Iron Maiden: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-21:
Pionir [[New Wave Heavy Metal British]], Iron Maiden ngahontal suksés awal taun 1980-an. Sanggeus sababaraha parobahan formasi, band ieu saterusna ngarilis sauntuyan albeum platinum sarta albeum emas di Amerika Serikat sarta Inggris , kaasup ''[[The Number of the Beast (album)|The Number of the Beast]]'' taun 1982, ''[[Piece of Mind]]'' taun 1983, ''[[Powerslave]]'' taun 1984, Ngarilis konsér ''[[Live After Death]]'' taun 1985, ''[[Somewhere in Time (Iron Maiden album)|Somewhere in Time]]'' taun 1986 sarta ''[[Seventh Son of a Seventh Son]]'' taun 1988. Saprak vokalis [[Bruce Dickinson]] sarta gitaris [[Adrian Smith]] balik ngagabung deui taun 1999, band ieu geus ngalaman ronjatan popularitas,<ref>{{cite news | url = | title = Iron Maiden: doing it their own way | accessdate = 24 December 2011 | quote = when Dickinson re-entered the fold in 1999 the band’s ensuing career made them bigger than ever | location=London | work=[[The Daily Telegraph]] | first=Thomas H | last=Green | date=28 July 2010}}</ref> kalayan nawarkeun studio panganyarna maranéhanana, ''[[The Final Frontier]]'', ngaronjat di No.&nbsp;1 di 28&nbsp; nagara anu béda<ref name="FF 28 quote">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Around The World In 66 Days | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | date = 2 November 2010 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> sarta loba narima kritik ngawangun .<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=''The Final Frontier'' - Iron Maiden | work=[[MetaCritic]] |publisher=[[CBS Interactive Inc.]] | accessdate=1 September 2011}}</ref>
Dianggap minangka salah sahiji band pang suksésna dina sajarah HeavyHéavy Metal, Iron Maiden geus ngajual leuwih ti 85&nbsp;juta rékaman di sakumna dunya <ref name="Die-Hard Fans Follow Iron Maiden Into the Digital Age">{{cite news|last=Pfanner|first=Eric|url=|title=Die-Hard Fans Follow Iron Maiden Into the Digital Age|accessdate=10 October 2010|newspaper=[[The New York Times]]|date=5 September 2010}}</ref> ku pangrojong radio leutik atawa télévisi .<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Award Winning Iron Maiden Film Hits Cinemas | accessdate = 26 November 2011 | date = 21 April 2009 | quote = ...largely without the help of radio airplay or the mainstream media. | publisher = [[BSkyB]] | last = Smith | first = Matt}}</ref> Band ieu meunang panghargaan [[Ivor Novello Awards|Ivor Novello Award]] pikeun prestasi internasional taun 2002,<ref name="Ivor Novello">{{cite web|title = Iron Maiden honoured with Ivor Novello award|date = 18 September 2002|publisher=[[Sanctuary Records Group|Sanctuary Group]]|format = Official Website|url =|accessdate =11-10-2006 |archiveurl = <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 10 March 2007}}</ref> sarta ogé dileler [[Guitar Center#Hollywood's RockWalk|Hollywood RockWalk]] di [[Sunset Boulevard]], Los Angeles, California Amérika Sarikat salila maranéhanana [[Eddie Rips Up the World Tour|tour]] taun 2005.<ref name="rock walk">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden- Guitar Center Rockwalk | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = [[Guitar Center]]}}</ref> Dina Agustus 2011, band ieu geus midangkeun ampir [[List of Iron Maiden concert tours|2000 live shows]] sapanjang karir maranéhanana. Salila 30&nbsp; taun pamungkas, band ieu geus dirojong ku maskot kaceluk maranéhanana, "[[Eddie the Head|Eddie]]", anu geus mecenghul di ampir kabéh albeum maranéhanana sarta cover tunggal, sarta pintonan langsung maranéhanana.
Baris ka-37:
===Ngaronjat kaceluk (1978–1981)===
{{utama|The Soundhouse Tapes|Iron Maiden (album)|Killers (Iron Maiden album)}}
Dina Peuting Taun anyar 1978, Iron Maiden ngarékam demo, anu diwangun ti opat lagu, di Spaceward Studios Cambridge.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=66}} Miharep yén rékaman baris mantuan maranéhanana pintonan aman anu leuwih,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=66}} band ieu salinanna dipidangkeun ka [[Neal Kay]], saterusna ngokolakeun klub HeavyHéavy Metal anu disebut "Bandwagon Heavy Metal Soundhouse", anu perenahna di Kingsbury Circle,barat laut London.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=67}} Upon hearinghéaring the tape, Kay began playing the demo regularly at the Bandwagon, and one of the songs, "Prowler", eventually went to No.&nbsp;1 Sanggeus ngadéngé rékaman éta, Kay mimitian demo sacara teratur di Bandwagon, sarta salah sahiji lagu, "Prowler", pamustunganana nempatan No 1 di tangga lagu Soundhouse, anu dipedar mingguan di ''[[Sounds (magazine)|Sounds]]'' majalah.{{sfn|Wall|2004|pp=104–105}} Naskahna ogé diakuisisi ku [[Rod Smallwood]], anu langsung jadi manajer band,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=83}} sarta, popularitas Iron Maiden ngaronjat, maranéhanana mutuskeun pikeun ngalaan demo dina label rékaman maranéhanana sorangan minangka ''[[The Soundhouse Tapes]]'', ngaran sanggeus kleub.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=103}} Eusina ngan tilu lagu (hiji lagu, "Strange World", dikaluarkeun minangka band anu henteu sugema jeung produksina){{sfn|Wall|2004|p=102}} lobana lima rébu copy kajual béak dina mangsa mimingguan.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=104-105}}
[[File:IRON MAIDEN - Manchester Apollo - 1980.jpg|thumb|165px|right|[[Paul Di'Anno]] jeung [[Steve Harris (musisi)|Steve Harris]] ngarojong [[Judas Priest]] dina konsér British Steel Tour, 1980.]]
Dina bulan Désémber 1979, band ieu dikontrak rékaman badag ku [[EMI]]{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=108}} sarta ngajak [[Adrian Smith]] babaturan mangsa keur leutik Dave Murray ngagabung jeung grup minangka gitaris kadua maranéhanana.{{sfn|Wall|2004|pp=163–164}} Smith nampik alatan manéhna riweuh kalayan bandna sorangan, [[Urchin (band)|Urchin]], ku kituna Iron Maiden nyéwa gitaris [[Dennis Stratton]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=121}} Teu lila sanggeus éta, [[Doug Sampson]] kaluar alatan masalah kaséhatan sarta digantikeun ku[[Samson (band)|Samson]] mantan drummer [[Clive Burr]] ku alpukahna bongbolongan dina tanggal 26 Désémber .{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=123}} Panampilan kahiji Iron Maiden di albeum éta dina kompilasi ''[[Metal for Muthas]]'' (dirilis dina tanggal 15 Pebruari1980) sarta dua vérsi mimiti "[[Sanctuary (Iron Maiden song)|Sanctuary]]" jeung "Wrathchild".{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=137}} rilisan ngabalukarkeun tur saterusna anu mintonkeun [[Metal for Muthas Tour|ensuing tour]] anu mintonkeun sawatara band séjénna patali jeung [[New Wave of British Heavy Metal]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=139}}
[[eponym]]ous Iron Maiden 1980 dirilis, ''[[Iron Maiden (album)|Iron Maiden]]'', aya di runtuyan No.&nbsp;4 dina [[UK Albums Chart]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=143}} Di gigireun judul lagu, albeum kaasup favorit mimiti séjén kawas "[[Running Free]]", "Transylvania", "Phantom of the Opera", sarta "[[Sanctuary (Iron Maiden song)|Sanctuary]]" – anu henteu dirilis di Inggris asli tapi dijieun vérsi AS sarta saterusna diremasters . Band ieu ditetepkeun dina [[Iron Maiden Tour|headline tour of the UK]], band pembuka pikeun [[Kiss (band)|Kiss]] taun 1980 [[Unmasked Tour]] Eropa sarta ngarojong [[Judas Priest]] dina [[British Steel Tour|select dates]]. Sanggeus tur KISS, [[Dennis Stratton]] dipecat ti band alatan béda kreatifkréatif sarta urusan pribadi,<ref>{{cite web|last = Hinchcliffe|first = Jon|title = Dennis Stratton Interview: October 1999|date = 27 October 1999|url =||accessdate =8 October 2006}}</ref> sarta digantikeun ku [[Adrian Smith]] dina Oktober 1980.
