Sistim tulis Jepang: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-112:
=== Periode Meiji ===
Parobahan nu nyata dina abad ka-19 [[Meiji era]] teu nyababkan akibat langusng kana sistim tulis Jepang, sanajan basa sorangan robah kusabab lobana literatur tina reformasi pendidikan, lobana asupan kecap anyar; boh kecap injeuman tina basa sejen atawa jieunan anyar sarta hasilna gerakan saperti pangaruh 言文一致 ''(genbun'itchi)'' nu dihasilkeun dina Basa Jepang dina tulisan "colloquial" keur ngagantikeun gaya tulisan klasik nu dipake samemehna. <!--The difficultyHesena ofnulis writtenBasa JapaneseJepang wasjadi atopik topicnu ofloba debatedidiskusikeun, withsababaraha severalusulan proposalssanggeus intaun the late 1800s that the1800-an numbersangka ofjumlah ''[[kanji]]'' innu usedipake be limiteddiwatesan. InUsulan additionsejenna, exposurekeur tongaganti non-Japanesesakabeh textstulisan lednu tolain (unsuccessful)Basa proposalsJepang that(usulan Japaneseieu bekurang writtenhasil) entirely indina ''[[kana]]'' oratawa ''[[romaji]]''. ThisPeriode periodieu sawnembongkeun Western-styletanda baca gaya tulis punctuationkulon marksmimiti introduceddipikawanoh intodina Japanesetulisan writingJepang (Twine, 1991).
Dina taun 1900, Kementrian Pendidikan mimiti ngawanohkeun tilu reformasi keur naekeun pendidikan dina Basa Jepang:
In 1900, the Education Ministry introduced three reforms aimed at improving the education in Japanese writing:
* standardization of thestandarisasi ''[[hiragana]]'' scriptskrip, eliminating the range ofngurangan ''[[hentaigana]]'' (変体仮名) then in use;
* restrictionnangtukeun of the number ofjumlah ''kanji'' taughtnu indiajarkuen elementarydi schoolssakola todasar aboutkita-kira 1,200;
* reformreformasi of the irregularbentuk ''kana'' representationteu ofteratur, thedijelaskeun dina Sino-Japanese readingscara maca of ''kanji'' to makesangkan themleuwih conformpas withdina thecara pronunciationngucapkeunna.
Dua mimti ilahar ditarima, tapi nu katilu masih keneh aya ganjelan, sarta loba nu nolak dina taun (Seeley, 1991).
The first two of these were generally accepted, but the third was hotly contested, particularly by conservatives, to the extent that it was withdrawn in 1908 (Seeley, 1991).
=== Pre-WWIISamemeh PDII ===
The partial failure of the 1900 reforms combined with the rise of nationalism in Japan effectively prevented further significant reform of the writing system. The period before [[World War II]] saw numerous proposals to restrict the number of ''kanji'' in use, and several newspapers voluntarily restricted their ''kanji'' usage and increased usage of ''[[furigana]]'', however there was no official endorsement of these, and indeed much opposition.