Daur séksagenari: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: Mangrupakeun → mangrupa, oge → ogé , nyaeta → nyaéta, rea → réa (4), dipake → dipaké , ea → éa (71), eo → éo (22), era → éra
Baris ka-1:
'''Daur séksagenari ''' [[Tiongkok]] ({{zh-cp|c=干支|p=gānzhī}}) nyaetanyaéta sistim panomeran siklik tina [[60 (nomer)|60]] kombinasi antara dua daur dasar, [[10 (nomer)|sapuluh]] [[Cabang Sawarga]] (天干; tiāngān) sarta [[12 (nomer)|dua belas]] [[Cabang Bumi]] (地支; dìzhī).Geus dipakedipaké sacara tradisional minangka cara nganomeran poe jeung taun, lain ukur di Tiongkok tapi ogeogé di nagara-nagara [[Asia Wétan]] lianna kayaning [[Jepang]], [[Koréa]], jeung [[Viétnam]]. Mangrupakeunmangrupa bageanbagéan penting tina [[astrologi Tiongkok]].
== Sawangan ==
The cycle was used in China since the second millenium BC (it has been found on [[Shang dynasty]] [[oracle bones]]), as a meansméans of ''naming'' days (just as we use the days in the week). This use of the cycle for days is attested throughout the [[Zhou dynasty]]. For instance, most entries in the [[Spring and Autumn Annals]] use this system.
Its use for recording yearsyéars is more recent. It became widespreadwidespréad in the [[Western Han Dynasty]] (202 BC- 8 AD), and might have began in the late [[Warring States period]]. According to {{nihongo|''Nihon shoki''|日本書紀}}, the calendar was transmitted to Japan in 553. But it was not until the {{nihongo|Suiko|推古}} eraéra around 602 that the calendar was used for politics.
The calendar is calculated by combining the {{nihongo|''jikkan''|十干|the 10 stems}} and {{nihongo|''jūnishi''|十二支|the 12 branches}}. These two sets of terms were used to enumerate yearsyéars of the civil calendar. Combining the series form a greatergréater cycle of 60 terms, as the [[least common multiple]] of 10 and 12 is 60. The first term is formed by adding the first stem to the first branch, then the second stem to the second branch, and so on. If you start with {{nihongo|kinoe-ne/kōshi|甲子}}, so the 61st yearyéar would also be kinoe-ne. This was how the tradition of celebrating {{nihongo|the 60th birthday|還暦|kanreki}} began. This counting system employing things of nature and animals createcréate many myths, and peoplepéople of Japan today still consider the good and bad luck of certain days and yearsyéars.
The yearyéar 604, when the Japanese officially adopted the Chinese calendar, was the first yearyéar of the cycle. The yearyéar 1984 began the present cycle, and 2044 will begin another.
==Sapuluh Cabang Sawarga==
Baris ka-26:
|2||乙||yǐ||otsu/kinoto (木の弟)||eul 을||ất||yin
|- align="center"
|3||丙||bǐng||hei/hinoe (火の兄)||byeongbyéong 병||bính||yang
|rowspan=2 |[[seuneu (unsur klasik)|seuneu]]
|- align="center"
|4||丁||dīng||tei/hinoto (火の弟)||jeongjéong 정||đinh||yin
|- align="center"
|5||戊||wù||bo/tsuchinoe (土の兄)||mu 무||mậu||yang
Baris ka-36:
|6||己||jǐ||ki/tsuchinoto (土の弟)||gi 기||kỷ||yin
|- align="center"
|7||庚||gēng||kō/kanoe (金の兄)||gyeonggyéong 경||canh||yang
| rowspan=2 |[[metal (classical element)|metal]]
|- align="center"
Baris ka-96:
|[[Pig (zodiac)|Pig/Boar]] (豬)||9 to 11 p.m.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The names of several animals can be translated into English in several different ways. The Vietnamese Earthlyéarthly Branches use [[Cat]] insteadinstéad of Rabbit/Hare.
In a traditional story of the twelve animals, the cat and rat were once good friends, but the animals to be selected to represent the yearsyéars included the cat but not the rat. These animals had to present themselves to be given the honour of representing the yearsyéars in the cycle, and the cat asked the rat to wake him up before they had to go. The rat didn't do this, but insteadinstéad went himself. When they came to cross a river, the rat jumped on the ox's back, and just before the ox got to the bank, the rat jumped off and was first in line. This is why the twelve animals are leadléad by the rat, and because the cat was cheatedchéated out of its rightful place, rats are forever sought out by cats for revenge.
