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Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: mangrupakeun → mangrupa
Ilhambot (obrolan | kontribusi)
m →‎top: Ngarapihkeun éjahan, replaced: sahingga → antukna
Baris ka-14:
ICD9 = {{ICD9|042}}-{{ICD9|044}} |
'''Virus imunodefisiénsi manusa''' anu katelah HIV (''Human immunodeficiency virus'') mangrupa [[retrovirus]] nu utamana nginféksi bagian vital [[sistim imun]] [[manusa]] kayaning [[Sél T panulung|sél T CD4+]], [[makropag]], jeung [[sél déndritik]]. Ieu virus ogé, boh sacara langsung atawa henteu, ngancurkeun sél T CD4+. Ku sabab sél T CD4+ T dipikabutuh pikeun jalanna sistim imun, mun sél ieu geus diancurkeun ku HIV, sistim imun bakal tumpur, sahinggaantukna ngabalukarkeun kasakit nu katelah [[AIDS]]. <!--HIV ogé narajang langsung kana jero also directly attacks [[Organ (anatomy)|organs]], such as the [[kidney]]s, the [[heart]] and the [[brain]] leading to [[acute renal failure]], [[cardiomyopathy]], [[dementia]] and [[encephalopathy]]. Many of the problems faced by people infected with HIV result from failure of the immune system to protect from [[opportunistic infection]]s and [[cancer]]s.
HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a [[mucous membrane]] with a [[bodily fluid]] containing HIV, such as [[blood]], [[semen]], [[vaginal fluid]], [[preseminal fluid]] or [[breast milk]]. This transmission can come in the form of: penetrative ([[anal sex|anal]] or [[vaginal sex|vaginal]]) [[sex]]; [[oral sex]]; [[blood transfusion]]; contaminated needles; exchange between mother and infant during [[pregnancy]], [[childbirth]], or [[breastfeeding]]; or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.