known '''Integrated Drive Electronics''' (IDE) due to the drive controller being contained on the drive itself as opposed to a separate controller connected to the motherboard, thus making the interface on the motherboard a ''host adapter'' — in contrast to popular belief, not an actual controller. '''Enhanced IDE''' (EIDE), an extension to original ATA standard again developed by Western Digital, allowed the support of drives having a storage capacity larger than 528 [[megabytes]] (504 [[mebibyte]]s), up to 8.4 [[gigabytes]]. Although these new names originated in branding convention and not as an official standard, the terms '''IDE''' and '''EIDE''' often appear as if interchangeable with '''ATA'''. This may be attributed to the two technologies being introduced with the same consumable devices, these "new" ATA hard drives. With the introduction of [[Serial ATA]] around 2003, conventional ATA was retroactively renamed to '''Parallel ATA''' ('''P-ATA'''), referring to the method in which data travels over wires in this [[Electrical connector|interface]].
The interface at first only worked with hard disks, but eventually an extended standard came to work with a variety of other devices—generallydevices—generally those using removable media. Principally, these devices include [[CD-ROM]] and [[DVD-ROM]] drives, [[tape drive]]s, and large-capacity [[floppy disk|floppy]] drives such as the [[Zip drive]] and [[SuperDisk drive]]. The extension bears the name '''AT Attachment Packet Interface''' (ATAPI), which started as non-ANSI [[Small Form Factor|SFF]]-8020 standard developed by [[Western Digital]] and [[Oak Technologies]], but then included in the full standard now known as '''ATA/ATAPI''' starting with version 4. Removable media devices other than CD and DVD drives are classified as ARMD (ATAPI Removable Media Device) and can appear as either a floppy or a hard drive to the operating system.
The move from [[programmed input/output]] (PIO) to [[direct memory access]] (DMA) provided another important transition in the history of ATA. As every computer word must be read by the CPU individually, PIO tends to be slow and use a lot of CPU. This is especially a problem on faster CPUs where accessing an address outside of the cacheable main memory (whether in the [[Input/output|I/O]] map or the memory map) is a relatively expensive process. This meant that systems based around ATA devices generally performed disk-related activities much more slowly than computers using [[SCSI]] or other interfaces. However, DMA (and later '''Ultra DMA''', or UDMA) greatly reduced the amount of processing time the CPU had to use in order to read and write the disks. This is possible because DMA and UDMA allow the disk controller to write data to memory directly, thus bypassing the CPU.
Baris ka-23:
== Parallel ATA interface ==
[[ImageGambar:nappe.svg|right|Kabel pita nua aya dua konektoran]]
[[ImageGambar:ATA Plug.svg|right|Skema konektor 40-pin]]
Nepikeun ka mangsa diwanohkeunnana Serial ATA, konektor 40-pin ilaharna dihubungkeun jeung drive make [[kabel pita]]. Unggal kabel boga dua atawa tilu konektor, numana salasahijina dicolokkeun kana adaptor nu ngantarbeungeut jeung sisim komputer. Tungtung konektor lianna (hiji atawa dua) dicolokkeun kana drive. Kabel ATA paralel nransfer data 16 bit dina sawaktu.
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Baris ka-132:
Congestion on the host bus to which the ATA adapter is attached may also limit the maximum burst transfer rate. For example, the maximum data transfer rate for conventional [[Peripheral Component Interconnect|PCI]] bus is 133 MB/s, and this is shared among all active devices on the bus.
In addition, [[as of October 2005]] no ATA [[hard drive]]s exist capable of measured sustained transfer rates of above 80 MB/s. Furthermore, sustained transfer rate tests do not give realistic throughput expectations for most workloads: They use I/O loads specifically designed to encounter almost no delays from seek time or rotational latency. Hard drive performance under most workloads is limited first and second by those two factors; the transfer rate on the bus is a distant third in importance. Therefore, transfer speed limits above 66 MB/s only really affect performance when the hard drive can satisfy all I/O requests by reading from its internal [[cache]] — a very unusual situation, especially considering that such data is usually already buffered by the operating system.
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Baris ka-168:
* [[Serial ATA]] (SATA)
== Tumbu Luar ==
* {{en}} [ Sawangan jeung Sajarah IDE/ATA Interface]
Baris ka-183:
[[ar:مقبس ملحقات تقنية متقدمة]]
[[bs:Integrated Drive Electronics]]
[[ca:Parallel ATA]]