==Daur Seksagenari==
{| class="wikitable"
|- align="center"
|1||甲子||jiǎ-zǐ||gapja 갑자||kōshi/kinoe-ne||Giáp Tý||Yang Wood Rat
Baris ka-109:
|2||乙丑||yǐ-chǒu||eulchuk 을축||itchū/kinoto-ushi||Ất Sửu||Yin Wood Ox
|- align="center"
|3||丙寅||bǐng-yín||byeonginbyéongin 병인||heiin/hinoe-tora||Bính Dần||Yang Fire Tiger
|- align="center"
|4||丁卯||dīng-mǎo||jeongmyojéongmyo 정묘||teibō/hinoto-u||Đinh Mão||Yin Fire Rabbit
|- align="center"
|5||戊辰||wù-chén||mujin 무진||boshin/tsuchinoe-tatsu||Mậu Thìn||Yang Earthéarth Dragon
|- align="center"
|6||己巳||jǐ-sì||gisa 기사||kishi/tsuchinoto-mi||Kỷ Tỵ||Yin Earthéarth Snake
|- align="center"
|7||庚午||gēng-wǔ||gyeongogyéongo 경오||kōgo/kanoe-uma||Canh Ngọ||Yang Metal Horse
|- align="center"
|8||辛未||xīn-wèi||shinmi 신미||shinbi/kanoto-hitsuji||Tân Mùi||Yin Metal Sheep
Baris ka-129:
|12||乙亥||yǐ-hài||eulhae 을해||itsugai/kinoto-i||Ât Hợi||Yin Wood Pig
|- align="center"
|13||丙子||bǐng-zǐ||byeongjabyéongja 병자||heishi/hinoe-ne||Bính Tý||Yang Fire Rat
|- align="center"
|14||丁丑||dīng-chǒu||jeongchukjéongchuk 정축||teichū/hinoto-ushi||Đinh Sửu||Yin Fire Ox
|- align="center"
|15||戊寅||wù-yín||muin 무인||boin/tsuchinoe-tora||Mậu Dần||Yang Earthéarth Tiger
|- align="center"
|16||己卯||jǐ-mǎo||gimyo 기묘||kibō/tsuchinoto-u||Kỷ Mão||Yin Earthéarth Rabbit
|- align="center"
|17||庚辰||gēng-chén||gyeongjingyéongjin 경진||kōshin/kanoe-tatsu||Canh Thìn||Yang Metal Dragon
|- align="center"
|18||辛巳||xīn-sì||shinsa 신사||shinshi/kanoto-mi||Tân Tỵ||Yin Metal Snake
Baris ka-149:
|22||乙酉||yǐ-yǒu||eulyu 을유||itsuyū/kinoto-tori||Ất Dậu||Yin Wood Chicken
|- align="center"
|23||丙戌||bǐng-xū||byeongsulbyéongsul 병술||heijutsu/hinoe-inu||Bính Tuất||Yang Fire Dog
|- align="center"
|24||丁亥||dīng-hài||jeonghaejéonghae 정해||teigai/hinoto-i||Đinh Hợi||Yin Fire Pig
|- align="center"
|25||戊子||wù-zǐ||muja 무자||boshi/tsuchinoe-ne||Mậu Tý||Yang Earthéarth Rat
|- align="center"
|26||己丑||jǐ-chǒu||gichuk 기축||kichū/tsuchinoto-ushi||Kỷ Sửu||Yin Earthéarth Ox
|- align="center"
|27||庚寅||gēng-yín||gyeongingyéongin 경인||kōin/kanoe-tora||Canh Dần||Yang Metal Tiger
|- align="center"
|28||辛卯||xīn-mǎo||shinmyo 신묘||shinbō/kanoto-u||Tân Mão||Yin Metal Rabbit
Baris ka-169:
|32||乙未||yǐ-wèi||eulmi 을미||itsubi/kinoto-hitsuji||Ất Mùi||Yin Wood Sheep
|- align="center"
|33||丙申||bǐng-shēn||byeongshinbyéongshin 병신||heishin/hinoe-saru||Bính Thân||Yang Fire Monkey
|- align="center"
|34||丁酉||dīng-yǒu||jeongyujéongyu 정유||teiyū/hinoto-tori||Đinh Dậu||Yin Fire Chicken
|- align="center"
|35||戊戌||wù-xū||musul 무술||bojutsu/tsuchinoe-inu||Mậu Tuất||Yang Earthéarth Dog
