Polivinil klorida: Béda antarrépisi

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nambihan infobox kimia PVC
Baris ka-1:
[[File:Vinyl chloride Polymerization V1.svg|right|300px|hiji polimerisasi tina (vinyl chloride)]]
| verifiedrevid =
[[image:PVC-3D-vdW.png|thumbnail|right|230px|Gambar Kantétan PVC]]
| ImageFile = Polyvinylchlorid.svg
| ImageFile_Ref =
| ImageName = Repeating unit of PVC polymer chain.
| ImageSize = 100px
| ImageFile1 = PVC-3D-vdW.png
| ImageFile1_Ref =
| ImageName1 = Space-filling model of a part of a PVC chain
| ImageFile2 = Pure Polyvinyl Chloride powder.jpg
| IUPACName = poly(1-chloroethylene)<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/searchId.do?chebiId=53243 | title=poly(vinyl chloride) (CHEBI:53243) | work=CHEBI | accessdate=12 July 2012}}</ref>
| PIN =
| SystematicName =
| OtherNames = Polikloroetilena
|Section1={{Chembox Identifiers
| Abbreviations = PVC
| CASNo = 9002-86-2
| CASNo_Ref =
| ChemSpiderID = none
| ChemSpiderID_Ref =
| UNII =
| UNII_Ref =
| UNNumber =
| KEGG = C19508
| KEGG_Ref =
| MeSHName = Polyvinyl+Chloride
| ChEBI = 53243
| ChEBI_Ref =
| Gmelin =
| StdInChI =
| StdInChI_Ref =
| InChI =
| StdInChIKey =
| StdInChIKey_Ref =
| InChIKey =
|Section2={{Chembox Properties
| Formula = (C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>3</sub>Cl)<sub>n</sub><ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.commonchemistry.org/ChemicalDetail.aspx?ref=9002-86-2&terms=Polyvinyl%20chloride | title=Substance Details CAS Registry Number: 9002-86-2 | publisher=CAS | work=Commonchemistry | accessdate=12 July 2012}}</ref>
| MolarMass =
| Appearance =
| Odor =
| Density =
| MeltingPtC =
| BoilingPtC =
| Solubility =
| Solvent1 =
| Solubility1 =
| Solvent2 =
| Solubility2 =
| VaporPressure =
| pKa =
| RefractIndex =
| MagSus = −10.71×10<sup>−6</sup> (SI, 22&nbsp;°C)<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Wapler|first1=M. C.|last2=Leupold|first2=J.|last3=Dragonu|first3=I.|last4=von Elverfeldt|first4=D.|last5=Zaitsev|first5=M.|last6=Wallrabe|first6=U.|title=Magnetic properties of materials for MR engineering, micro-MR and beyond|journal=JMR|date=2014|volume=242|pages=233–242|doi=10.1016/j.jmr.2014.02.005|pmid=24705364|arxiv=1403.4760|bibcode=2014JMagR.242..233W}}</ref>
|Section4={{Chembox Hazards
| ExternalSDS =
| GHSPictograms =
| EUClass =
| RPhrases =
| SPhrases =
| NFPA-H =
| NFPA-F =
| NFPA-R =
| NFPA-S =
|Section5={{Chembox Related
| OtherAnions =
| OtherCations =
'''PVC'''/Poli (vinil klorida)/polyvinyl chloride mibanda struktur amorf/henteu ngawujud/kurang kristal nyaéta polimer plastk anu loba dimangpaatkeun, [[kristal]] rendah atau amorf, umumna dipikawanoh PVC (dina basa Inggris: polyvinyl chloride). Dijieun tina bahan anu utama : 57% uyah jeung minyak 43% di mana atom [[klorin]] mangrupakeu kutub dina struktur molekulna. Atom klorin henteu bisa dipisahkeun tina struktur molekul. Sanajan plastik katempona sarimbag dina pamakéan sapopoe , PVC mibanda kagunaan anu lain/béda ti plastik naha tina pamangpaatan anapon dina cara ngagunakeuna. Plastik olefin ngan mibanda atom karbon jeung hidrogen dina struktur molekulna. Kaasup kana kulawarga PVC nyaéta [[chloropolymers]]
Klorin jeung fluorin ieu ngandung zat anu ngarana halogen kautamaan na nyaéta kimia-na stabil. kitu ogé jeung resin PVC, séjén ti éta sipatna téh henteu gampang kaduruk, awét, jeung deui tahan tina pangaruh minyak atawa kimia.<ref>[http://www.pvc.org/en/p/pvcs-physical-properties PVC Sipat utamana]</ref><ref>{{en}} {{ouvrage|auteur=W. V. Titow|titre=PVC technology|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=N79YwkVx4kwC&pg=PA6|date=31 décembre 1984|éditeur=Springer|isbn=978-0-85334-249-6|pages=6–}} google book</ref>
Baris 10 ⟶ 83:
==Kagunaan PVC==
[[file:Cavo3x1.5.jpg|thumbnail|200px|Bungkus [[Kabel]] Tina Bahan PVC]]
[[File:Double glazed Units.JPG|thumb|PVC Dipaké dina [[Lolongkrang]] Kaca ]]
Loba pisan mangpaat tina industri PVC. Utamana aya opat Rupa PVC:
#PVC anu heuras , leuwih ti 40% tina pamakéan PVC umumna dipaké pikeun kuluwung. sanajan aya ogé sabagéan leutik iue pipa téh dimangpaatkeu keur nyieun sanjata. Dimangpaatkeun ogé keur nyieun kartu "ukuran kartu kredit" (kartu kaanggotaan, pelanggan, diskon, jeung réa-réa deui).
Baris 24 ⟶ 96:
Industri PVC di eropa haget nuluykeun ieu usaha kalawan tétép henteu ménta pamulang tarima, VinylPlus, sajalan jeung tujuan Eropa dina taun 2020. kiwari boga pangharepan dina sataun bisa ngadaur ulang 800.000 ton 202.022.
[[file:Cavo3x1.5.jpg|thumbnail|200px|Bungkus [[Kabel]] Tina Bahan PVC]]
[[File:Double glazed Units.JPG|thumb|PVC Dipaké dina [[Lolongkrang]] Kaca ]]
[[FileGambar:Vinyl chloride Polymerization V1.svg|rightjmpl|300px|hijiPolimérisasi polimerisasiti tinaPolivinil (vinyl chloride)Klorida]]
==Tutumbu Kaluar==
Baris 32 ⟶ 110:
[[Kategori:Polimér Kimia]]