Fungsi dénsitas probabilitas: Béda antarrépisi

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Baris ka-1:
Dina [[matematika]], '''probability density function''' dipake keur ngagambarkeun [[probability distribution]] di watesan [[integral]]s. Lamun probability distribution ngabogaan densiti ''f''(''x''), saterusna [[interval (mathematics)|interval]] tak terhingga [''x'', ''x'' + d''x''] ngabogaan probabiliti ''f''(''x'') d''x''. Probability density function bisa oge ditempo tina versi "smoothed out" [[histogram]]: if one empirically measures values of a [[randomvariabel variableacak]] repeatedly and produces a histogram depicting relative frequencies of output ranges, then this histogram will resemble the random variable's probability density (assuming that the variable is sampled sufficiently often and the output ranges are sufficiently narrow).
Formally, a probability distribution has density ''f''(''x'') if ''f''(''x'') is a non-negative [[Lebesgue integration|Lebesgue-integrable]] function '''R''' → '''R''' such that the probability of the interval [''a'', ''b''] is given by