Taun 1981, ngarilis albeum kadua maranéhanana, dijudulan ''[[Killers (Iron Maiden album)|Killers]]''. Eusina loba trek anu geus ditulis saméméh rilis debut maranéhanana, ngan dua lagu anyar anu ditulis pikeun direkam: "Prodigal Son" and "Murders in the Rue Morgue"{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=183}} (judul anu pamungkas dicokot ti [[The Murders in the Rue Morgue|carpon]] ku [[Edgar Allan Poe]]).<ref>{{cite journal | title = Hack Job? | journal = [[Kerrang!|Kerrang! Legends]] | first = Paul | last = Brannigan | issue = 2 | pages = 26–27}}</ref> Henteu sugema kalayan produksi dina albeum debut maranéhanana,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=145}} band nyéwa produser veteran [[Martin Birch]],{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=181}} anu baris digawé pikeun Iron Maiden nepi ka pangsiun dina taun 1992.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=300}} Rékaman dituturkeun ku tur dunya kahiji [[Killer World Tour|world tour]], anu kaasup debut gawé maranéhanana di Amérika Sarikat, band pamuka pikeun Judas Priest di [[Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino|The Aladdin Casino]], Las Vegas.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=251}}
Baris ka-55:
Rékor Debut Dickinson jeung Iron Maiden nyaéta taun 1982 ''[[The Number of the Beast (album)|The Number of the Beast]]'', hiji albeum anu ngabalukarkeun band maranéhanana nempatan posisi rekaman UK Albums Chart No.&nbsp;1 {{sfn|Wall|2004|p=227}} sarta tambahan jadi asup Top Ten di loba nagara séjén .{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=228}}
Dickinson, harita, aya di tengah-tengah karerepet hukum jeung managemen Samson sarta henteu diidinan pikeun nambahan ngaranna kasalah sahiji panulisan lagu, sanajan manéhna masih nyieun naon anu manéhna digambarkeun minangka "kontribusi moral" pikeun "Children of the Damned", "The Prisoner" and "Run to the Hills".<ref>{{cite book | last1 = Shooman | first1 = Joe | title = Bruce Dickinson: Flashing Metal with Iron Maiden and Flying Solo | publisher = Independent Music Press | year = 2007 | page = 82 | isbn = 0-9552822-4-1}}</ref>
Pikeun kadua kalina band mitembeyan tur dunya, katelahna [[The Beast on the Road]], dimanadi mana maranéhanana ngadatangan Amerika Utara, Jepang, Australia sarta Eropa, kaasup panampilan warta utama di Readingréading Festival. Hiji bab anyar sarta pohara suksés pikeun mangsa ka hareup Iron Maiden geus napel; Albeum kajual leuwih ti 14 juta kopi di sakumna dunya .<ref name="Die-Hard Fans Follow Iron Maiden Into the Digital Age"/>
[[File:Nicko McBrain 2.jpg|thumb|upright|left|[[Nicko McBrain]] drummer Iron Maiden ti taun 1982]]
The BeastBéast on the Road AS kabuktian kontroversial sabot hiji jumplukan pulitik konservatif di Amérika ngaklaim yén Iron Maiden nyaéta, [[Satanism|Satanic]] alatan judul lagu albeum anyar,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=228}} dimanadi mana sajumplukan aktivis Kristen [[activism|activists]] ngancurkeun rékaman Iron Maiden minangka protés ka Band .<ref name="Kerrang! Legends32"/> Dina sawatara taun pamungkas, Dickinson geus nyatakeun yén band memperlakukan ieu minangka "kakonyolan,"<ref name="NOTBDVD">{{cite video|date= 4 December 2001|title=[[Classic Albums: Iron Maiden – The Number of the Beast]]|medium=DVD|publisher=[[Eagle Rock Entertainment|Eagle Vision]]}}</ref> sarta yén demonstrasi dina kanyataanana méré maranéhanana "loads of publicity."<ref name="earlydaysdvd"/>
Dina Désémber 1982, drummer [[Clive Burr]] mungkas hubunganana kalayan band alatan masalah pribadi sarta jadwal tur sarta digantikeun ku [[Nicko McBrain]], anu saméméhna ti band Perancis [[Trust (band)|Trust]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=233}} Sanggeus éta, band ieu indit munggaran ka Bahama pikeun mimiti ngarékam ti tilu albeum berturut-turut di [[Compass Point Studios]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=246}} taun 1983, maranéhanana geus ngarilis ''[[Piece of Mind]]'', anu ngahontal posisi No.&nbsp;3 di UK,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=247}} sarta debut band di runtuyan tangga lagu Amérika Kalér, nempatan No.&nbsp;70 di [[Billboard 200|''Billboard'' 200]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Piece of Mind|work=[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]|publisher=[[Nielsen Company|Nielsen Business Media, Inc.]]|accessdate=1 August 2009}}</ref> ''Piece of Mind'' ngawengku single suksés "[[The Trooper]]" sarta "[[Flight of Icarus]]", anu pamungkas anu jadi pohara kaceluk minangka salah sahiji ti sawatara lagu band pikeun bisa diputer substansial di Amérika Sarikat.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=245}}
Baris ka-64:
Sanggeus kaberhasilan ''Piece of Mind'' sarta [[World Piece Tour|supporting tour]], band geus ngarilis ''[[Powerslave]]'' 9 September 1984. Albeum ieu mintonkeun karesep pamirsa "[[2 Minutes to Midnight]]", "[[Aces High (song)|Aces High]]", and "Rime of The Ancient Mariner",{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=253}} anu pamungkas dumasar puisi [[Samuel Taylor Coleridge]]'s [[Rime of the Ancient Mariner|kalayan ngaran puisi anu sarua]] kalayan durasi leuwih ti 13 menit.
Tur nuturkeun sanggeus albeum, katelahna [[World Slavery Tour]], nyaéta band pangbadagna sarta diwangun ti 193 pertunjukkan di 28nagara salila 13 bulan,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=253}} kira-kira ulin ka 3.500.000 pamirsa.<ref name="Stenning102">{{cite book| author=Stenning, Paul| title=Iron Maiden: 30 Years of the Beast – The Complete Unauthorised Biography| publisher=Chrome Dreams| year=2006| isbn=1-84240-361-3|page= 102}}</ref> Sagala rupa acara anu pintonkeun gunta-ganti di dayeuh anu sarua,kawas di Long BeachBéach, California (4 konser kajual béak terus-terusan ka sakabéh 54.000 pamirsa), dimanadi mana kalolobaanlolobana ngarilis saterusna pintonan langsung maranéhanana, ''[[Live After Death]]'', direkam, anu jadi kritis sarta komérsial suksés, puncakna dina No.&nbsp;4 di UK.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=257}} Iron Maiden ogé bareng (jeung [[Queen (band)|Queen]]) di [[Rock In Rio]] festival, dimanadi mana maranéhanana hadir kalayan nu datang kira-kira 300.000.<ref>{{cite video|date= 4 February 2008|title=[[Live After Death (video)|Live After Death]]|chapter=The History of Iron Maiden part 2|medium=DVD|publisher=[[EMI]]}}</ref> Tur sacara fisik capé pikeun Band, anu nungtut reureuh genep bulan sabot éta lekasan (sanajan ieu saterusnadikurangi jadi opat bulan)).{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=258}} Ieu téh mangrupa reureuh badag kahiji dina sajarah band, kaasup ngabolaykeun tur panggemar anu diusulkan pikeun albeum live anyar ,<ref name="Stenning104">{{cite book| author=Stenning, Paul| title=Iron Maiden: 30 Years of the Beast – The Complete Unauthorised Biography| publisher=Chrome Dreams| year=2006| isbn=1-84240-361-3|page= 104}}</ref> Bruce Dikinson ngancem pikeun ngandeg kajaba tur lekasan.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=255}}
===Experimentation (1986–1989)===
{{utama|Somewhere in Time (Iron Maiden album)|Seventh Son of a Seventh Son}}
Returning from their time off, the band adopted a different style for their 1986 studio album, entitled ''[[Somewhere in Time (Iron Maiden album)|Somewhere in Time]]'', featuringféaturing, for the first time in the band's history, [[synthesiser|synthesised]] bass and guitars to add textures and layers to the sound.<ref name="amg_somewhereintime">{{cite web|url={{Allmusic|class=album|id=r9916|pure_url=yes}}|title=Iron Maiden - ''Somewhere in Time'' – Review|accessdate=12 October 2008|author=Steve Huey|publisher=[[AllMusic]]|year=2008}}</ref> The releasereléase charted well across the world, particularly with the single "[[Wasted Years]]", but notably included no writing credits from leadléad singer [[Bruce Dickinson]], whose material was rejected by the rest of the band.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=260}} While Dickinson was focused on his own music, guitarist Adrian Smith, who typically collaborated with the vocalist, was "left to [his] own devices" and began writing songs on his own, coming up with "Wasted Years", "Sea of Madness", and "[[Stranger in a Strange Land (song)|Stranger in a Strange Land]]",{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=261}} the last of which would be the album's second single.{{sfn|Wall|2004|pp=260}}
The experimentation evident on ''Somewhere in Time'' continued on their next album, entitled ''[[Seventh Son of a Seventh Son]]'', which was releasedreléased in 1988. A [[concept album]], based on ''[[The Tales of Alvin Maker]]'' series of novels by [[Orson Scott Card]],<ref>{{cite journal | title = Commercial Break! | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] presents: Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem | year = 2005 | first = Martin | last = Popoff | authorlink = Martin Popoff | pages = 108–109| id = }}</ref> this would be the band's first record to include keyboards, as opposed to [[Guitar synthesizer|guitar synthesisers]] on the previous releasereléase.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=265}} After his contributions were not used for ''Somewhere in Time'', Dickinson's enthusiasm was renewed as his ideasidéas were accepted for this album.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=265}} Another popular releasereléase, it became Iron Maiden's second album to hit No.&nbsp;1 in the UK charts,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=263}} although it only achieved a Gold certification in the U.S., in contrast to its four predecessors.<ref name="RIAA">{{cite web| url=|title=RIAA Searchable database – Gold and Platinum |publisher=[[Recording Industry Association of America]] |accessdate=30 March 2008}}</ref>
During the following [[7th Tour of a 7th Tour|tour]], the band headlinedhéadlined the [[Monsters of Rock]] festival at [[Donington Park]] for the first time on 20 August 1988, playing to the largest crowd in the festival's history (107,000).{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=269}} Also included on the bill were [[Kiss (band)|Kiss]], [[David Lee Roth]], [[Megadeth]], [[Guns N' Roses]] and [[Helloween]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Donington – Iron Maiden|accessdate=12 October 2009|work=Donington 1988}}</ref> The festival was marred, however, by the deathsdéaths of two fans in a crowd-surge during the aforementioned Guns N' Roses performance; the following yearyéar's festival was cancelled as a result.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=269}} The tour concluded with several headlinehéadline shows in the UK in November and December 1988, with the concerts at the [[National Exhibition Centre|NEC Arena]], [[Birmingham]] recorded for a live videovidéo, entitled ''[[Maiden England]]''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=272}}
===Upheaval (1989–1994)===
{{utama|No Prayer for the Dying|Fear of the Dark (Iron Maiden album)}}
During another breakbréak in 1989, guitarist Adrian Smith releasedreléased a solo album with his band [[ASAP (band)|ASAP]], entitled ''[[Silver and Gold (ASAP album)|Silver and Gold]]'',{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=273}} and vocalist Bruce Dickinson began work on a solo album with former [[Gillan]] guitarist [[Janick Gers]], releasingreléasing ''[[Tattooed Millionaire]]'' in 1990,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=281}} followed by a tour.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=285}} At the same time, to mark the band's ten-yearyéar recording anniversary, Iron Maiden releasedreléased ''[[The First Ten Years]]'', a series of ten CDs and double [[12"|12" vinyl]]. Between 24 February and 28 April 1990, the individual parts were releasedreléased one-by-one, eachéach containing two of Iron Maiden's singles, including the original B-sides.
