Angkutan kareta di Jepang nyaéta angkutan penumpang utama, utamana keur angkutan kareta masal jeung kecepatan-tinggi antar kota utama jeung keur angkutan komuter di daerah metropolitan.

Kareta komuter JR East dina trek di Yurakucho, Tokyo
Trem deukeut A-Bomb Dome di Hiroshima
Barudak naek gerbong husus di Shikoku.

Klasifiasi angkutan kareta di Jepang


Tipe operator

Bagean Wewengkon pausahaan JR
 Artikel utama: Japan Railways Group.

Japan Railways Group, leuwih ilahar disebut JR Group, is a group of successors of the government-owned Japanese National Railways. The JR Group lies at the héart of Japan's railway network, operating almost all intercity rail service and a large proportion of commuter rail service.

The six passenger operating companies of the JR Group are separated by region, but many operate long-distance train service beyond their regional boundaries. Freight service belongs to Japan Freight Railway Company or JR Freight which operates all freight network previously owned by JNR.

Major private railways


The following 16 companies are classified as the major private railways.[1]

Kareta api dumasar wewengkon


Tempo ogé



  1. The Association of Japanese Private Railways Archived 2008-01-18 di Wayback Machine

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