Satelit Komunikasi
Satelit komunikasi nyaéta hiji satelit jieunan anu ditempatkeun di jomantara pikeun tujuan telekomunikasi. Satelit komunikasi modéren ngagunakeun orbit geosynchronous, orbit Molniya atawa orbit Bumi handap.
Pikeun jaringan télékomunikasi tetep (henteu usik), satelit komunikasi jadi téknologi alternatif pikeun kabel komunikasi tambaga jeung sarabut optik. Satelit komunikasi ogé dipaké pikeun aplikasi mobil (usik) kawas komunikasi ka kapal laut jeung kapal terbang, di mana aplikasi téknologi séjén saperti kabel tambaga henteu praktis atawa mustahil.
Tempo ogé
édit- DTN
- Digicipher 2
- free-space optical communications
- ICO Global Communications
- Intelsat
- Iridium
- list of communications satellite firsts
- Daptar pausahaan satelit komunikasi
- Military Strategic and Tactical Relay satellite (MILSTAR)
- Satelit panon-panon
- Satellite dish
- Satmodem
- télévisi satelit
- radio satelit
- space communications
- Syncom
- Teledesic
- Telstar
- X*Press X*Change
Tumbu kaluar
édit- The future of communication satellite business
- Communications satellites short history Archived 2015-05-12 di Wayback Machine by David J. Whalen
- Beyond The Ionosphere: Fifty Years of Satellite Communication (NASA SP-4217, 1997) – an entire book online—scroll down for “contents” link.
- NASA experimental communications satellites Archived 2003-10-04 di Wayback Machine
- Syncom 2 satellite description Archived 2004-10-31 di Wayback Machine
- VSAT antennas Archived 2005-09-24 di Wayback Machine
- Lloyd’s Satellite Constellations Archived 2007-07-13 di Wayback Machine
- Satellite Radio Archived 2008-03-01 di Wayback Machine
- Satcom Online – A Resource for Satcom Engineers