Soon afterwards, Iron Maiden regrouped to work on a new studio record. During the pre-production stages, Adrian Smith left the band due to differences with Steve Harris regarding the direction the band should be taking, disagreeing with the "stripped down" style that they were leaningléaning towards.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=283}} Janick Gers, having worked on Dickinson's solo project, was chosen to replace Smith and became the band's first new member in seven yearsyéars.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=285}} The album, ''[[No Prayer for the Dying]]'', was releasedreléased in October 1990<ref>{{cite web|url={{Allmusic|class=album|id=r9919|pure_url=yes}}|title=No Prayer for the Dying – Review|accessdate=19 November 2011|author=Greg Prato|publisher=[[AllMusic]]}}</ref> and contained "[[Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter]]", the band's first (and to date, only) [[UK Singles Chart]] No.&nbsp;1, originally recorded by Dickinson for the soundtrack to ''[[A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child]]''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=282}}
After another [[No Prayer on the Road|tour]] and some more time off, the band recorded their next studio releasereléase, ''[[Fear of the Dark (Iron Maiden album)|Fear of the Dark]]'', which was releasedreléased in 1992 and included the stand-out [[Fear of the Dark (song)|title track]], which is now a regular fixture in the band's concert setlists. Achieving their third No.&nbsp;1 in the UK albums chart,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=289}} the disc also featuredféatured "[[Wasting Love]]", one of the band's softer songs, and the No.&nbsp;2 single "[[Be Quick or Be Dead]]". The album featuredféatured the first songwriting by Gers, and no collaboration at all between Harris and Dickinson on songs. The [[Fear of the Dark Tour|extensive worldwide tour that followed]] included their first ever Latin American leg (after a single concert during the World Slavery Tour), and headlininghéadlining the [[Monsters of Rock]] festivals in seven EuropeanEuropéan countries. Iron Maiden's second performance at [[Donington Park]], to an audience of 68,500 (the attendance was capped after the incident in 1988),{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=291}} was filmed for the audio and videovidéo releasereléase, ''[[Live at Donington (Iron Maiden album)|Live at Donington]]'',<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=''Live At The Donington''|accessdate=14 October 2009|publisher=[[Internet Movie Database]]|year=2008}}</ref> and featuredféatured a guest appearanceappéarance by Adrian Smith, who joined the band to perform "Running Free".{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=291}}
In 1993, Bruce Dickinson left the band to further pursue his solo career, but agreed to remain for a [[Real Live Tour|farewell tour]] and two live albums (later re-releasedreléased in [[A Real Live Dead One|one package]]).{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=293}} The first, ''[[A Real Live One]]'', featuredféatured songs from 1986 to 1992, and was releasedreléased in March 1993. The second, ''[[A Real Dead One]]'', featuredféatured songs from 1980 to 1984, and was releasedreléased after Dickinson had left the band. The tour did not go well, however, with Steve Harris claiming that Dickinson would only perform properly for high profile shows and that at several concerts he would only mumble into the microphone.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=296}} Dickinson denies the charge that he was under-performing, stating that it was impossible to "make like Mr Happy Face if the vibe wasn't right," claiming that news of his exit from the band had prevented any chance of a good atmosphere during the tour.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=297}} He played his farewell show with Iron Maiden on 28 August 1993, which was filmed, broadcast by the [[BBC]] and releasedreléased on videovidéo under the name ''[[Raising Hell (video)|Raising Hell]]''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=298}}
===Blaze Bayley era, ''The X Factor'' and ''Virtual XI'' (1994–1999)===
Baris ka-88:
In 1994, the band listened to hundreds of tapes sent in by vocalists before convincing [[Blaze Bayley]], formerly of the band [[Wolfsbane (band)|Wolfsbane]] who had supported Iron Maiden in 1990, to audition for them.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=301}} Bayley had a different vocal style from his predecessor, which ultimately received a mixed reception among fans.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden: ''The X Factor'' (Review) | last = Stagno | first = Mike | date = 2 August 2006 | accessdate = 28 February 2012 | publisher = [[Sputnikmusic]] | quote = ...the often criticised Blaze Bayley himself. With his lower vocal range, he may not have been able to sing the old Iron Maiden classics as well as Bruce...}}</ref>
After a two-yearyéar hiatus (as well as a three-yearyéar hiatus from studio releasesreléases – a record for the band at the time) Iron Maiden returned in 1995. ReleasingReléasing ''[[The X Factor (album)|The X Factor]]'', the band had their lowest chart position since 1981 for an album in the UK (debuting at No.&nbsp;8),{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=313}} although it would go on to win ''Album of the Year'' awards in France and Germany.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=311}}
The record included the 11-minute epic "Sign of the Cross", the band's longest song since "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", as well as the singles, "[[Man on the Edge]]", based on the film ''[[Falling Down]]'',<ref>{{cite book | last1 = Paterson | first1 = Lawrence | authorlink = Lawrence Paterson | title = Blaze Bayley: At the End of the Day | publisher = Blaze Bayley Recordings Ltd | year = 2009 | page = 44}}</ref> and "[[Lord of the Flies (song)|Lord of the Flies]]", based on the [[Lord of the Flies|novel of the same name]].<ref>{{cite journal | title = The X Offender | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] presents: Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem | year = 2005 | first = Martin | last = Popoff | authorlink = Martin Popoff | page = 63| id = }}</ref> The releasereléase is notable for its "dark" tone, inspired by Steve Harris' divorce.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=311}} [[The X Factour|The band toured]] for the rest of 1995 and 1996, playing for the first time in Israel and South Africa,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=314}} before stopping to releasereléase ''[[Best of the Beast]]''. The band's first compilation, it included a new single, "[[Virus (Iron Maiden song)|Virus]]", whose lyrics attack the critics who had recently written off the band.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=316}}
Iron Maiden returned to the studio to record ''[[Virtual XI]]'', releasedreléased in 1998. The album's chart scores were the band's lowest to date,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden - ''Virtual XI'' Worldwide Charts | accessdate = 11 April 2012 | publisher = | work = [[Sverigetopplistan]]}}</ref> including the UK where it peakedpéaked at No.&nbsp;16<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Official UK Albums Archive: 4 April 1998 | accessdate = 17 October 2011 | publisher = [[Official Charts Company]]}}</ref> failing to score one million worldwide sales for the first time in Iron Maiden's history.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden - ''Virtual XI'' | accessdate = 28 January 2012 | date = 11 June 2006 | last = Stagno | first = Mike | publisher = [[Sputnikmusic]]}}</ref> At the same time, Steve Harris assisted in remastering the band's entire discography, up to and including ''Live at Donington'' (which was given a mainstreammainstréam releasereléase for the first time).
===Return of Dickinson and Smith, ''Brave New World'' (1999–2002)===
Baris ka-97:
[[File:Iron Maiden en Costa Rica.jpg|thumb|270px|right|Adrian Smith re-joined Iron Maiden in 1999, resulting in a three guitar line-up.]]
A band meeting was held in January 1999, in which Bayley was asked to leaveléave Iron Maiden{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=324}} due to issues with his voice during the [[Virtual XI World Tour]],{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=321}} although Janick Gers has since stated that this was partly the band's fault for forcing him to perform songs which were beyond his natural register.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Janick Gers interview- Talking Metal Pirate Radio No.&nbsp;5 | date = 26 August 2010 | accessdate = 25 February 2012 | publisher = ''[[Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles]]''}}</ref> At that point, Rod Smallwood had been trying to convince Steve Harris to consider inviting Bruce Dickinson back into the band.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=328}} Although Harris admits that he "wasn't really into it" at first, he then thought, "'Well, if the change happens, who should we get?' The thing is, we know Bruce and we know what he's capable of, and you think, 'Well, better the devil you know.' I mean, we got on well professionally for, like, eleven years, and so... after I thought about it, I didn't really have a problem with it."{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=328}}
The band entered into talks with Dickinson, who agreed to rejoin during a meeting in Brighton,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=329}} along with guitarist Adrian Smith, who was telephoned a few hours later.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=330}} With Gers, Smith's replacement, remaining, Iron Maiden now had a three-guitar line-up and embarked on a hugely successful reunion tour.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=331}} Dubbed [[The Ed Hunter Tour]], it tied in with the band's newly releasedreléased greatestgréatest hits collection, ''[[Ed Hunter]]'', which also contained a computer game of the same name starring [[Eddie the Head|the band's mascot]].
