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Baris ka-12:
Éster bisa aub dina [[beungkeut hidrogén]] salaku akséptor, tapi teu kawas alkohol nu bisa ogé jadi donor. Kamampuh ieu ngajadikeun éster leuwih bisa leyur dina [[cai]] batan [[hidrokarbon]] indungna. Najan kitu, éster mah leuwih hidrofobik batan boh alkohol atawa asam indungna. Teu bisana jadi donor dina beungkeut hidrogén nunjukkeun yén antar[[molekul]] éster teu bisa nyieun beungkeut hidrogén, sahingga éster leuwih [[volatil]] batan [[asam karboksilat]] nu beurat molekulna sarua. Pasipatan ieu ngajadikeun éster kapaké pisan dina kimia analitik organik: asam organik nu volatilitasna handap bisa diésterkeun jadi éster volatil nu lajeng bisa dianalisis migunakeun [[kromatografi gas]], [[kromatografi gas-cair]], atawa [[spéktrométri massa]].
Éster can participate in [[hydrogen bond]]s as hydrogen-bond acceptors, but cannot act as hydrogen-bond donors, unlike their parent alcohols. This ability to participate in hydrogen bonding makes them more [[water]] [[soluble]] than their parent [[hydrocarbon]]s. However, the limitations on their hydrogen bonding also make them more hydrophobic than either their parent alcohols or parent acids. Their lack of hydrogen bond donating ability means that ester [[molecule]]s cannot hydrogen bond to each other, which makes esters generally more volatile than an [[carboxylic acid]] of similar molecular weight. This property makes them very useful in organic analytical chemistry: unknown organic acids with low volatility can often be esterified into a volatile ester which can then be analysed using [[gas chromatography]], [[gas liquid chromatography]], or [[mass spectrometry]].
Éster loba nu mibanda bau nu béda-béda, sahingga kiwari dipaké sangkan ngahasilkeun bau artifisial. Misalna,