Hong Kong
22°17′00″N 114°08′00″E / 22.28333°N 114.13333°E Hong Kong[4] (Basa Cina: 香港), ngaran resmina Wewengkon Administratif Husus Hong Kong [pronunsiasi], nyaéta salah sahiji tina dua wewengkon administratif husus di Republik Rahayat Cina (RRC), hijina deui nyaéta Macau. Wewengkon ieu ngampar di béh wetan Delta Walungan Mutiara, wawatesan jeung propinsi Guangdong di béh kaler nyanghareupan Sagara Cina Kidul di béh wetan, kulon jeung kidulna. Dimimitian ku jadi palabuan dagang saprak abad ka-19, Hong Kong kiwari geus mekar jadi puseur finansial.
香港特別行政區 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
Lagu March of the Volunteers[1] |
![]() |
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Ibu kota | None[2] | |||||
distrik (populasi) panggedéna | Distrik Sha Tin | |||||
Basa resmi | Inggris, Cina[3] | |||||
Pamaréntah | ||||||
- | Chief Executive | Donald Tsang | ||||
Ngadeg | ||||||
- | Konvensi Chuenpeh | 25 Januari 1841 | ||||
- | Perjangjian Nanking | 29 Agustus 1842 | ||||
- | Konvensi keur Ngalegaanana Wilayah Hong Kong | 9 Juni 1898 | ||||
- | Japanese occupation | 25 Desember 1941 – 15 Agustus 1945 | ||||
- | Alih kedaualatan | 1 Juli 1997 | ||||
- | Cai (%) | 4.6 | ||||
Populasi | ||||||
- | Perkiraan 2007 | 6,921,700 (ka-96) | ||||
- | Sénsus 2001 | 6,708,389 | ||||
GDP (PPP) | Perkiraan 2007 | |||||
- | Total | US$289.7 miliar (ka-39) | ||||
- | Per kapita | US$41,614 (ka-6) | ||||
GDP (nominal) | Perkiraan 2007 | |||||
- | Total | US$203.0 billion (ka-37) | ||||
- | Per kapita | US$29,149 (ka-28) | ||||
Gini? (2006) | 0.533 (luhur) | |||||
HDI (2007) | ![]() |
Mata uang | Dolar Hong Kong (HKD ) |
Zona wanci | HKT (UTC+8) | |||||
TLD Internét | .hk | |||||
Kode telepon | +852 |
Hong Kong tadina mangrupa jajahan makuta Karajaan Ngahiji ti saprak taun 1842 tepikeun ka dialihkeun kedaulatannana ka Républik Rahayat Cina taun 1997. Sino-British Joint Declaration katut Hukum Dasar Hong Kong netepkeun yén Hong Kong lumaku kalayan otonomi sahanteuna tepi ka taun 2047, lima puluh taun sanggeus alihan. Kalayan kawijakan "sanagara, dua sistim", Pamarentah Rahayat Puseur tanggung jawab kana pertahanan teritori katut urusan luar nagri, sedengkeun Hong Kongna sorangan ngaropéa sistim hukum, angkatan kapulisian, sistim moneter, kawijakan béa cukéy, kawijakan imigrasi, jeung delegasi keur organisasi jeung acara internasional.
