Sebaran probabilitas: Béda antarrépisi

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m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: oge → ogé , nyaeta → nyaéta, rea → réa (2), ngarupakeun → mangrupa (5), dipake → dipaké (4), energi → énérgi, ea → éa (6), eo → éo (3), kabeh → kabéh using AWB
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Jejer penting dina sebaran probabiliti: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: bebas → bébas (2), bere → béré, meter → méter, model → modél (3)
Baris ka-28:
== Jejer penting dina sebaran probabiliti ==
Sababaraha sebaran probabiliti kacida pentingna dina téori atawa pamakéan diberedibéré ngaran nu husus:
* Sebaran diskrit
** Dina kaayaan terhingga
Baris ka-34:
*** The discrete [[sebaran seragam|uniform distribution]], where all elements of a finite [[set theory|set]] are equally likely. This is supposed to be the distribution of a balanced coin, an unbiased die, a casino roulette or a well-shuffled deck. Also, one can use méasurements of quantum states to generate uniform random variables. All these are "physical" or "mechanical" devices, subject to design flaws or perturbations, so the uniform distribution is only an approximation of their behaviour. In digital computers, [[Pseudorandom number sequence|pseudo-random number generators]] are used to produced a [[randomness|statistically random]] discrete uniform distribution.
*** The [[Bernoulli distribution]], which takes value 1 with probability ''p'' and value 0 with probability ''q''=1-''p''.
*** [[Sebaran binomial]], nu ngajelaskeun jumlah kasuksesan dina deret tina percobaan bebasbébas Enya/Henteu.
*** The [[hypergeometric distribution]], which describes the number of successes in the first ''m'' of a series of ''n'' independent Yes/No experiments, if the total number of successes is known.
** With infinite support
Baris ka-54:
*** [[Sebaran eksponensial]], which describes the time between consecutive rare random events in a process with no memory.
*** [[Sebaran gamma]], nu ngajelaskeun waktu salila ''n'' consecutive rare random events occur in a process with no memory.
*** The [[Erlang distribution]], which is a special case of the gamma distribution with integral shape parameterparaméter, developed to predict waiting times in [[queuing systems]].
*** The [[Log-normal distribution]], describing variables which can be modelledmodélled as the product of many small independent positive variables.
*** The [[Weibull distribution]], of which the exponential distribution is a special case, is used to modelmodél the lifetime of technical devices.
*** [[Sebaran chi-kuadrat]], nu mangrupa jumlah kuadrat ''n'' variabel random Gauss bebasbébas. Ieu mangrupa kasus husus dina sebaran Gamma, sarta dipaké dina tes goodness-of-fit dina [[statistik]].
*** [[Sebaran-F]], numana sebaran rasio dua sebaran variabel normal, dipaké dina [[analisa varian]].
** Supported on the whole réal line
*** [[Sebaran normal]], disebut ogé Gaussian atawa kurva bel. It is ubiquitous in nature and statistics due to the [[central limit theorem]]: every variable that can be modelledmodélled as a sum of many small independent variables is approximately normal.
*** [[Sebaran-t student]], dipaké keur nga-''estimasi'' méan nu teu dipikanyaho dina populasi ''Gaussian''.
*** [[Sebaran Cauchy]], conto sebaran nu teu ngabogaan [[nilai ekspektasi]] atawa [[varian]]. Dina fisika biasana disebut Lorentzian, sarta ieu sebaran tina tetapan énérgi teu stabil dina mekanika kuantum. Dina fisika partikel, the extremely short-lived particles associated to such unstable states are called [[resonance]]s.