|- align="center"
|36||己亥||jǐ-hài||gihae 기해||kigai/tsuchinoto-i||Kỷ Hợi||Yin Earthéarth Pig
|- align="center"
|37||庚子||gēng-zǐ||gyeongjagyéongja 경자||kōshi/kanoe-ne||Canh Tý||Yang Metal Rat
|- align="center"
|38||辛丑||xīn-chǒu||shinchuk 신축||shinchū/kanoto-ushi||Tân Sửu||Yin Metal Ox
Baris ka-189:
|42||乙巳||yǐ-sì||eulsa 을사||itsushi/kinoto-mi||Ất Tỵ||Yin Wood Snake
|- align="center"
|43||丙午||bǐng-wǔ||byeongobyéongo 병오||heigo/hinoe-uma||Bính Ngọ||Yang Fire Horse
|- align="center"
|44||丁未||dīng-wèi||jeongmijéongmi 정미||teibi/hinoto-hitsuji||Đinh Mùi||Yin Fire Sheep
|- align="center"
|45||戊申||wù-shēn||mushin 무신||boshin/tsuchinoe-saru||Mậu Thân||Yang Earthéarth Monkey
|- align="center"
|46||己酉||jǐ-yǒu||giyu 기유||kiyū/tsuchinoto-tori||Kỷ Dậu||Yin Earthéarth Chicken
|- align="center"
|47||庚戌||gēng-xū||gyeongsulgyéongsul 경술||kōjutsu/kanoe-inu||Canh Tuất||Yang Metal Dog
|- align="center"
|48||辛亥||xīn-hài||shinhae 신해||shingai/kanoto-i||Tân Hợi||Yin Metal Pig
Baris ka-209:
|52||乙卯||yǐ-mǎo||eulmyo 을묘||itsubō/kinoto-u||Ất Mão||Yin Wood Rabbit
|- align="center"
|53||丙辰||bǐng-chén||byeongjinbyéongjin 병진||heishin/hinoe-tatsu||Bính Thìn||Yang Fire Dragon
|- align="center"
|54||丁巳||dīng-sì||jeongsajéongsa 정사||teishi/hinoto-mi||Đinh Tỵ||Yin Fire Snake
|- align="center"
|55||戊午||wù-wǔ||muo 무오||bogo/tsuchinoe-uma||Mậu Ngọ||Yang Earthéarth Horse
|- align="center"
|56||己未||jǐ-wèi||gimi 기미||kibi/tsuchinoto-hitsuji||Kỷ Mùi||Yin Earthéarth Sheep
|- align="center"
|57||庚申||gēng-shēn||gyeongshingyéongshin 경신||kōshin/kanoe-saru||Canh Thân||Yang Metal Monkey
|- align="center"
|58||辛酉||xīn-yǒu||shinyu 신유||shin'yū/kanoto-tori||Tân Dậu||Yin Metal Chicken
Baris ka-226:
[[Image:China 24 cardinal directions.png|100px|thumb|left|24 [[cardinal directions]]]]
The sexagenary cycle was first used for days in the [[Shang Dynasty]], and later also used for yearsyéars and less commonly for months.
For example, the yearyéar 2000 was 17th yearyéar of the 78th sexagenary cycle, a gēng-chén yearyéar (庚辰年), a yearyéar of the Yang Metal Dragon. Therefore, [[2006]] is 23rd yearyéar of the 78th sexagenary cycle, called a bǐng-xū yearyéar (丙戌年), a yearyéar of the Yang Fire Dog; [[2007]] a yearyéar of the Yin Fire Pig.
The naming of the months and days is not common now, although they are shown on Chinese calendars and almanacs.
==Hubungan jeung kalender kulon==
Below is the sexagenary cycle matched up to the Western calendar for the yearsyéars 1804 - 2043, or four full 60 yearyéar cycles.