Rengking internasional
éditTanggal | Kontes | Organisasi nu ngayakeun | Rengking | Catetan |
2001–05 | World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 1/155 nagara | |
2005 | Ranking of Container Ports of the World | AAPA World Port Rankings | 2/50 palabuan by container traffic | 7/50 palabuan by cargo volume |
Networked Readiness Index (NRI) | World Economic Forum | 11/115 nagara | ||
Worldwide quality-of-life index | The Economist | 18/111 nagara | ||
2006 | 6th Annual Global e-Government Study (Brown University) | Global e-Government | 20/198 nagara | |
Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006 | Reporters Without Borders | 59/168 nagara | ||
Corruption Perceptions Index | Transparency International | 15/163 nagara | ||
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2006 | IMD International | 2/61 economies | Economies include those of countries and regions | |
World City's Skyline/Skyscrapers | Emporis Data Committee (EDC) | 1/100 major cities | Cities ranked by the visual impact of their skylines | |
Global Competitiveness Report - Growth Competitiveness Index Ranking | World Economic Forum | 11/125 nagara | ||
World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 2/165 nagara | ||
Business Competitiveness Index - BCI | World Economic Forum | 10/121 nagara | ||
Human Development Index - HDI | PBB | 22/177 nagara | ||
Access Index (p.19) | FedEx: The Power of Access - 2006 Access Index | 1/75 nagara | ||
Potential Competitiveness | Japan Center for Economic Reséarch (JCER) | 1/50 nagara | ||
2007 | Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index | World Economic Forum | 6/124 nagara | |
Index of Economic Freedom | Heritage Foundation/The Wall Street Journal: 2006 Archived 2004-01-12 di Wayback Machine | 1/157 nagara | Ranked 1st for 13 yéars in a row | |
World's most expensive city for rental accommodation | ECA International Archived 2007-10-11 di Wayback Machine | 1/92 nagara | ||
Léading Centers of Commerce | MasterCard study | 5/63 nagara | rated 63 cities according to their legal and political framework, economic stability, éase of doing business, financial flow, business center status, and knowledge création and information flow | |
World's most expensive cost-of-living | Mercer Human Resource Consulting Archived 2014-04-10 di Wayback Machine | 5/143 kota | ||
World's Best Airports | Skytrax | 1/155 nagara | ||
World Competitiveness Yearbook 2007 | IMD International | 3/55 economies | The IMD World Competitiveness Yéarbook 2007 analyses and ranks the ability of nations to créate and maintain an environment that sustains the competitiveness of enterprises | |
E-readiness | Economist Intelligence Unit | 4/69 nagara | e-réadiness is the ability to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to develop one's economy and to foster one's welfare | |
World's best place doing business | World Bank | 4/178 nagara | Economies are ranked on their éase of doing business, from 1–178, with first place being the best. A high ranking on the éase of doing business index méans the regulatory environment is conducive to the opération of business. This index avérages the country's percentile rankings on 10 topics, made up of a variety of indicators, giving equal weight to éach topic | |
Asia's best corporate governance survey | Asian Corporate Governance Association | 1/11 nagara | ||
Global Financial Centre Index | City of London | 3/10 kota | The GFCI is a ranking of the competitiveness of financial centres based on a number of existing indices in combination with a regular survey of senior industry figures from around the world. Hong Kong ranked third behind New York and London. | |
IT industry competitiveness Index | Economist Intelligence Unit | 21/64 nagara | Index méasures an supply of skills, an innovation-friendly culture, world-class technology infrastructure, a legal regime and well-balanced government support, as well as a competition-friendly business environment. Those countries possessing most of these “competitiveness enablers” are also home to high-performance IT industries: all but four of the top 22 countries in the EIU are also among the world's top countries in terms of IT labour productivity |
Catetan suku
éditArtikel ieu ngandung téks basa Cina. Tanpa rojongan rendering nu luyu, anjeun meureun ukur bisa ningali tanda tanya, kotak, atawa lambang liana, lain karakter basa Cina. |
- ↑ Since the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, Hong Kong has used the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.
- ↑ Historically, the capital of Hong Kong territory was Victoria City; government headquarters are located in the Central and Western District ( ).
- ↑ The Hong Kong Basic Law states that the official languages are "Chinese and English." It does not explicitly specify the standard for "Chinese". While Standard Mandarin and Simplified Chinese characters are used as the spoken and written standards in mainland China, Cantonese and Traditional Chinese characters are the long-established de facto standards in Hong Kong. See Bilingualism in Hong Kong
- ↑ Hong Kong mindeng ditulis Hongkong dina teks Basa Inggris heubeul. The Hong Kong Government officially adopted the current form on 3 September 1926 (Hongkong Government Gazette, Notification 479, 3 September 1926). While the names of most cities in the People's Republic of China are romanised into English using pinyin, the official English name is Hong Kong rather than Xiānggǎng (See Pronunciation of Hong Kong).
édit- A History of Hong Kong(Third Edition). Frank Welsh. HarperCollins. 1 October 1998. 624 pages. ISBN 1-56836-002-9.
