Panarima ATSC, sering ogé disebut tuner ATSC atawa tuner HDTV, bisa narima siaran sinyal televisi digital (DTV) ngaliwatan udara ti stasiun TV di Amérika Kalér. Tuner nu siga kieu bisa diterapkeun dina televisi, VCR, pangrékam video digital, jeung set-top box nu nyayagakeun sababaraha tipe konéktor kaluaran audio/vidéo.

Sawangan téhnis


Istilah "tuner" nu disaruakeun jeung "panarima" sabenerna mah kurang merenah, da kawasna merenah kénéh lamun disebut panarima ATSC, sedengkeun tunerna sorangan, mangrupa bagéan tina panarima (tempo métonim). Pamancer ngabangkitkeun sinyal audio jeung vidéo (AV) nu diperlukeun keur televisi, sarta ngalakukeun sababaraha pagawéan: démodulasi, koréksi kasalahan, demultiplexing transport stream, dekomprési, konvéri analog ka digital, singkronisasi AV, sarta mormat deui media (media reformatting) sangkan cocog jeung asupan (input) nu optimal keur TV. Conto media reformatting kaasup: interlace ka progressive scan atawa sabalikna, résolusi gambar, konversi aspect ratio (16:9 ka atawa ti 4:3), konversi frame rate, katut scaling. Zooming mangrupa hiji conto tina parobahan resolusi. Ilaharna dipaké keur ngarobah gambar nu resolusina handap jadi hiji pidangan nu resolusina luhur.

Amanat Pamaréntah A.S


FCC geus ngaluarkeun amanat/parentah keur sakumna parabot nu asup ka AS [1] [2] [3]:

  • 1 Juli, 2005 sakabéh TV nu ukuran layarna leuwih ti 36" kudu nyadiakeun tuner DTV ATSC built-in
  • 1 Maret, 2006 sakabéh TV nu ukuran layarna leuwih ti 25" kudu nyadiakeun tuner DTV ATSC built-in
  • 1 Maret, 2007 sakabéh TV teu kawates ku ukuran layarna, sarta sakabéh parabot antarbeungeut nu maké tuner (VCR, pamuter/pangrekam DVD, DVR) kudu maké tuner DTV ATSC built-in
  Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun.

Mareuman siaran TV analog


Dina awal 2006, Deficit Reduction Act of 2005[4] became law, which calls for over-the-air television stations to céase their analog broadcasts by 2009-02-17 [5] (this cut-off date has been moved forward several times previously). Following that date, TVs and other equipment with legacy NTSC tuners would be unable to receive over-the-air broadcasts. This switch-off would cause tens of thousands of TVs to go dark and would cut off many lower-income viewers of their only source of television. A Congressional bill has authorized subsidizing converter boxes that would allow péople to receive the new digital broadcasts on their old TVs. The current plan[6] is to maké two $40 coupons available from 2008-01-01 through 2009-03-31 for éach household that relies exclusively on over-the-air television reception.


  1. "FCC INTRODUCES PHASE-IN PLAN FOR DTV TUNERS" (PDF). FCC. 2002-08-08. Diakses tanggal 2006-06-05. [tumbu nonaktif]
  2. "Requirements for Digital Television Receiving Capability" (PDF). FCC. 2005-11-08. Diakses tanggal 2006-06-05.  Archived 2006-04-20 di Wayback Machine
  3. "FCC Moves Up DTV Tuner Date, Broadens Scope". TWICE. 2005-11-21. Diakses tanggal 2006-08-30. 
  4. Pub. L. No. 109-171, 120 Stat. 4 (Feb. 8, 2006).
  5. "Senate approves 2009 for end of analog TV". MSNBC. 2005-11-04. Diakses tanggal 2006-06-05.  Section 3002 of the Act amends 47 U.S.C. section 309(j)(14) to provide for the February 17, 2009 deadline.
  6. "DTV Coupon Program NPRM". NTIA. 2006-07-20. Diakses tanggal 2006-09-13.  Archived 2006-09-22 di Wayback Machine

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