===1804 - 1923===
{| class="wikitable"
!&nbsp;||1804 - 1863||HeavenlyHéavenly stem||Earthlyéarthly branch||1864 - 1923
|- align="center"
| ||YearYéar ||(Elements)||(Animals)||YearYéar
|- align="left"
|1||~~ '''1804''' - ~~ 1805||甲 Yang Wood ||子 Rat||~~ '''1864''' - ~~ 1865
Baris ka-250:
|4||~~ '''1807''' - ~~ 1808||丁 Yin Fire ||卯 Rabbit||~~ '''1867''' - ~~ 1868
|- align="left"
|5||~~ '''1808''' - ~~ 1809||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||辰 Dragon||~~ '''1868''' - ~~ 1869
|- align="left"
|6||~~ '''1809''' - ~~ 1810||己 Yin Earthéarth ||巳 Snake||~~ '''1869''' - ~~ 1870
|- align="left"
|7||~~ '''1810''' - ~~ 1811||庚 Yang Metal ||午 Horse||~~ '''1870''' - ~~ 1871
Baris ka-270:
|14||~~ '''1817''' - ~~ 1818||丁 Yin Fire ||丑 Ox||~~ '''1877''' - ~~ 1878
|- align="left"
|15||~~ '''1818''' - ~~ 1819||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||寅 Tiger||~~ '''1878''' - ~~ 1879
|- align="left"
|16||~~ '''1819''' - ~~ 1820||己 Yin Earthéarth ||卯 Rabbit||~~ '''1879''' - ~~ 1880
|- align="left"
|17||~~ '''1820''' - ~~ 1821||庚 Yang Metal ||辰 Dragon||~~ '''1880''' - ~~ 1881
Baris ka-290:
|24||~~ '''1827''' - ~~ 1828||丁 Yin Fire ||亥 Pig||~~ '''1887''' - ~~ 1888
|- align="left"
|25||~~ '''1828''' - ~~ 1829||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||子 Rat||~~ '''1888''' - ~~ 1889
|- align="left"
|26||~~ '''1829''' - ~~ 1830||己 Yin Earthéarth ||丑 Ox||~~ '''1889''' - ~~ 1890
|- align="left"
|27||~~ '''1830''' - ~~ 1831||庚 Yang Metal ||寅 Tiger||~~ '''1890''' - ~~ 1891
Baris ka-310:
|34||~~ '''1837''' - ~~ 1838||丁 Yin Fire ||酉 Rooster||~~ '''1897''' - ~~ 1898
|- align="left"
|35||~~ '''1838''' - ~~ 1839||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||戌 Dog||~~ '''1898''' - ~~ 1899
|- align="left"
|36||~~ '''1839''' - ~~ 1840||己 Yin Earthéarth ||亥 Pig||~~ '''1899''' - Jan 30 1900
|- align="left"
|37||~~ '''1840''' - ~~ 1841||庚 Yang Metal ||子 Rat||Jan 31 '''1900''' - Feb 18 1901
Baris ka-330:
|44||~~ '''1847''' - ~~ 1848||丁 Yin Fire ||未 Sheep|| Feb 13 '''1907''' - Feb 01 1908
|- align="left"
|45||~~ '''1848''' - ~~ 1849||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||申 Monkey|| Feb 02 '''1908''' - Jan 21 1909
|- align="left"
|46||~~ '''1849''' - ~~ 1850||己 Yin Earthéarth ||酉 Rooster|| Jan 22 '''1909''' - Feb 09 1910
|- align="left"
|47||~~ '''1850''' - ~~ 1851||庚 Yang Metal ||戌 Dog|| Feb 10 '''1910''' - Jan 29 1911
Baris ka-350:
|54||~~ '''1857''' - ~~ 1858||丁 Yin Fire ||巳 Snake|| Jan 23 '''1917''' - Feb 10 1918
|- align="left"
|55||~~ '''1858''' - ~~ 1859||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||午 Horse|| Feb 11 '''1918''' - Jan 31 1919
|- align="left"
|56||~~ '''1859''' - ~~ 1860||己 Yin Earthéarth ||未 Sheep|| Feb 01 '''1919''' - Feb 18 1920
|- align="left"
|57||~~ '''1860''' - ~~ 1861||庚 Yang Metal ||申 Monkey|| Feb 19 '''1920''' - Feb 07 1921
Baris ka-366:
{| class="wikitable"
!&nbsp;||1924 - 1983||HeavenlyHéavenly stem||Earthlyéarthly branch||1984 - 2043
|- align="center"
| ||YearYéar ||(Elements)||(Animals)||YearYéar
|- align="left"
|1||Feb 05 '''1924''' - Jan 23 1925||甲 Yang Wood ||子 Rat||Feb 02 '''1984''' - Feb 19 1985
