Deep Purple nyaéta grup musik hard rock asal Inggris anu dibentuk taun 1968 di Hertfordshire ku Chris Curtis, Jon Lord, jeung Ritchie Blackmore[1]. Awalna ieu grup dingaranan Roundabout, sedengkeun ngaran Deep Purple sorangan dicokot ti judul lagu anu pangdipikaresepna ku ninina Ritchie Blackmore[1]. Chris Curtis kaluar saacan ieu grup ngarilis album, tuluy Jon jeung Ritchie ngajakan Nick Simper, Rod Evans, jeung Ian Paice[1].

Deep Purple (2004), ti kénca ka katuhu, Roger Glover, Ian Paice, Ian Gillan, Don Airey jeung Steve Morse

Sababaraha ngaran musisi kasohor pernah jadi personil dina ieu grup, di antarana: dina posisi vokal aya David Coverdale jeung Joe Lynn Turner, sedengkeun di posisi bass aya Glenn Hughes jeung Tommy Bolin katut Joe Satriani dina posisi gitar[1]. Deep Purle geus naratas karirna salila 40 taun kalayan personil nu panganyarna nyaéta Ian Gillan (vokal), Steve Morse (gitar), Roger Glover (bass), Don Airey (keyboard), jeung Ian Paice (drum)[1]. Deep Purple pernah kacutat salaku the world's loudest band dina buku rékor dunya, guiness[1].

Diskografi Album


Deep Purple geus ngarilis loba album, di antarana:

  • Shades of Deep Purple (1968)
  • The Book Taliesyn (1968)
  • Deep Purple (1969)
  • Deep Purple in Rock (1970)
  • Fireball (1971)
  • Machine Head (1972)
  • Who Do We Think We Are (1973)
  • Burn (1974)
  • Stormbringer (1974)
  • Come Taste the Band (1975)
  • Perfect Strangers (1984)
  • The House of Blue Light (1987)
  • Slaves and Masters (1990)
  • The Rages On... (1993)
  • Purpendicular (1996)
  • Abandon (1998)
  • Bananas (2003)
  • Rapture of The Deep (2005)[2]
  • Now What?! (2013)
  • Infinite (2017)
  • Whoosh! (2020)
  • Turning to Crime (2021)
  • =1 (2024)


  1. a b c d e f Profil Deep (diaksés tanggal 29 Nopémber 2011)
  2. (en)Diskografi Album Deep Purple (diaksés tanggal 29 Nopémber 2011)