Daptar nagara dumasar GDP (nominal)
Artikel ieu kaasup daptar nagara di dunya dumasar kana gross domestic product (GDP), nila sakabéh barang tur jasa nu dihasilkeun ku éta nagara dina taun nu ditaliti. Nilai GDP dollar nu ditaksir di dieu diitung tina nilai tukeur mata uang boh dumasar kana pasar atawa pamaréntah.
Sumber: IMF (2005)
Di handap tabel taun 2005 keur sakabéh anggota International Monetary Fund (IMF), nu aya inpormasina. Data dina milyar dolar Amerika.
Catetan, teu kaasup Liberia, Somalia, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, jeung sababaraha nagara leutik di Eropa (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Vatican City) jeung Pasifik (Palau, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru sarta Tuvalu).
Rank | Country | GDP (millions of USD) |
— | World economy | 44,433,002 |
— | Uni Eropa | 13,446,050 |
1 | United States | 12,485,725 |
2 | Jepang | 4,571,314 |
3 | Germany | 2,797,343 |
4 | People's Republic of China Citakan:Fn | 2,224,811 |
5 | United Kingdom | 2,201,473 |
6 | France | 2,105,864 |
7 | Italy | 1,766,160 |
8 | Canada | 1,130,208 |
9 | Spain | 1,126,565 |
10 | South Korea | 793,070 |
11 | Brazil | 792,683 |
12 | India | 775,410 |
13 | Mexico | 768,437 |
14 | Russia | 766,180 |
15 | Australia | 707,992 |
16 | Netherlands | 625,271 |
17 | Belgium | 372,091 |
18 | Switzerland | 367,513 |
19 | Turkey | 362,461 |
20 | Sweden | 358,819 |
21 | Republic of China (Taiwan) | 346,141 |
22 | Saudi Arabia | 307,770 |
23 | Austria | 307,036 |
24 | Poland | 300,533 |
25 | Norway | 296,017 |
26 | Indonesia | 276,004 |
27 | Denmark | 259,746 |
28 | South Africa | 239,144 |
29 | Greece | 222,878 |
30 | Republic of Ireland | 199,722 |
31 | Iran | 196,409 |
32 | Finland | 193,491 |
33 | Portugal | 183,436 |
34 | Argentina | 181,662 |
35 | Hong Kong, PRC | 177,723 |
36 | Thailand | 168,774 |
37 | United Arab Emirates | 133,768 |
38 | Venezuela | 132,848 |
39 | Malaysia | 130,796 |
40 | Czech Republic | 123,603 |
41 | Israel | 123,526 |
42 | Colombia | 122,269 |
43 | Pakistan | 118,472 |
44 | Singapore | 117,882 |
45 | Chile | 113,956 |
46 | Hungary | 109,483 |
47 | New Zealand | 108,547 |
48 | Algeria | 102,026 |
49 | Nigeria | 99,147 |
50 | Romania | 98,566 |
51 | Philippines | 97,653 |
52 | Egypt | 93,045 |
53 | Ukraine | 81,664 |
54 | Peru | 78,576 |
55 | Kuwait | 74,598 |
56 | Bangladesh | 61,218 |
57 | Kazakhstan | 56,088 |
58 | Morocco | 51,986 |
59 | Vietnam | 50,900 |
60 | Slovakia | 46,763 |
61 | Libya | 38,735 |
62 | Qatar | 37,852 |
63 | Croatia | 37,553 |
64 | Luxembourg | 34,184 |
65 | Slovenia | 34,030 |
66 | Ecuador | 33,062 |
67 | Oman | 30,326 |
68 | Tunisia | 30,185 |
69 | Belarus | 29,566 |
70 | Dominican Republic | 29,209 |
71 | Angola | 28,860 |
72 | Sudan | 27,699 |
73 | Guatemala | 27,366 |
74 | Bulgaria | 26,719 |
75 | Syria | 26,442 |
76 | Serbia and Montenegro | 26,215 |
77 | Lithuania | 25,726 |
78 | Sri Lanka | 23,514 |
79 | Lebanon | 22,052 |
80 | Costa Rica | 19,782 |
81 | Kenya | 19,184 |
82 | Turkmenistan | 17,666 |
83 | Cameroon | 16,991 |
84 | El Salvador | 16,900 |
85 | Cyprus | 16,652 |
86 | Latvia | 16,648 |
87 | Côte d'Ivoire | 16,204 |
88 | Uruguay | 15,926 |
89 | Trinidad and Tobago | 15,870 |
90 | Iceland | 15,823 |
91 | Panama | 15,234 |
92 | Yemen | 15,193 |
93 | Estonia | 13,108 |
94 | Bahrain | 12,921 |