Baris ka-378:
|4||Feb 02 '''1927''' - Jan 21 1928||丁 Yin Fire ||卯 Rabbit||Jan 29 '''1987''' - Feb 16 1988
|- align="left"
|5||Jan 22 '''1928''' - Feb 08 1929||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||辰 Dragon||Feb 17 '''1988''' - Feb 05 1989
|- align="left"
|6||Feb 09 '''1929''' - Jan 28 1930||己 Yin Earthéarth ||巳 Snake||Feb 06 '''1989''' - Jan 25 1990
|- align="left"
|7||Jan 29 '''1930''' - Feb 16 1931||庚 Yang Metal ||午 Horse||Jan 26 '''1990''' - Feb 13 1991
Baris ka-398:
|14||Feb 11 '''1937''' - Jan 30 1938||丁 Yin Fire ||丑 Ox||Feb 07 '''1997''' - Jan 27 1998
|- align="left"
|15||Jan 31 '''1938''' - Feb 18 1939||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||寅 Tiger||Jan 28 '''1998''' - Feb 15 1999
|- align="left"
|16||Feb 19 '''1939''' - Feb 07 1940||己 Yin Earthéarth ||卯 Rabbit||Feb 16 '''1999''' - Feb 04 2000
|- align="left"
|17||Feb 08 '''1940''' - Jan 26 1941||庚 Yang Metal ||辰 Dragon||Feb 05 '''2000''' - Jan 23 2001
Baris ka-418:
|24||Jan 22 '''1947''' - Feb 09 1948||丁 Yin Fire ||亥 Pig||Feb 18 '''2007''' - Feb 06 2008
|- align="left"
|25||Feb 10 '''1948''' - Jan 28 1949||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||子 Rat||Feb 07 '''2008''' - Jan 25 2009
|- align="left"
|26||Jan 29 '''1949''' - Feb 15 1950||己 Yin Earthéarth ||丑 Ox||Jan 26 '''2009''' - Feb 13 2010
|- align="left"
|27||Feb 16 '''1950''' - Feb 05 1951||庚 Yang Metal ||寅 Tiger||Feb 14 '''2010''' - Feb 02 2011
Baris ka-438:
|34||Jan 30 '''1957''' - Feb 17 1958||丁 Yin Fire ||酉 Rooster||Jan 28 '''2017''' - Feb 18 2018
|- align="left"
|35||Feb 18 '''1958''' - Feb 06 1959||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||戌 Dog||Feb 19 '''2018''' - Feb 04 2019
|- align="left"
|36||Feb 07 '''1959''' - Jan 27 1960||己 Yin Earthéarth ||亥 Pig||Feb 05 '''2019''' - Jan 24 2020
|- align="left"
|37||Jan 28 '''1960''' - Feb 14 1961||庚 Yang Metal ||子 Rat||Jan 25 '''2020''' - ~~ 2021
Baris ka-458:
|44||Feb 09 '''1967''' - Jan 28 1968||丁 Yin Fire ||未 Sheep|| ~~ '''2027''' - ~~ 2028
|- align="left"
|45||Jan 29 '''1968''' - Feb 15 1969||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||申 Monkey|| ~~ '''2028''' - ~~ 2029
|- align="left"
|46||Feb 16 '''1969''' - Feb 05 1970||己 Yin Earthéarth ||酉 Rooster|| ~~ '''2029''' - ~~ 2030
|- align="left"
|47||Feb 06 '''1970''' - Jan 25 1971||庚 Yang Metal ||戌 Dog|| ~~ '''2030''' - ~~ 2031
Baris ka-478:
|54||Feb 18 '''1977''' - Feb 06 1978||丁 Yin Fire ||巳 Snake|| ~~ '''2037''' - ~~ 2038
|- align="left"
|55||Feb 07 '''1978''' - Jan 27 1979||戊 Yang Earthéarth ||午 Horse|| ~~ '''2038''' - ~~ 2039
|- align="left"
|56||Jan 28 '''1979''' - Feb 15 1980||己 Yin Earthéarth ||未 Sheep|| ~~ '''2039''' - ~~ 2040
|- align="left"
|57||Feb 16 '''1980''' - Feb 04 1981||庚 Yang Metal ||申 Monkey|| ~~ '''2040''' - ~~ 2041
Baris ka-495:
* [[Kalénder lunisolar]]
[[CategoryKategori:Kalénder Tiongkok]]
[[CategoryKategori:Astrologi Tiongkok]]
[[CategoryKategori:Faktor téhnis astrologi]]
[[CategoryKategori:Lambang astrologi]]
[[CategoryKategori:Sajarah astrologi]]
[[de:Chinesisches Horoskop]]