Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
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Jejer dumasar nagara
Lists for most countries

Di handap runtuyan entitas sub nasional, sababaraha di antarana mungkin jadi nagara bagean dumasar kana aspek hukum, diruntuykeun dumasar kana alpabet nagarana:

Tempo oge: ISO 3166-2 kode ngabagi nagara dumasar kana kode nagara ISO 3166-1.

  1. Propinsi di Afghanistan (velayat)
  1. Counties of Albania (qark)
  2. Distrik di Albania (rrethe), ISO 3166-2:AL
  1. Propinsi di Algeria (wilayah)
  1. Parishes of Andorra (parròquia)
  1. Propinsi di Angola, ISO 3166-2:AO
  1. Parishes and dependencies of Antigua and Barbuda
  1. Propinsi di Argentina (provincia), ISO 3166-2:AR
  2. Departments of Argentina (departamento)
  1. Propinsi di Armenia (marz)
  1. States and territories of Australia, ISO 3166-2:AU
  2. Local Government Areas
  1. States of Austria (Bundesland), ISO 3166-2:AT
  1. Administrative divisions of Azerbaijan (rayon), Autonomous Republic (muxtar respublika), city (sahar)
  1. Distrik di the Bahamas
  1. Kagubernuran di Bahrain (muhafazah)
  2. Municipalities of Bahrain
  1. Divisions of Bangladesh (bibhag)
  2. Distrik di Bangladesh (zila)
  1. Parishes of Barbados
  1. Subdivisions of Belarus, province (oblast), city ISO 3166-2:BY
  1. Regions of Belgium
  2. Propinsi di Belgium, Municipalities of the Brussels-Capital Region, ISO 3166-2:BE
  3. Municipalities of Belgium (beside those of Brussels Region)
  1. Distrik di Belize
  1. Departments of Benin, ISO 3166-2:BJ
  1. Distrik di Bhutan
  1. Departments of Bolivia (departamentos), ISO 3166-2:BO
  2. Propinsi di Bolivia
  1. Distrik di Botswana
  1. States of Brazil, ISO 3166-2:BR
  1. Distrik di Brunei
  1. Propinsi di Bulgaria, (oblast) ISO 3166-2:BG
  1. Propinsi di Burkina Faso
  2. Departments of Burkina Faso
  1. Propinsi di Burundi, ISO 3166-2:BI
  1. Propinsi di Cambodia
  1. Propinsi di Cameroon
  1. Provinces and territories of Canada, ISO 3166-2:CA
  1. Municipalities of Cape Verde, ISO 3166-2:CV
  1. Prefectures of the Central African Republic
  1. Regions of Chile
  2. Propinsi di Chile
  1. Departments of Colombia
  1. Regions of the Republic of the Congo, ISO 3166-2:CD
  1. Propinsi di Costa Rica
  1. Departments of Côte d'Ivoire
  1. Counties of Croatia, ISO 3166-2:HR
  1. Propinsi di Cuba
  1. Distrik di Cyprus
  1. Regions of the Czech Republic, ISO 3166-2:CZ
  1. Counties of Estonia (maakond), ISO 3166-2:EE
  2. Municipalities of Estonia (vald, linn)
  1. Regions in France
  2. Departments of France
  3. Arrondissements of France
  4. Cantons of France
  5. Communes of France
Peripheries of Greece
  1. Regions of Peru
  1. Cantons of Switzerland, ISO 3166-2:CH

See Republic of China.

  1. Propinsi di Thailand, ISO 3166-2:TH
  • see East Timor
  • n/a
  1. States of Venezuela, ISO 3166-2:VE
  1. Kagubernuran di Yemen, ISO 3166-2:YE

Tempo ogé


Tumbu kaluar