- Mathematical Modelling of Hong Kong Political and Economical Development. Derek Lam. Guangzhou Academic Press. 18 February 1986. 23 pages.
- Hong Kong's History: State and Society Under Colonial Rule (Asia's Transformations). Tak-Wing Ngo. Routledge. 1 August 1999. 205 pages. ISBN 0-415-20868-8.
- The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts, Identity. Poshek Fu, David Deser. Cambridge University Press. 25 March 2002. 346 pages. ISBN 0-521-77602-3.
- A Modern History of Hong Kong. Steve Tsang. I.B. Tauris. 14 May 2004. 356 pages. ISBN 1-86064-184-9.
- An Outline History of Hong Kong. Liu Shuyong. 291 pages. ISBN 7-119-01946-5.
- Forts and Pirates - A History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong History Society. Hyperion Books. December 1990. ISBN 962-7489-01-8.
- List of Graded Historical Buildings in Hong Kong - 6 Jan 2007 from the Antiquities and Monuments Office
- List of Declared Monuments in Hong Kong - 3 March 2006 from the Antiquities and Monuments Office
Tumbu luar
éditPék paluruh émbaran nu leuwih loba ngeunaan Hong Kong ku jalan nyungsi proyék sabaraya Wikipédia | |
Définisi kamus ti Wiktionary | |
Buku téks ti Wikibooks | |
Cutatan ti Wikiquote | |
Téks sumber ti Wikisource | |
Gambar jeung média ti Commons | |
Warta ti Wikinews | |
Sumber pangajaran ti Wikiversity |
Wikimedia Commons mibanda média séjénna nu patali jeung Maps of Hong Kong. |
- Pelesir
Tempo ogé Hong Kong di Wikivoyage
- Hong Kong Tourism Board
- Official Hong Kong Immigration Department Visa Information
- Synotrip - daily updated info about Hong Kong
- GoHK, the Home Affairs Department site for local tourists
- Pamaréntah
- GovHK, the new one-stop portal of the HKSAR Government
- Hong Kong SAR Government, the official government site
- Hong Kong Immigration Department - HKSAR Passport
- Census and Statistics Department in Hong Kong
- District Councils, the official district councils site
- Hong Kong Fact Sheets (quick facts about Hong Kong)
- Hong Kong Legislative Council, the site of the legislative body
- List of Graded Historical Buildings in Hong Kong - 6 Jan 2007 from the Antiquities and Monuments Office
- List of Declared Monuments in Hong Kong - 3 March 2006 from the Antiquities and Monuments Office
- Televisi
- TVB, the biggest TV company
- aTV, one of two free TV broadcasters
- Cable TV[tumbu nonaktif], the biggest paid cable provider in Hong Kong
- Now TV - [IPTV] provider
- Radio
- Radio Television of Hong Kong - public broadcaster
- Hong Kong Commercial Radio - largest commercial broadcaster
- Koran
- Oriental Daily - Biggest Chinese newspaper in terms of circulation
- Apple Daily Archived 1997-07-28 di Wayback Machine - Second best selling Chinese newspaper
- Ming Pao - Reputable Chinese newspaper
- Hong Kong Economic Times - Largest Chinese Financial Newspaper
- South China Morning Post (subscription) - Largest English newspaper
- Metro Newspaper, Hong Kong edition
- The Standard - English-language business newspaper
- Majalah
- Next Magazine, a popular Chinese language entertainment and lifestyle magazine
- BC Magazine Archived 2007-11-25 di Wayback Machine, HK Magazine - English language entertainment magazine targeted at expatriates
- Blog
- Hong Kong Blogs, a list of all the main blogs in Hong Kong
- Peta
- Poto
- Flickr - photos tagged with Hong Kong
- Global Photos - gallery of Hong Kong photos
- UnRealHongKong Archived 2008-02-26 di Wayback Machine - Hong Kong historical photos
- Guide jeung direktori
- HK Outdoors - about Hong Kong's countryside
- Uncover China Archived 2007-12-09 di Wayback Machine - séarch directory
- CIA - The World Factbook — Hong Kong Archived 2009-05-13 di Wayback Machine