Élmu bahan: Béda antarrépisi

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Révisi nurutkeun 23 Agustus 2004 09.54

Élmu bahan ngawengku bagian-bagian ti kimia, fisika, géologi, ogé biologi nu patali jeung sipat-sipat fisik, kimiawi, atawa biologis rupa-rupa bahan/matéri. Élmu ieu biasana dianggap salaku élmu terapan, sabab sipat-sipat nu diulik biasana dipatalikeun jeung tujuan industrial.

Materials science encompasses all four classes of materials, the study of each of which may be considered a separate field: metals (1) and metallurgy, ceramics(2), semiconductors and other electronic materials, polymers(3), composites (4), and biomaterials which may consist of the materials classes 1-4. Metallurgy and ceramics have long and separate histories as engineering disciplines, but because the science that underlies these disciplines applies to all classes of materials, materials science is recognized as a distinct discipline.

Élmu bahan aya patalina jeung rékayasa bahan, nu cenderung museur kana téhnik ngolah (casting, rolling, welding, ion implantation, crystal growth, thin-film deposition, sintering, glassblowing, jsb.), téhnik analitis (mikroskop éléktron, difraksi sinar-X, kalorimétri, nuclear microscopy (HEFIB) jsb.), rancang bahan, sarta untung/rugina dina produksi industrial.

Sub-widang élmu bahan

Note that some practitioners often consider rheology a sub-field of materials science, because it can cover any material that flows. However, a typical rheology paper covers non-Newtonian fluid dynamics, so we place it as a sub-field of Continuum mechanics. See also granular material.

Jejer nu patali dina fisika

Tempo ogé