Pangaweruh: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: nyaeta → nyaéta, rea → réa, ea → éa
Baris ka-1:
'''Pangaweruh''' ([[basa Inggris|Ing.]] ''knowledge'') nyaetanyaéta hiji watesan nu loba harti gumantung kana konteksna, sanajan kitu leuwih raket hubunganna jeung sababaraha konsép kayaning harti, [[émbaran]], paréntah, komunikasi, réprésentasi, diajar, jeung [[stimulus méntal]].
== Pamuka ==
Baris ka-23:
== Pangaweruh inferensial vs. faktual ==
<!--Knowledge may be factual or inferential. Factual knowledge is based on direct [[observation]]. It is still not free of [[uncertainty]], as [[error|errors]] of observation or interpretation may occur, and any [[sense]] can be deceived by [[illusion|illusions]].
Inferential knowledge is based on [[logic|reasoning]] from facts or from other inferential knowledge such as a [[theory]]. Such knowledge may or may not be [[verification|verifiable]] by observation or [[testing]]. For example, all knowledge of the [[atom]] is inferential knowledge. The distinction between factual knowledge and inferential knowledge has been explored by the discipline of [[general semantics]].
Baris ka-111:
== Rujukan ==
* CreathCréath, Richard, "Induction and the Gettier Problem", Philosophy and Phenomenological ResearchReséarch, Vol.LII, No.2, June 1992.
* Feldman, Richard, "An Alleged Defect in Gettier Counterexamples", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 52 (1974): 68-69.
* Gettier, Edmund, "Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?", Analysis 23 (1963): 121-23.