One of Dickinson's primary concerns on rejoining the group "was whether we would in fact be making a real state-of-the-art record and not just a comeback album,"{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=328}} which eventually took the form of 2000's ''[[Brave New World (Iron Maiden album)|Brave New World]]''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=341}} Having disliked the results from Harris' personal studio, Barnyard Studios located on his property in Essex,<ref name= "CR 2000">{{cite journal | title = The Wicked Man| journal = [[Classic Rock (magazine)|Classic Rock]] | date = June 2000 | last = Berelian | first = Essi | issue = 15 | pages = 36–43 }}</ref> which had been used for the last four Iron Maiden studio albums, the band recorded the new releasereléase at Guillaume Tell Studios, Paris in November 1999 with producer [[Kevin Shirley]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=341}} Thematic influences continued with "[[The Wicker Man (song)|The Wicker Man]]" – based on the 1973 British [[The Wicker Man (1973 film)|cult film of the same name]] – and "Brave New World" – title taken from the [[Aldous Huxley]] [[Brave New World|novel of the same name]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=342}} The album furthered the more progressive and melodic sound present in some earlieréarlier recordings, with elaborate song structures and keyboard orchestration.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=342}}
[[Brave New World Tour|The world tour]] that followed consisted of well over 100&nbsp;dates and culminated on 19 January 2001 in a show at the [[Rock in Rio]] festival in Brazil, where Iron Maiden played to an audience of around 250,000.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=353}}<ref>{{cite book | last1 = Shooman | first1 = Joe | title = Bruce Dickinson: Flashing Metal with Iron Maiden and Flying Solo | publisher = Independent Music Press | year = 2007 | page = 176 | accessdate = 3 September 2011| quote = the crowd of 250,000 was treated to a set full of old and new classics | isbn = 0-9552822-4-1}}</ref><ref>{{cite video|date= 10 June 2002|title=Iron Maiden: [[Rock in Rio (video)|Rock in Rio]]|medium=DVD|publisher=[[Sanctuary Records Group|Sanctuary]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Rock in Rio III Concert review | last = Martins | first = Thiago | accessdate = 4 September 2011 | date = 5 April 2002 | publisher = [[Metal Rules]] | quote = From the supposed attendance of 250,000 people...}}</ref> While the performance was being produced for a CD and DVD releasereléase in March 2002, under the name ''[[Rock in Rio (album)|Rock in Rio]]'',{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=357}} the band took a yearyéar out from touring, during which they played three consecutive shows at [[Brixton Academy]] in aid of former drummer [[Clive Burr]], who had recently announced that he had been diagnosed with [[multiple sclerosis]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=361}}
===''Dance of Death'' and ''A Matter of Life and Death'' (2003–2007)===
{{utama|Dance of Death (album)|A Matter of Life and Death (album)}}
Following their [[Give Me Ed... 'Til I'm Dead Tour]] in the summer of 2003, Iron Maiden releasedreléased ''[[Dance of Death (album)|Dance of Death]]'', their thirteenth studio album, which was met by worldwide critical and commercial success.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=368}} Produced by Kevin Shirley, now the band's regular producer, many critics also felt that this releasereléase matched up to their earlieréarlier efforts, such as ''Killers'', ''Piece of Mind'' and ''The Number of the Beast''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=369}} As usual, historical and literary references were present, with "Montségur" in particular being about the [[Catharism|Cathar]] stronghold conquered in 1244,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=373}} and "Paschendale" relating to [[Battle of Passchendaele|the significant battle]] which took place during [[World War I|The First World War]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=375}}
The [[Dance of Death World Tour|following tour]] was another landmark for the band, as they played to over 750,000 fans during 50&nbsp;dates over a period of 4 months in 2003–04, including sold out shows in South America, Europe, North America and Japan. Their performance at [[Westfalenhalle]] in [[Dortmund]], Germany, as part of the supporting tour, was recorded and releasedreléased in August 2005 as a live album and DVD, entitled ''[[Death on the Road]]''.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announce Details Of 'Death On The Road' DVD/CD | date = 11 May 2005 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
In 2005, the band announced the [[Eddie Rips Up the World Tour]] which, tying in with their 2004 DVD entitled ''[[The Early Days]]'', only featuredféatured material from their first four albums.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Iron Maiden: 'Eddie Rips Up the World' Tour Opener Setlist Revealed|date=28 May 2005|publisher=[[]]|accessdate=1 January 2010}}</ref> As part of this celebration of their earlieréarlier yearsyéars, "The Number of the Beast" single was re-releasedreléased<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To Release 'Number Of The Beast' Single | date = 16 November 2004 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> and went straight to No.&nbsp;3 in the UK Chart.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = UK Singles Chart- 15 January 2005 | accessdate = 20 September 2011 | publisher = [[Official Charts Company]]}}</ref> The tour included many headlininghéadlining stadium and festival dates, including a performance at [[Ullevi Stadium]] in Sweden to an audience of almost 60,000.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden's Gothenburg Show Sold Out In 2.5 Hrs | date = 30 October 2004 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = Metal Underground}}</ref> This concert was also broadcast live on satellite television all over Europe to approximately 60 million viewers.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = SVT To Broadcast Iron Maiden Live In Gothenburg | date = 18 May 2005 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = Metal Underground}}</ref> Following this run of EuropeanEuropéan shows, the band co-headlinedhéadlined the U.S. festival tour, [[Ozzfest]], with [[Black Sabbath]], their final performance at which earnedéarned international press coverage after their show was sabotaged by singer [[Ozzy Osbourne]]'s family,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Manager's Official Statement Regarding Ozzfest Feud | accessdate = 16 September 2012 | date = 23 August 2005 | publisher = [[KNAC]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite news| url= | location=London | work=[[The Guardian]] | first=Caroline | last=Sullivan | title=The revenge of Sharon Osbourne | date=24 August 2005}}</ref> who took offence to Dickinson remarks against realityréality-TV.<ref>{{cite news | url = | title = He ain't heavy he's your captain | date = 6 June 2008 | accessdate = 23 June 2011 | location=London | work=[[Daily Mail]] | first=Jon | last=Wilde}}</ref> The band completed the tour by headlininghéadlining the [[Reading and Leeds Festivals|Reading and Leeds weekend festivals]] on the 26–28 August,<ref>{{cite web|last = Williams| first = Scott|title = Iron Maiden Reading 2005 Review|date = 31 August 2005|url =||accessdate =11 October 2006}}</ref> two shows to an estimated combined audience of 130,000 peoplepéople, and in Ireland on 31 August to almost 40,000 peoplepéople at RDS Stadium.<ref>{{cite web|work=[[NME]] |location=UK|format = Official Website|title = Iron Maiden rise above Osbourne's drama at Leeds|year = 2005|url =|accessdate =11 October 2006 |archiveurl = <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 20 July 2006}}</ref> For the second time, the band played a charity show for former drummer Clive Burr's ''MS Trust Fund'' charity, this time taking place at the [[Hammersmith Apollo]].<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announce eBay Auction and Hard Rock Café Event | date = 22 November 2005 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
[[File:Bruce Dickinson and Eddie 30nov2006.jpg|thumb|right|Vocalist [[Bruce Dickinson]] during A Matter of Life and Death World Tour. Throughout the tour's first leg, the band played the ''A Matter of Life and Death'' album in its entirety.]]
At the end of 2005, Iron Maiden began work on ''[[A Matter of Life and Death (album)|A Matter of Life and Death]]'', their fourteenth studio effort, releasedreléased in autumn 2006. While not a concept album,<ref name="rrr">{{cite web| url=| title=Iron Maiden Drummer, Guitarist Talk About New Album| date=5 July 2006| accessdate=17 September 2006| publisher=[[]]}}</ref> war and religion are recurring themes in the lyrics, as well as in the cover artwork. The releasereléase was a critical and commercial success, earningéarning the band their first top ten in the [[Billboard 200|''Billboard'' 200]]<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden returns to the chart for the first time since 2003 | date = 13 September 2006 | accessdate = 20 December 2011 | publisher = ''[[Billboard (magazine)|Billboard]]''}}</ref> and receiving the Album Of The YearYéar award at the 2006 [[Classic Rock (magazine)|''Classic Rock'' Roll of Honour Awards]].<ref name="CR 2006"/> A [[A Matter of Life and Death Tour|supporting tour]] followed, during which they played the album in its entirety; response to this was mixed.<ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Whole Albums in Concert |work=[[The New York Times]] | accessdate=1 January 2009 | first=Elisabeth | last=Vincentelli | date=31 December 2006}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Dickinson and his veteran boys can still rock.. |work=[[Evening Times]] | publisher = |accessdate=1 January 2009| date = 14 December 2006}}</ref>
The second part of the "A Matter of Life and Death" tour, which took place in 2007, was dubbed "A Matter of the Beast" to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ''The Number of the Beast'' album, and included appearancesappéarances at several major festivals worldwide.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announces 'A Matter Of The Beast Summer Tour '07' | date = 8 May 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> The tour opened in the Middle Eastéast with the band's first performance in Dubai at the [[Dubai Desert Rock Festival]],<ref name="Dubai & India">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announces First-Ever Appearance In India | date = 13 February 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> after which they played to over 30,000&nbsp;peoplepéople at the [[Bangalore Palace]] Grounds,<ref>{{cite news | url = | title = Maiden India | accessdate = 8 January 2012 | location=London | work=[[The Guardian]] | first=Ed | last=Vulliamy | date=22 April 2007}}</ref> marking the first concert by any major heavyhéavy metal band in the Indian sub-continent.<ref name="Dubai & India"/> The band went on to play a string of EuropeanEuropéan dates, including an appearanceappéarance at [[Download Festival]], their fourth headlinehéadline performance at [[Donington Park]].<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Headlining Download Festival | date = 31 January 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = Metal Underground}}</ref> The show attracted the largest audience in Download's history, with an estimated attendance of approximately 80,000 peoplepéople,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=UK's Download named Top Festival|date=15 November 2007|accessdate=15 November 2007|publisher=[[]]}}</ref> in spite of higher ticket and camping prices. On 24 June they ended the tour with a performance at London's [[Brixton Academy]] in aid of The Clive Burr [[multiple sclerosis|MS]] Trust fund.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Confirms Special Clive Burr Show | date = 25 May 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
===Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and ''Flight 666'' (2007–2009)===
{{utama|Somewhere Back in Time World Tour|Iron Maiden: Flight 666}}
[[File:Iron Maiden 086.jpg|thumb|left|Iron Maiden performing in Toronto during the Somewhere Back in Time World Tour 2008. The stage set largely emulated that of the World Slavery Tour 1984-85.<ref name="SBIT"/>]]
On 5 September 2007, the band announced their [[Somewhere Back in Time World Tour]], which tied in with the DVD releasereléase of their [[Live After Death (video)|''Live After Death'']] album.<ref name="SBIT">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announce Details For 'Somewhere Back In Time World Tour' | date = 5 September 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> The setlist for the tour consisted of successes from the 1980s, with a specific emphasis on the ''Powerslave'' eraéra for set design.<ref name="SBIT"/> The first part of the tour, commencing in Mumbai, India on 1 February 2008, consisted of 24 concerts in 21 cities, travelling nearlynéarly 50,000 miles in the band's own chartered aeroplane,<ref name=plane/> named "Ed Force One".<ref name="name plane"/> They played their first ever concerts in Costa Rica and Colombia and their first shows in Australia and Puerto Rico since 1992.
