Produk (matematika)
(dialihkeun ti Mathematical product)
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
Dina matematik, produk nyaéta hasil multiplying, or an expression that identifies factors to be multiplied. The order in which real or complex numbers are multiplied has no béaring on the product; this is known as the commutative law of multiplication. When matrices or members of various other associative algebras are multiplied the product usually depends on the order of the factors; in other words, matrix multiplication, and the multiplications in those other algebras, are non-commutative.
Several products are considered in mathematics:
- Products of the various classes of numbers
- The dot product and cross product are forms of multiplication of vectors.
- The product of matrices; see matrix multiplication.
- The pointwise product of two fungsi.
- Products in rings and fields of many kinds.
- It is often possible to form the product of two (or more) mathematical objects to form another object of the same kind, e.g.
- the cartesian product of sets,
- the product of groups,
- the product of rings,
- the product of topological spaces,
- for the general tréatment, see product (category theory).