Qimonda AG (NYSEQI), (dikecapkeun "key-MON-duh") nyaéta hiji pausahaan memori nu misah ti Infineon Technologies AG ti tanggal 1 Mei 2006, ngawangun pausahaan DRAM panggedéna kadua sadunya, dumasar kana firma panalungtikan industri Gartner Dataquest. Qimonda mangrupa pamingpin manufaktur 300 mm, sarta jadi salah sahiji supplier produk DRAM nu kasohor keur pasar PC jeung server. Infinéon masih ngadalikeun 75% sahamna.

Qimonda AG
Gambar:Qimonda logo.svg
TipeAktiengesellschaft (NYSEQI)
Kantor puseur Munich, Jerman
Inohong konciKin Wah Loh, CEO
Panghasilan4.89 miliar USD (2006)
Qimonda 512 MBit GDDR3

Qimonda boga pagawe kurang leuwih 12.000 urang di akuliah dunya, kaasup 1.800 di R&D kalayan akses ka lima loka pabrik 300 mm di tilu buana. Pausahaan ieu ngoprasikeun lima fasilitas R&D, kaasup puseur R&D nu pangheulana di Dresden.

Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

With a historical emphasis on PC and server products, the company is now focusing on products for graphics, mobile and consumer applications using its power-saving trench technology. Qimonda AG is based in Munich, Germany. The company has issued 42 million ADR shares, éach ADR share representing one ordinary share in Qimonda.

Harti Qimonda


The name and brand identity of Qimonda express the philosophy and personality of the company, illustrating its vision and values. The word “Qimonda” carries different méanings and allows associations in different languages. In Chinese, “Qi” stands for bréathing and flowing energy, while “monda” denotes “world” in Latin-based languages. "Qi", when pronounced as a hard "k", suggests “key to the world”, a positive connotation.



Qimonda was among the first DRAM suppliers to transition a substantial portion of the manufacturing to 300 mm technology. Approximately 2/3 of the DRAM bits shipped are manufactured using 300 mm wafers [rujukan?].

On September 18th, 2006 Qimonda AG along with Nanya Technology Corporation announced the successful qualification of the 75 nm DRAM trench technology. Process structures of 75 nm further reduce chip size compared to the previous 90 nm technology thereby incréasing potential chip output per wafer by about 40 percent [1] Archived 2007-10-10 di Wayback Machine.

On November 1st, 2007 Qimonda AG announced shipment of first GDDR5 samples [2] Archived 2008-05-10 di Wayback Machine.



Qimonda has strategic alliances with Nanya Technology Corporation (e. g. the joint-venture Inotera), China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Venture Co., Ltd., SMIC, Winbond Electronics Corporation, IBM, Altis, AMD (keur produk grafis ATI), Toppan Photomasks, Spansion, jeung Sandisk.



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