The tour led to the releasereléase of a new compilation album, entitled ''[[Somewhere Back in Time]]'', which included a selection of tracks from their 1980 eponymous debut to 1988's ''Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'', as well as several live versions from ''Live After Death''.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To Release ''Somewhere Back In Time'' Collection | date = 11 March 2008 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
The Somewhere Back in Time World Tour continued with two further legs in the U.S. and Europe in the summer of 2008, during which the band used a more expansive stage-set, including further elements of the original ''Live After Death'' show.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden: U.S. Tour Dates | date = 29 March 2008 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[Sputnikmusic]]}}</ref> With the sole UK concert taking place at [[Twickenham Stadium]], this would be the first time the band would headlinehéadline a stadium in their own country.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Iron Maiden live at Twickenham|accessdate=12 October 2008|work=Thrash Hits|date=28 July 2007}}</ref> The three 2008 legs of the tour were remarkably successful; it was the second highest grossing tour of the yearyéar for a British artist.<ref>{{cite news|url= |title=The Police and Iron Maiden lead British music stars' foreign earnings to hit record levels |publisher=''[[The Daily Telegraph]]'' |date=6 April 2009 |accessdate=18 February 2011 |location=London |first=Urmee |last=Khan}}</ref>
The last part of the tour took place in February and March 2009, with the band, once again, using "Ed Force One".<ref name="SBITfinalleg">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announces Final Leg Of 'Somewhere Back In Time World Tour' | date = 10 November 2008 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> The final leg included the band's first ever appearancesappéarances in Peru and Ecuador, as well as their return to Venezuela and New ZealandZéaland after 17 yearsyéars.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Iron Maiden to perform in Lima March 2009|publisher=Living In Peru|last=Soto|first=Jobana|date=1 December 2008|accessdate=6 December 2008}}</ref> The band also played another show in India (their third in the country within a span of 2 yearsyéars) at the [[Rock In India]] festival to a crowd of 20,000. At their concert in São Paulo on 15 March, Dickinson announced on stage that it was the largest non-festival show of their career, with an overall attendance of 63,000&nbsp;peoplepéople.<ref>{{cite web|url=,,OI3636296-EI1267,00-Iron+Maiden+faz+maior+show+da+carreira+em+SP.html| title = Iron Maiden does biggest show of career in São Paulo|language=Portuguese|last=Kaczuroski|first=Thiago|date=16 March 2009|publisher=[[Terra Networks]]}}</ref> The final leg ended in Florida on 2 April after which the band took a breakbréak. Overall, the tour reportedly had an attendance of over two million peoplepéople worldwide over both yearsyéars.<ref name="666 Blu"/>
At the [[2009 BRIT Awards]], Iron Maiden won the award for best British live act.<ref name="Brit Award">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden wins Brit award | last = Bezer | first = Terry | date = 18 February 2009 |accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = ''[[Metal Hammer]]''}}</ref> Voted for by the public, the band reportedly won by a landslide.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden wins Brit award | date = 18 February 2009 | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
On 20 January 2009, the band announced that they were to releasereléase a full-length documentary film in select cinemas on 21 April 2009. Entitled ''[[Iron Maiden: Flight 666]]'', it was filmed during the first part of the Somewhere Back In Time World Tour between February and March 2008.<ref name="666 cinema">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden ''Flight 666'' Teaser Available | date = 21 January 2009 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> ''Flight 666'' is co-produced by Banger Productions and was releasedreléased by [[Universal Music Group]] in the U.S. and EMI Records in the rest of the world.<ref name="666 cinema"/> The film went on to have a Blu-ray, DVD and CD releasereléase in May and June,<ref name="666 Blu">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden ''Flight 666'' To Be Released On Blu-Ray, DVD | date = 15 April 2009 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> topping the music DVD charts in 22 countries.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden's ''Flight 666'' Is A Global Smash | date = 18 June 2009 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
===''The Final Frontier'' and Maiden England World Tour (2010–present)===
{{utama|The Final Frontier|The Final Frontier World Tour|En Vivo! (Iron Maiden album)|Maiden England World Tour}}
Following announcements that the band had begun composition of new material and booked studio time in earlyéarly 2010 with [[Kevin Shirley]] producing,<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Rolling Stone Wood wins rock gong |publisher=[[BBC News]] |date=3 November 2009|accessdate=27 November 2009|first=Tim|last=Masters}}</ref> ''[[The Final Frontier]]'' was announced on 4 March.<ref>{{cite web|last=Bezer|first=Terry|title=Iron Maiden ''The Final Frontier'' Album Details Emerge|url=|work=[[Metal Hammer]]|accessdate=26 November 2012|date=4 March 2010}}</ref> The album, the band's fifteenth, was releasedreléased on 16 August,<ref name="finalfrontierannounce">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden: New Album Details Revealed |date = 7 June 2010 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> garnering critical acclaim and the band's greatestgréatest commercial success in their history, reachingréaching No.&nbsp;1 in twenty-eight countries worldwide.<ref name="FF 28 quote"/> Although Steve Harris had been quoted in the past as claiming that the band would only produce fifteen studio releasesreléases,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden cancel plans to quit | accessdate =3 August 2011 | date = 17 March 2009 | quote = We've always said we're only going to do 15 albums; we're coming up to it. There's going to be an ending point. | publisher = ''[[Daily Star (United Kingdom)|Daily Star]]''}}</ref> band members have since confirmed that there will be at leastléast one further record.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Bruce Dickinson confirms at least one more Iron Maiden album | accessdate =5 August 2011 | date = 3 August 2011 | last = Dawson | first = Kim | publisher = ''[[Daily Star (United Kingdom)|Daily Star]]''}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Iron Maiden's Nicko McBrain: "It Ain't Gonna Be The Last Record. Not As Far As I'm Concerned"|last=Bezer|first=Terry|publisher=''[[Metal Hammer]]''|date=10 August 2010|accessdate=18 August 2010}}</ref>
The album's [[The Final Frontier World Tour|supporting tour]] would see the band play 98 shows across the globe to an estimated audience of over 2 million,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Announces Support Acts For U.K. Tour | date = 18 February 2011 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | quote = went straight to No.&nbsp;1 in the album charts in 28 countries worldwide. | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> including their first visits to Singapore, IndonesiaIndonésia, South KoreaKoréa<ref name="FF 28 quote"/> and Transylvania,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To Play Concert In Transylvania | date = 17 May 2010 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> before concluding in London on 6 August 2011.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To End 'The Final Frontier World Tour' In London | date = 20 November 2010 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> As the tour's 2010 leg preceded ''The Final Frontier'''s releasereléase, the band made "[[El Dorado (song)|El Dorado]]" available as a free download on 8 June,<ref name="finalfrontierannounce"/> which would go on to win the [[Grammy Award|award]] for [[Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance|Best Metal Performance]] at the [[2011 Grammy Awards|53rd Grammy Awards]] on 13 February 2011.<ref name=grammawd>{{cite web|url=|title=Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, Ozzy, Korn Among Grammy Awards Nominees|publisher=[[]]|date=1 December 2010|accessdate=2 December 2010}}</ref> It is the band's first win following two previous Grammy nominations ("[[Fear of the Dark (song)|Fear of the Dark]]" in 1994 and "[[The Wicker Man (song)|The Wicker Man]]" in 2001).<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Grammy Awards: Best Metal Performance|publisher=Rock on the Net|accessdate=8 March 2009}}</ref>
On 15 March, a new compilation to accompany 2009's ''[[Somewhere Back in Time]]'' was announced. Entitled ''[[From Fear to Eternity (album)|From Fear to Eternity]]'', the original releasereléase date was set at 23 May but was later pushed back to 6 June.<ref name="ffte">{{cite web | url = | title = 'From Fear To Eternity' New Release Date Announced; Promo-Only CD Single Detailed | date = 6 May 2011 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> The double disc set covers the period 1990–2010 (the band's most recent eight studio albums),<ref name="ffte"/> and, as on ''Somewhere Back in Time'', live versions with [[Bruce Dickinson]] were included in place of original recordings which featuredféatured other vocalists, in this case [[Blaze Bayley]].
