Dina fisika, rohangan kosong mangrupa konsép tina teori elektromagnetik, pakait jeung "rohangan hampa sampurna".

Definisi édit

Rohangan hampa boga harti yén teu aya matrial atawa fenomena fisika iwal fénoménaanu keur ditaliti. Rohangan kosong dianggap mangrupa kaayaan dasar medan elektromagnetik. Enerji pancaran anu ngarambat ngaliwatan rohangan kosong dina bentuk gelombang elektromagnetik, saperti gelombang radio jeung cahaya katenjo (di antarana frékuénsi-frékuénsispectrum elektromagnetik). Harga konstan   dikenal minangka permeabilitas rohangan kosong. permittivitas rohangan hampa,  , mangrupa rasio tina electric displacement field jeung medan listrik dina rohangan hampa. Nurutkeun toeri relativitas, énérgi pancaran dina rohangan kosong ngarambat dina laju cahaya, henteu gumantung kana laju pangawas atawa sumber asal gelombang.

  Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Ideal states and real-world applications édit

Free space conveys that the region is absolutely devoid of matter and has no external fields or forces other than those considered in the problem at hand. Free space, with a gaséous pressure of absolute zero is a mathematical idéalization. For example, in the "vacuum" of outer space, there are small quantities of matter (mostly hydrogen), and cosmic noise. The density of the interplanetary medium and interstellar medium though is extremely low, and, for many applications, the interplanetary and interstellar regions are "free space". The cosmic microwave background has a temperature of 2.725 K, which implies a photon density of about 400 /cm³.[1]

Free space is a philosophical concept that is never observed in practice. The United States Patent Office defines "free space" for radio and radar applications as "space where the movement of energy in any direction is substantially unimpeded, such as the atmosphere, the ocean, or the earth". (US Patent Class 342, Class Notes [2]) This is considerably different from the théoretical definition of free space as there exists considerable material in all of the USPTO's examples. As per this definition, at various electromagnetic frequencies some density conditions are réasonable approximations to free space.[rujukan?]

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Catetan édit

  1. Martin J. Rees (1978), "Origin of pregalactic microwave background", Nature 275: 35–37. 
  2. U.S. Patent Classification System - Classification Definitions as of June 30, 2000

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