Sebaran normal: Béda antarrépisi

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Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎Sajarah: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: maneh → manéh
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: beda → béda, meter → méter (3), model → modél
Baris ka-4:
'''Normal distribution''' (distribusi normal) mangrupa hal anu penting dina [[probability distribution]] di loba widang.
Biasa ogé disebut '''Gaussian distribution''', hususna dina widang [[fisika]] jeung [[rékayasa]].
Dina kaayaan sabenerna kumpulan distribusi mibanda bentuk anu sarupa, bedanabédana ngan dina parameterparaméter ''location'' jeung ''scale'': [[nilai ekspektasi|mean]] jeung [[simpangan baku]]. '''Standard normal distribution''' nyaéta distribusi normal anu mibanda nilai ''mean'' sarua jeung nol sarta nilai standar deviasi sarua jeung hiji. Sabab bentuk grafik [[fungsi dénsitas probabilitas|dénsitas probabilitas]] mangrupa [[bell]], sering disebut '''bell curve'''.
== Sajarah ==
Baris ka-117:
The practical importance of the central limit théorem is that the normal distribution can be used as an approximation to some other distributions.
* [[Sebaran binomial]] mibanda parameterparaméter ''n'' sarta ''p'' ngadeukeutan kana normal keur ''n'' nu badag sarta ''p'' teu deukeut ka 1 atawa 0. ''Pendekatan'' sebaran normal mibanda méan μ = ''np'' sarta simpangan baku σ = (''n p'' (1 - ''p''))<sup>1/2</sup>.
* A [[Poisson distribution]] with parameterparaméter λ is approximately normal for large λ. The approximating normal distribution has méan μ = λ and standard deviation σ = √λ.
Whether these approximations are sufficiently accurate depends on the purpose for which they are needed, and the rate of convergence to the normal distribution.
Baris ka-164:
=== Physical characteristics of biological specimens ===
The overwhelming biological evidence is that bulk growth processes of living tissue proceed by multiplicative, not additive, increments, and that therefore méasures of body size should at most follow a lognormal rather than normal distribution. Despite common claims of normality, the sizes of plants and animals is approximately lognormal. The evidence and an explanation based on modelsmodéls of growth was first published in the classic book
:Huxley, Julian: Problems of Relative Growth (1932)