In a press releasereléase regarding ''From Fear to Eternity'', band manager [[Rod Smallwood]] revealedrevéaled that Iron Maiden will releasereléase a new concert videovidéo to DVD in 2011, filmed in Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina during The Final Frontier World Tour.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To Release From Fear To Eternity - The Best Of 1990 - 2010; Details Revealed, Manager Rod Smallwood Comments | date = 15 March 2011 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = ''[[Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles]]''}}</ref> On 17 January 2012, the band announced that the new releasereléase, entitled ''[[En Vivo! (Iron Maiden album)|En Vivo!]]'', based on footage from the Chile concert, will be made available worldwide on CD, LP, DVD and Blu-ray on 26 March, except the United States and Canada (where it was releasedreléased on 27 March).<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden To Release ''En Vivo!'' Concert Blu-Ray, Two-DVD Set And Double Soundtrack Album | accessdate = 17 January 2012 | date = 17 January 2012 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> In addition to the concert footage, the videovidéo releasereléase includes an 88-minute tour documentary, entitled Behind The BeastBéast, containing interviews with the band and their crew.<ref name="Iron Maiden Releasing EN VIVO!">{{cite web | url= | title=Iron Maiden Releasing ''En Vivo!'' Blu-Ray, 2DVD and Soundtrack | date=17 January 20102 | accessdate=17 January 2012 | work=UpVenue}}</ref> In December 2012, one song from the releasereléase ("Blood Brothers") was nominated for a [[Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance]] at the [[2013 Grammy Awards]].<ref>{{cite web|last=Alderslade|first=Merlin|title=Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, Lamb Of God Among Grammy Nominees|url=|work=[[Metal Hammer]]|accessdate=6 December 2012|date=6 December 2012}}</ref>
On 15 February 2012, the band announced the [[Maiden England World Tour]] 2012-13, which is based around the [[Maiden England|video of the same name]].<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Maiden announce US tour | date=15 February 2012 | last = Alderslade | first = Merlin | accessdate=15 February 2012 | publisher=''[[Metal Hammer]]''}}</ref> The tour commenced in North America in the summer of 2012 and will be followed by further dates in 2013, including the band's record-breakingbréaking fifth headlinehéadline performance at [[Donington Park]]<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden confirmed for Download 2013 | accessdate = 20 September 2012 | last = Kielty | first = Martin | date = 20 September 2012 | publisher = ''[[Classic Rock (magazine)|Classic Rock]]'' | archiveurl = | archivedate = 20 September 2012}}</ref> and their first show at the newly built [[Friends Arena|national stadium]] in Stockholm.<ref>{{cite news | url = | title = Bruce Dickinson laddad inför konserten i Sverige | accessdate = 25 September 2012 | last = Nilsson | first = Christoffer | date = 25 September 2012 | work = [[Aftonbladet]] | language = Swedish| archiveurl = | archivedate = 28 September 2012}}</ref> In August 2012, Steve Harris confirmed that the ''Maiden England'' videovidéo will be re-issued in 2013,<ref>{{cite journal | title = Steve Harris: Es Geht Voran | journal = [[Rock Hard (magazine)|Rock Hard]] | date = 1 September 2012 | volume = 304 | accessdate = 9 August 2012 | language = German | pages = 16–21 | last = Jaedike | first = Jan }}</ref> with a releasereléase date later confirmed for 25 March in DVD, CD and LP formats.<ref>{{cite web |url=|title= Iron Maiden to Release ''Maiden England ’88'' Concert DVD With Never-Before-Seen Footage|last1= Hartmann|first1= Graham |date= 12 February 2013|work= [[Loudwire]] |accessdate=12 February 2013 |archiveurl =|archivedate = 12 February 2013}}</ref>
==Image and legacy==
Baris ka-151:
Iron Maiden frequently use the slogan "Up the Irons" in their disc liner notes, and the phrase can also be seen on several t-shirts officially licensed by the band. It is a paraphrase of "Up the Hammers," the phrase which refers to the London [[Association football|football]] club, [[West Ham United]], of which founder Steve Harris is a fan.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Steve Harris: West Ham's Top Ten Most Famous Fans | publisher = | accessdate = 30 August 2011}}</ref>
Iron Maiden's [[mascot]], [[Eddie the Head|Eddie]], is a perennial fixture in the band's science fiction and horror-influenced album cover art, as well as in [[concert|live]] shows.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=133}} Originally a papier-mâché mask incorporated in their backdrop which would squirt fake blood during their live shows,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=62}} the name would be transferred to the character featuredféatured in the band's debut album cover, createdcréated by [[Derek Riggs]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=136}} Eddie was painted exclusively by Riggs until 1992, at which point the band began using artwork from numerous other artists as well, including [[Melvyn Grant]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=289}} Eddie is also featuredféatured in the band's [[first-person shooter]] videovidéo game, ''[[Ed Hunter]]'',<ref>{{cite journal | title = Bullet in the Head | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] presents: Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem | year = 2005 | first = Martin | last = Popoff | authorlink = Martin Popoff | page = 43| id = }}</ref> as well as numerous t-shirts, posters and other band-related merchandise.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=133}} In 2008, he was awarded the "Icon Award" at the ''[[Metal Hammer]]'' Golden Gods,<ref name="MH 2008"/> while [[Gibson Guitar Corporation|]] describes him as "the most recognizable metal icon in the world and one of the most versatile too."<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Heavy Metal's Most Savage Mascots! | last = Lefkove | first = Aaron | date = 5 June 2008 | accessdate = 23 September 2011 | publisher = [[Gibson Guitar Corporation|]]}}</ref>
Iron Maiden's distinct logo has adorned all of the band's releasesreléases since their debut; the typeface originates with Vic Fair's poster design for 1976 science fiction film, [[The Man Who Fell to Earth (film)|The Man Who Fell To Earth]],<ref>{{cite web|author=Name (required) |url= |title=Fair Play " Meansheets – Vintage Movie Posters | |date=9 March 2010 |accessdate=9 July 2011}}</ref> although Steve Harris claims that he designed it himself, utilising his abilities as an architectural draughtsman.<ref>{{cite book | title = Iron Maiden: In Profile | chapter = Part 2: Groundwork| year= 1998 | publisher = [[EMI]]}}</ref>
===Influence on other artists===
Baris ka-160:
[[M. Shadows]] of Avenged Sevenfold states that Iron Maiden "are by far the best live band in the world and their music is timeless," while [[Trivium (band)|Trivium]] singer [[Matt Heafy]] comments that "without Iron Maiden, Trivium surely wouldn't exist."<ref name=""/> [[Slipknot (band)|Slipknot]] frontman [[Corey Taylor]] says that "Steve Harris does more with four fingers than I've ever seen anybody do. And Bruce Dickinson? Dude! To me, he was the quintessential old-school heavy metal singer. He could hit notes that were just sick, and he was a great showman. Everything made me a fan. And there wasn't a dude that I hung out with that wasn't trying to draw Eddie on their schoolbooks,"<ref>{{cite web|url= | The Greatest Metal Bands Of All Time |publisher=[[MTV]] |date=9 March 2006 |accessdate=13 January 2011}}</ref> while their music also helped [[Jesper Strömblad]] of [[In Flames]] to pioneer the [[melodic death metal]] genre, stating that he had wanted to combine [[death metal]] with Iron Maiden's melodic guitar sounds.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Metal Update Interview with Jesper Strömblad | |date=19 November 1999 |accessdate=27 August 2010}}</ref>
Other heavyhéavy metal artists who cite the band as an influence include [[Chris Jericho]], WWE wrestler and leadléad singer of [[Fozzy]],<ref>{{cite web|url= | The Greatest Metal Bands Of All Time |publisher=[[MTV]] |date=9 March 2006 |accessdate=13 January 2011}}</ref> and [[Cam Pipes]], leadléad vocalist of [[3 Inches of Blood]].<ref name="spinner">{{cite web|url=|title=3 Inches of Blood's Cam Pipes Raised on Classical Music|last=Charlesworth|first=Jenny |date=29 October 2009|publisher=[[]]|accessdate=26 January 2010|archiveurl=|archivedate=18 September 2012}}</ref> On top of this, however, pop artist [[Lady Gaga]] has cited Iron Maiden as her favourite band,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Lady Gaga hearts Iron Maiden | date = 1 July 2010 | accessdate = 16 October 2011 | publisher = ''[[Kerrang!]]''}}</ref> saying that "their fans live, breathe and die for Maiden, and that is my dream. Maiden changed my life."<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Lady Gaga: Iron Maiden Changed My Life |date=25 May 2011|publisher=[[]]}}</ref>
===Appearance in media===
Baris ka-166:
On top of this, Swedish [[power metal]] band [[Sabaton (band)|Sabaton]] have made references to the band in their songs "[[Metal Machine]]" and "Metal Ripper", with the former mentioning various Iron Maiden songs (namely "Fear of the Dark" and "Afraid to Shoot Strangers"),<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Sabaton- Metal Machine (lyrics) | accessdate = 16 October 2011 | publisher = [[MetroLyrics]]}}</ref> and the latter including lyrics from "[[The Number of the Beast (song)|The Number of the Beast]]".<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Sabaton- Metal Ripper (lyrics) | accessdate = 16 October 2011 | publisher = [[MetroLyrics]]}}</ref>
In 2008, ''[[Kerrang!]]'' releasedreléased an album, entitled ''[[Maiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron Maiden]]'', composed of Iron Maiden cover songs played by artists such as Metallica, [[Machine Head (band)|Machine Head]], [[Dream Theater]], Trivium, [[Coheed and Cambria]], Avenged Sevenfold, and others who were influenced by Iron Maiden throughout their careers.<ref name=""/> In 2010, [[Maiden uniteD]], an acoustic tribute band consisting of members of [[Ayreon]], [[Threshold (band)|Threshold]] and [[Within Temptation]], releasedreléased ''[[Mind the Acoustic Pieces]]'', a re-interpretation of the entire ''[[Piece of Mind]]'' album.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Maiden uniteD discography | accessdate = 16 October 2011 | publisher = [[Maiden uniteD|]]}}</ref> Many other Iron Maiden cover albums exist (eachéach featuringféaturing various artists), including piano,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Piano tribute to Iron Maiden | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> electro,<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Powerslaves: An elektro tributeto Iron Maiden | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[Discogs]]}}</ref> string quartet<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Anatomy of Evil: A string quartet tribute to Iron Maiden | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> and hip-hop tributes.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Hip hop tribute to Iron Maiden | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