95 | Jordan | 12,861 |
96 | Azerbaijan | 12,561 |
97 | Tanzania | 12,167 |
98 | Uzbekistan | 11,685 |
99 | Ethiopia | 11,174 |
100 | Ghana | 10,694 |
101 | Jamaica | 9,730 |
102 | Bolivia | 9,650 |
103 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 9,425 |
104 | Botswana | 9,231 |
105 | Gabon | 8,917 |
106 | Uganda | 8,710 |
107 | Albania | 8,352 |
108 | Senegal | 8,332 |
109 | Honduras | 8,275 |
110 | Nepal | 7,516 |
111 | Paraguay | 7,247 |
112 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 7,169 |
113 | Afghanistan | 7,139 |
114 | Zambia | 7,066 |
115 | Equatorial Guinea | 6,752 |
116 | Mozambique | 6,728 |
117 | Brunei | 6,399 |
118 | Georgia | 6,398 |
119 | Mauritius | 6,233 |
120 | Namibia | 6,121 |
121 | The Bahamas | 6,020 |
122 | Republic of the Congo | 5,865 |
123 | Burkina Faso | 5,749 |
124 | Chad | 5,431 |
125 | Malta | 5,428 |
126 | Cambodia | 5,419 |
127 | Myanmar | 5,378 |
128 | Mali | 5,255 |
129 | Makédonia Kalér | 5,018 |
130 | Nicaragua | 5,008 |
131 | Madagascar | 4,713 |
132 | Zimbabwe | 4,491 |
133 | Benin | 4,425 |
134 | Haiti | 4,211 |
135 | Papua New Guinea | 3,960 |
136 | Armenia | 3,774 |
137 | Niger | 3,493 |
138 | Guinea | 3,296 |
139 | Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands | 3,204 |
140 | Barbados | 3,166 |
141 | Moldova | 2,976 |
142 | Fiji | 2,861 |
143 | Laos | 2,735 |
144 | Swaziland | 2,532 |
145 | Kyrgyzstan | 2,441 |
146 | Tajikistan | 2,311 |
147 | Rwanda | 2,133 |
148 | Togo | 2,114 |
149 | Malawi | 2,072 |
150 | Mauritania | 1,938 |
151 | Mongolia | 1,881 |
152 | Central African Republic | 1,381 |
153 | Suriname | 1,345 |
154 | Lesotho | 1,270 |
155 | Sierra Leone | 1,193 |
156 | Belize | 1,068 |
157 | Cape Verde | 993 |
158 | Eritrea | 954 |
159 | Antigua and Barbuda | 857 |
160 | Saint Lucia | 825 |
161 | Maldives | 817 |
162 | Bhutan | 812 |
163 | Burundi | 801 |
164 | Guyana | 782 |
165 | Djibouti | 702 |
166 | Seychelles | 694 |
167 | Grenada | 474 |
168 | The Gambia | 459 |
169 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 453 |
170 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 422 |
171 | Comoros | 370 |
172 | Timor-Leste | 355 |
173 | Samoa | 336 |
174 | Vanuatu | 332 |
175 | Guinea-Bissau | 288 |
176 | Solomon Islands | 288 |
177 | Dominica | 283 |
178 | Tonga | 219 |
179 | São Tomé and Príncipe | 70 |
180 | Kiribati | 63 |
- Citakan:Fnb Gambar teu kaasup wewengkon administrasi husus Hong Kong jeung Macau.
éditInternational Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2006 [1]
- World and EU, International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2006 [2]
Daptar dumasar kana buana
éditTempo oge
édit- List of countries by GDP estimates for 2006 (nominal)
- List of countries by GDP estimates for 2007 (nominal)
- List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - GDP at market or government official exchange rates per inhabitant
- List of countries by GDP (PPP) - GDP calculated at purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates
- List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - GDP at purchasing power parity exchange rates per inhabitant
- List of countries by past GDP (nominal) - for the yéars between 1998 and 2003
- List of countries by past GDP (PPP) - for the periods between 1 CE and 1998 CE
éditWikipedia Basa Inggris, Juli 2006.