Sistim tulis Jepang: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-127:
=== Sanggeus PDII ===
The period immediately following [[World War II]] saw a rapid and significant reform of the writing system. This was in part due to influence of the Occupation authorities, but to a significant extent was due to the removal of conservatives from control of the educational system, which meant that previously stalled revisions could proceed. The major reforms were:
* the alignment of all ''kana'' usage with modern pronunciation (現代仮名遣い ''gendaikanazukai''), replacing the old [[historical kana usage]] (1946);
* the promulgation of the ''[[tōyō kanji]]'' (当用漢字), which limited the number of ''kanji'' used in schools, textbooks, etc. to 1,850 (1946), and also simplified forms of kanji (see [[Shinjitai]]);
* the promulgation of an approved set of forms of ''kanji'' to be used in schools (1949);
* the promulgation of an additional ''[[jinmeiyō kanji]]'' (人名用漢字) which in combination with the ''tōyō kanji'' could be used in names (1951).
Periode sanggeus [[Perang Dunya II]] nembongkeun parobahan nu gancang tur nyata dina reformasi sistim tulisan. Hal ieu sabagean tina pangaruh kawijakan pamarentah, tapi sacara nyata ngaleungitkeun konservatif tina kontrol sistim pendidikan, nu hartina ngomean nu geus aya samemehna. Reformasi utama nyaeta:
(At one stage there was a proposal from an advisor in the Occupation administration to change the writing system to rōmaji, however it was not supported by other specialists and did not proceed.) (Unger, 1996)
* thekawijakan alignmentmake of allsakabeh ''kana'' usagenu cara withngucap modern pronunciation (現代仮名遣い ''gendaikanazukai''), replacing the oldngagantikeun [[historical kana usage|pamakean kana heubeul]] (1946);
* themimiti promulgation of themigunakeun ''[[tōyō kanji]]'' (当用漢字), whichnu limited the number ofjumlah ''kanji'' useddiwatesan indipake schoolsdi sakola, textbooksteksbook jeung sajabana, etc. totina 1,850 (1946), and alsojeung simplifiednyederhanakeun formsbentuk of kanji (seetempo [[Shinjitai]]);
* mimiti migunakeun kanji nu susunan ''kanji'' disatujuan keur dipake di sakola (1949);
* themimiti promulgation of an additionalnambahkeun ''[[jinmeiyō kanji]]'' (人名用漢字) whichnu inngarupakeun combinationkombinasi with thejeung ''tōyō kanji'' could bekeur useddipake indina namesngaran (1951).
(Salah sahiji usulan ti administrasi pamarentahan nyaeta keur ngarobah sistim tulisan kana rōmaji, tapi teu didukung ku para ahli tur teu diteruskeun.) (Unger, 1996)
In addition, the practice of writing [[Yokogaki and tategaki|horizontally in a right-to-left direction]] was generally replaced by left-to-right writing. The right-to-left order was considered a special case of vertical writing, with columns one character high, rather than horizontal writing per se; it was used for single lines of text on signs, etc. (e.g. the station sign at Tokyo read 駅京東). This order is still seen on the right (or starboard) side of some commercial vehicles, ships, etc., where it is used so that the text runs from the front of the vehicle to the back (or from bow to stern) on both sides.
Sejenna, sistim nulis [[Yokogaki and tategaki|sistim tulisan datar ti katuhu ka kenca]] ilaharna diganti ku sistim tulis di kenca ka katuhu. Susunan katuhu ka kenca dipake keur kasus husus tulisan nangtung, nu mana kolom karakter ti luhur, diteruskeun sistim datar per se; ieu dipake keur sistim tulis sagaris dina tanad, jst. (contona tanda stasion di Tokyo dibaca 駅京東). Tulisan ieu masih dipake dina sisi katuhu (atawa papan iklan) sababaraha kandaraan, kapal, jst, nu mana dipake keur runtuyan teks ti hareup ka tukang dina kandaraan dina dua sisina.
TheReformasi post-warsanggeus reformsperang havemasih remained,keneh althoughnyesakeun somesababaraha ofhal, thesanajan restrictionssababaraha havekategesan beengeus relaxeddikurangan. The replacement of theNgagantikeun ''tōyō kanji'' indina 1981 with theku 1,945 ''jōyō kanji'' (常用漢字) wasgeus accompanieddihijikeun byku angarobah change fromtina "restrictionkategesan" toka "recommendationrekomendasi", and in general the educational authoritiessarta havedina becomekapimilikan lesspangajaran activejadi inkurang continuedaktif reformkeur ofneruskeun thereformasi writingsistim systemtulisan (Gottlieb, 1996).
InDina taun 2004, aloba largetambahan increasedijieun wasdina made in the number ofsajumlah kanji in the ''jinmeiyō kanji''. This list is the responsibilityDaftarna ofngarujuk theka JusticeKementrian MinistryKehakiman.
==Nuansa sistim nulis==