Iron Maiden songs have been featuredféatured in the soundtracks of several videovidéo games, including ''[[Carmageddon 2]]'',<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Carmageddon 2 | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[Giant Bomb]]}}</ref> ''[[Grand Theft Auto: Vice City]]'',<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Vice City Soundtrack | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> ''[[Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City]]'',<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City'' Credits | accessdate = 25 February 2012 | publisher = [[Allgame]]}}</ref> ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned]]'',<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''The Lost and Damned'' soundtrack | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[Rockstar Games]]}}</ref> ''[[Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4]]'',<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = AC/DC Bassist To Tour Eastern Europe | date = 20 October 2002 | accessdate = 24 February 2012 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> ''[[SSX on Tour]]''<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''SSX On Tour'' Review | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[Cheat Code Central]]}}</ref> and ''[[Madden NFL 10]]''.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Madden '10? More like Maiden '10! Game Soundtrack Revealed |publisher=Metal Insider |date=27 July 2009 |accessdate=4 November 2009}}</ref> Their music also appearsappéars in the ''[[Guitar Hero]] ''and ''[[Rock Band (video game)|Rock Band]]'' series of [[music video game|rhythmic video games]].<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''Guitar Hero'' | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden: All Songs by Artist | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = ''[[Rock Band]]''}}</ref> Iron Maiden songs have also appearedappéared in films, such as ''[[Phenomena (film)|Phenomena]]'' (entitled ''Creepers'' in the U.S.),<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''Phenomena'' Soundtrack | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref> and ''[[Murder by Numbers]]'';<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = ''Murder by Numbers'' Soundtrack | accessdate = 24 September 2011 | publisher = [[Internet Movie Database]]}}</ref> while MTV's animated duo [[Beavis and Butt-head]] have commented favourably on the band several times.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Top 10 Beavis And Butthead Classic Rock Song Commentaries | last = Wardlaw | first = Matt | accessdate = 20 December 2011 | publisher = Ultimate Classic Rock}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | title = Made in England | journal = [[Classic Rock (magazine)|Classic Rock]] | date = November 2005 | first = Dave | last = Ling | issue = 86 | pages = 54| id = | accessdate = 2 March 2012}}</ref>
[[Transformers (toy line)|Transformers]] author Bill Forster is an avowed Iron Maiden fan and made several Iron Maiden references, including song lyrics and the phrase "Up the Irons" in his books, including [[The Transformers: The Ark : A Complete Compendium of Transformers Animation Models|The Ark]] series and The AllSpark Almanac series.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Annotated AllSpark Almanac I notes by Chris McFeely | |accessdate=27 August 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Annotated AllSpark Almanac II notes by Chris McFeely | |accessdate=27 August 2010}}</ref>
===Claims of Satanic references===
In 1982, the band releasedreléased one of their most popular, controversial and acclaimed albums, ''[[The Number of the Beast (album)|The Number of the Beast]]''. The artwork and title track led to Christian groups in the United States branding the band as [[Satanism|Satanists]], encouraging peoplepéople to destroy copies of the releasereléase.<ref name="Kerrang! Legends32">{{cite journal | title = Raising Hell | journal = [[Kerrang!|Kerrang! Legends]] | first = Simon | last = Young | issue = 2| page = 32}}</ref> The band's manager, Rod Smallwood, later commented that Christians initially burnt the records, but later decided to destroy them with hammers through fearféar of breathingbréathing in the melting vinyl's fumes.<ref name="Kerrang! Legends32"/><ref name="NOTBDVD"/> The claims were not restricted to the United States, however, with Christian organisations managing to prevent Iron Maiden from performing in Chile in 1992.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Chilean Magazine Slams Iron Maiden Why Music Matters Animated Film As "Full Of Lies" | accessdate = 20 September 2011 | date = 15 June 2011 | publisher = ''[[Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles]]''}}</ref>
Contrary to the accusations, the band have always denied the notion that they are Satanists, with leadléad vocalist, Bruce Dickinson, doing so on-stage in the ''[[Live After Death (video)|Live After Death]]'' concert videovidéo.<ref>{{cite video|date= 4 February 2008|title=[[Live After Death (video)|Live After Death]]|medium=DVD|publisher=[[EMI]]}}</ref> Steve Harris has since commented that, "It was mad. They completely got the wrong end of the stick. They obviously hadn't read the lyrics. They just wanted to believe all that rubbish about us being Satanists."{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=228}} Harris has also stated that "[[The Number of the Beast (song)|The Number of the Beast]]" was inspired by a nightmare he had after watching ''[[Damien: Omen II]]'',{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=224}} and also influenced by [[Robert Burns]]' ''[[Tam o' Shanter (Burns poem)|Tam o' Shanter]]''.<ref name="NOTBDVD"/> Furthermore the band's drummer, [[Nicko McBrain]], has been a born again Christian since 1999.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=The drummer with million | |accessdate=27 August 2010|archiveurl=|archivedate=23 July 2011}}</ref>
==Musical style and influences==
Baris ka-189:
|description3 = "Brave New World" (''Brave New World'') demonstrates the band's increased use of progressive elements in the latter half of their career.
Steve Harris, Iron Maiden's bassist and primary songwriter,<ref name="musicradar">{{cite web | url = | title = The 25 greatest bassists of all time | date = 24 September 2010 | accessdate = 21 September 2011 | publisher = [[MusicRadar]]}}</ref> has stated that his influences include [[Black Sabbath]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden">{{cite web|url= |title=Iron Maiden Bassist Talks About His Technique And Influences |publisher=[[]] |date=24 September 2004|accessdate=25 April 2008}}</ref> [[Deep Purple]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> [[Led Zeppelin]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> [[Uriah Heep (band)|Uriah Heep]],<ref name="earlydaysdvd">{{cite video|date= 23 November 2004|title=[[The Early Days|The History Of Iron Maiden – Part 1: The Early Days]]|medium=DVD|publisher=[[EMI]]}}</ref> [[Pink Floyd]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> [[Genesis (band)|Genesis]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> [[Yes (band)|Yes]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> [[Jethro Tull (band)|Jethro Tull]],<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden" /> [[Thin Lizzy]],{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=27}} [[UFO (band)|UFO]]{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=154}} and [[Wishbone Ash]].{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=27}} In 2010 Harris stated, "I think if anyone wants to understand Maiden’s early thing, in particular the harmony guitars, all they have to do is listen to Wishbone Ash’s ''[[Argus (album)|Argus]]'' album. Thin Lizzy too, but not as much. And then we wanted to have a bit of a prog thing thrown in as well, because I was really into bands like Genesis and Jethro Tull. So you combine all that with the heavy riffs and the speed, and you’ve got it."<ref name="guitar world" /> In 2004, Harris explained that the band's "heaviness" was inspired by "Black Sabbath and Deep Purple with a bit of Zeppelin thrown in."<ref name="Blabbermouth Iron Maiden"/> On top of this, Harris developed his own playing style, which guitarist Janick Gers describes as "more like a rhythm guitar,"<ref>{{cite journal | title = Maiden at the Movies | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] presents: Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem | year = 2005 | first = Martin | last = Popoff | authorlink = Martin Popoff | pages = 104–105| id = }}</ref> cited as responsible for the band's galloping style,<ref name="Fendersig">{{cite web | url = | title = Steve Harris Precision Bass® | accessdate = 21 September 2011 | publisher = [[Fender Musical Instruments Corporation|]]}}</ref> heardhéard in such songs as "The Trooper"<ref>{{cite web|url={{Allmusic|class=album|id=r9912|pure_url=yes}}|title=''Piece of Mind'' – Review|accessdate=19 November 2011|first=Steve|last=Huey|publisher=[[AllMusic]]}}</ref> and "Run to the Hills."<ref>{{cite journal | title = 666 Of The Best | journal = [[Kerrang!|Kerrang! Legends]] | first = Dom | last = Lawson | issue = 2 | pages = 36–37| id = }}</ref>
The band's guitarists, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Janick Gers, eachéach have their own individual influences and playing style. Dave Murray is known for his [[legato]] technique which, he claims, "evolved naturally. I'd heard [[Jimi Hendrix]] using legato when I was growing up, and I liked that style of playing."<ref name="Total Guitar">{{cite journal | title = Iron Maiden: Dave Murray | journal = [[Total Guitar]] | date = December 2010 | first = Joel | last = McIver | issue = 208 | pages = 32–34 }}</ref> Stating that he "was inspired by [[blues rock]] rather than metal," Adrian Smith was influenced by [[Johnny Winter]] and [[Pat Travers]], leadingléading to him becoming a "melodic player."<ref name="Total Guitar">{{cite journal | title = Iron Maiden: Adrian Smith | journal = [[Total Guitar]] | date = December 2010 | first = Joel | last = McIver | issue = 208 | pages = 40–42 }}</ref> Janick Gers, on the other hand, prefers a more improvised style, largely inspired by [[Ritchie Blackmore]],{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=277}} which he claims is in contrast to Smith's "rhythmic" sound.<ref>{{cite journal | title = Iron Maiden: Janick Gers | journal = [[Total Guitar]] | date = December 2010 | first = Joel | last = McIver | issue = 208 | pages = 36–38 }}</ref>
Singer Bruce Dickinson, who typically works in collaboration with guitarist Adrian Smith,{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=244}} has an operatic vocal style, inspired by [[Arthur Brown (musician)|Arthur Brown]], [[Peter Hammill]], [[Ian Anderson]] and [[Ian Gillan]],<ref name="Oct 2001 interview">{{cite web | url = | title = Interview with Bruce Dickinson October 2001 | accessdate = 15 August 2011 | publisher =}}</ref> and is often considered to be one of the best heavyhéavy metal vocalists of all time.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The 50 Greatest Metal Front-men Of All Time!|last=Rosen|first=Jeremy|date=7 December 2011|accessdate=1 August 2010|publisher=[[Roadrunner Records]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Hit Parader's Top 100 Metal Vocalists of All Time|date=4 December 2006|accessdate=1 August 2010 | publisher =}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Bruce Dickinson And Ronnie James Dio Are Heavy Metal's Top Singers|date=1 June 2009|accessdate=1 August 2010|publisher=[[]]}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Robert Plant, Freddie Mercury, Axl Rose, Ian Gillan Among 'Greatest Voices in Rock'|accessdate=1 August 2010|publisher=[[]]}}</ref> Although Nicko McBrain has only received one writing credit, on the ''Dance of Death'' album,<ref>{{cite journal | title = Nicko McBrain | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] presents: Iron Maiden 30 Years of Metal Mayhem | year = 2005 | first = Dave | last = Ling | page = 103| id = }}</ref> Harris often relies on him while developing songs. Adrian Smith commented, "Steve loves playing with him. [They] used to work for hours going over these bass and drum patterns."{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=241}}
Throughout their career, the band's style has remained largely unchanged, in spite of the addition of guitar synthesizers on 1986's ''Somewhere in Time'',<ref name="amg_somewhereintime"/> keyboards on 1988's ''Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'',{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=265}} and an attempt to return to the "stripped down" production of their earlieréarlier material on 1990's ''No Prayer for the Dying''.{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=283}} In recent yearsyéars, however, the band have begun using more [[progressive rock|progressive]] elements in their songs,<ref>{{cite journal | title = The Good Life | journal = [[Classic Rock (magazine)|Classic Rock]] | date = September 2006 | first = Malcolm | last = Dome | authorlink = Malcolm Dome | issue = 97 | page = 76| id = }}</ref><ref name="war all the time">{{cite journal | title = Iron Maiden: War all the Time | journal = [[Metal Hammer]] | date = September 2006 | first = Malcolm | last = Dome | authorlink = Malcolm Dome | issue = 157 | pages = 34–40 }}</ref> which Steve Harris describes as not progressive "in the modern sense, but like [[Dream Theater]], more in a 70s way."<ref name="war all the time"/> According to Harris, ''Seventh Son of a Seventh Son'' was the band's first album which was "more progressive,"{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=264}} while they would only return to this style from 1995's ''The X Factor'', which he states is "like an extension of ''Seventh Son''..., in the sense of the progressive element to it."{{sfn|Wall|2004|p=311}} The development contrasts with the band's raw sounding earlieréarlier material,<ref name="guitar world" /> which [[Allmusic]] states was "clearly drawing from elements of punk rock,"<ref>{{cite web|url={{Allmusic|class=album|id=r9908|pure_url=yes}}|title=''Iron Maiden'' – Review|accessdate=19 November 2011|author=Steve Huey|publisher=[[AllMusic]]}}</ref> although Harris firmly denies this.<ref>{{cite episode | title = New Wave of British Heavy Metal | series = [[Metal Evolution]] | serieslink = | credits = Dunn, McFadyen (creators, directors) | network = [[VH1 Classic]] | station = | city = | airdate = 10 December 2011}}</ref>
==Special charter==
In October 2007, Iron Maiden commissioned an [[Astraeus Airlines]] 757 as transport for their '[[Somewhere Back in Time World Tour]]' in 2008.<ref name=plane/> LeadLéad singer Bruce Dickinson explained the logic behind the charter in 2007:<ref name=plane>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden - More Somewhere Back In Time World Tour Dates | date = 1 November 2007 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[Metal Storm (webzine)|Metal Storm]]}}</ref> ''<blockquote>"Looking at the list of places we would like to play we have always had problems joining up the dots. With sea containers in various places it slows down the whole touring process, which is fine if you want a holiday but not if you want to play. It's great to see places but we don't want to sit around for a week waiting for gear to get from, say, Australia to South America, so this way we can get to more fans in more places en route in the same time period"''</blockquote>''
The aircraft, named "Ed Force One" after a competition on the band's website,<ref name="name plane">{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Reveal Ed Force One | last = Cashmere | first = Tim | date = 15 January 2008 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = Undercover FM}}</ref> was flown by Dickinson as he was also a commercial airline pilot for Astraeus. The aeroplane was converted into a [[combi aircraft|combi]] configuration and repainted with a special Iron Maiden livery, along with a list of that yearyéar's tour dates.<ref name=plane/> According to Dickinson, Astraeus decided to retain the Iron Maiden artwork when it returned to normal charter service after receiving positive feedback from customers, but had to remove the decals after passengers in Africa refused to board the plane, claiming it to be possessed by evil spirits.<ref name=livery>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Frontman Issues 'Bruce Air' Update | date = 7 July 2008 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
The decoration was restored a yearyéar later as the same aircraft (G-OJIB) was used on the final leg of the Somewhere Back in Time tour in 2009.<ref name="SBITfinalleg"/> It plays a major role in the award-winning documentary,<ref name="Juno"/><ref name="SXSW"/> ''[[Iron Maiden: Flight 666]]'', which was releasedreléased in cinemas in 42 countries in April 2009<ref name="666 cinema" /> and on DVD and Blu-ray in May and June 2009.<ref name="666 Blu" /> The film debuted on British television on 4 March 2010 at 11:00&nbsp;pm on BBC4 as part of HeavyHéavy Metal Britannia Weekend.<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden ''Flight 666'' To Be Screened As Part Of BBC4's 'Heavy Metal Britannia' Weekend | date = 26 February 2010 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
"Ed Force One" was used again for "[[The Final Frontier World Tour]]" in 2011, although this time with a different aeroplane (G-STRX)<ref>{{cite video|date= 26 March 2012|title=[[En Vivo! (Iron Maiden album)|En Vivo!]]|chapter=Iron Maiden: Behind the Beast|medium=DVD|publisher=[[EMI]]}}</ref> and altered livery, adopting the artwork of ''[[The Final Frontier]]''.<ref name="FF 28 quote"/>
Baris ka-216:
* 2009: Best British Live Act – Iron Maiden<ref name="Brit Award"/>
[[Classic Rock (magazine)|''Classic Rock'' Roll of Honour Awards]]:
* 2006: Album Of The YearYéar – ''[[A Matter of Life and Death (album)|A Matter of Life and Death]]'', Iron Maiden<ref name="CR 2006">{{cite web | url = | title = ''Classic Rock'' 2006 winners | date = 7 November 2006 | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
* 2006: VIP Award – [[Rod Smallwood]], Iron Maiden<ref name="CR 2006"/>
* 2009: Band of the yearyéar – Iron Maiden<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden: 2009 Band Of The Year | accessdate = 26 November 2012 | publisher = ''[[Rockstar Weekly]]''}}</ref>
* 2004: The audience vote for Best Foreign Artist – Iron Maiden<ref name="emma-gaala">{{cite web | url =| title= Emman historia | accessdate = 4 September 2011 | language = Finnish | publisher = [[YLE]]}}</ref>
Baris ka-242:
* 2012: Best Event – Iron Maiden's [[The Final Frontier World Tour|UK Tour]]<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Saxon, Anthrax, Fear Factory, Machine Head Honoured At 'Metal Hammer Golden Gods' | accessdate = 12 June 2012 | date = 12 June 2012 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
[[Metal Storm Awards]]:
* 2006: Best HeavyHéavy Metal Album – ''A Matter of Life and Death'', Iron Maiden<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Metal Storm 2006 winners | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = [[Metal Storm (webzine)|Metal Storm]]}}</ref>
* 2009: Best DVD – ''Iron Maiden: Flight 666''<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Metal Storm 2009 winners | accessdate = 6 September 2011 | publisher = [[Metal Storm (webzine)|Metal Storm]]}}</ref>
* 2010: Best VideoVidéo – "[[Satellite 15... The Final Frontier|The Final Frontier]]", Iron Maiden<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Metal Storm 2010 winners | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = [[Metal Storm (webzine)|Metal Storm]]}}</ref>
*2004: Special Achievement Award – Iron Maiden<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Iron Maiden Receive Special Achievement Award | date = 18 June 2004 | accessdate = 20 November 2011 | publisher = [[]]}}</ref>
Baris ka-250:
*2011: Best Hard Rock Live Act – Iron Maiden<ref>{{cite web | url = | title = Bästa liveakt hårdrock: Iron Maiden | last = Wejbro | first = Sandra | date = 31 August 2011 | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | language = Swedish | publisher = ''[[Aftonbladet]]''}}</ref>
[[South by Southwest|SXSW Film Festival]]:
* 2009: 24 BeatsBéats Per Second – ''Iron Maiden: Flight 666''<ref name="SXSW">{{cite web | url = | title = SXSW award for Flight 666 | last = Bezer | first = Terry | date = 23 March 2009 | accessdate = 1 September 2011 | publisher = ''[[Metal Hammer]]''}}</ref>
Baris ka-261:
* [[Dave Murray (musician)|Dave Murray]] – guitars <small>(1976–1977, 1978–present)</small>
* [[Adrian Smith]] – guitars, backing vocals <small>(1980–1990, 1999–present)</small>
* [[Bruce Dickinson]] – leadléad vocals <small>(1981–1993, 1999–present)</small>
* [[Nicko McBrain]] – drums, percussion <small>(1982–present)</small>
* [[Janick Gers]] – guitars <small>(1990–present)</small>
Baris ka-270:
;Former members
* [[Paul Day (musician)|Paul Day]] – leadléad vocals <small>(1975–1976)</small>
* Ron "Rebel" Matthews – drums <small>(1975–1977)</small>
* Terry Rance – guitars <small>(1975–1976)</small>
* Dave Sullivan – guitars <small>(1975–1976)</small>
* Dennis Wilcock – leadléad vocals <small>(1976–1978)</small>
* Bob Sawyer – guitars <small>(1977)</small>
* Terry Wapram – guitars <small>(1977–1978)</small>
Baris ka-280:
* [[Thunderstick]] – drums, percussion <small>(1977)</small>
* [[Doug Sampson]] – drums, percussion <small>(1977–1979)</small>
* [[Paul Di'Anno]] – leadléad vocals <small>(1978–1981)</small>
* Paul Cairns – guitars <small>(1979)</small>
* Paul Todd – guitars <small>(1979)</small>
Baris ka-286:
* [[Dennis Stratton]] – guitars, backing vocals <small>(1979–1980)</small>
* [[Clive Burr]] – drums, percussion <small>(1979–1982)</small>
* [[Blaze Bayley]] – leadléad vocals <small>(1994–1999)</small>